Chapter 197 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

Chapter 197 - The Duel of the Soaring Phoenix - Part 1 The Mo Yong Clan. Despite having diminished in prominence compared to other martial arts clans, no one could deny that within the lands of Yodong, the Mo Yong Clan was the unrivaled sovereign faction, without any comparable sect or martial family to challenge their authority. The current Mo Yong Clan was divided into two pillars. The Soaring Dragon and the Soaring Phoenix. A place inhabited by a dragon that could not transform due to jealousy and envy, and a phoenix that tragically killed its mate. Now, the Mo Yong Clan was precariously balanced on the scales of dragon and phoenix. The Soaring Phoenix. A private practice area sequestered within the compound, where only the closest confidants were permitted entry. There, a woman stood, wielding her sword. If anyone were to see her for the first time, their thoughts might momentarily pause, overwhelmed by breathtaking beauty that could take one’s breath away. Even someone who had traversed the pugilist world all their life would proclaim her the most beautiful woman they had ever seen, and the connoisseurs of beauty would not hesitate in declaring her the foremost beauty within the martial world upon laying eyes on her. The name of the renowned number one beauty of the pugilist world was Mo Yong's Sang Ah. Dancing a sorrowful sword dance was the phoenix who had slain her husband. “Your progress is astounding, advancing by leaps and bounds each day.” The Master of the Soaring Phoenix watched the ceaseless training of Mo Yong's Sang Ah and could not help but exclaim in admiration. Such incredible progress was almost inconceivable. How many years did it take him to reach her level of expertise? He had never seen anyone accomplish such feats at her tender age. “I am far from proficient. How goes the task I assigned?” Mo Yong's Sang Ah asked with an indifferent expression, even though her sweat-drenched strands of hair clinging to her cheeks were tantalizingly captivating. “Our traders in Joseon have resumed the secretive ginseng trade after a year. They're currently conducting business in the border town of Chaekmun.” “Purchase the Joseon ginseng, then distribute it throughout the Central Plains using the businesses we've acquired.” “But…” The Master of the Soaring Phoenix hesitated as if he had some regrettable news to share. “What is it?” “There's been a serious complication.” —————— Joseon also regularly conducts official trade of ginseng. However, ginseng is a miraculous medicinal herb that enhances internal energy and invigorates vitality. The official trade amounts in Joseon could never meet the demand of the Central Plains. Thus, across the Amnok River by the Joseon border, there was always a regular, clandestine ginseng trade happening in Yodong. The profits from the ginseng smuggling were immense, enticing to any and all Joseon traders. For decades, a single family had dominated this secret trade. The Kang family from Joseon. The extinguished Kang family, originally from a minor bureaucratic lineage, started with small-scale smuggling and eventually dabbled in the concealed trade across the border, expanding their influence to the Central Plains, and ultimately monopolizing most of the ginseng distribution in Joseon. “They said they want to open trade with other parties?” Mo Yong's Sang Ah spoke as she headed towards the site of the covert ginseng trade together with the Master of the Soaring Phoenix. Trade with other parties? All the business dealings and business entities related to the clandestine ginseng trade in the Central Plains that the Kang family had previously operated were now under her control. She was the only one who could and should be able to handle all of the ginseng supply from Joseon - who else were they seeking out? “They are not satisfied with the price we offer.” “But I told them to offer the average market price, even giving them instructions to raise the price by up to twenty percent if negotiations get tough.” Mo Yong's Sang Ah glanced at the Master of the Soaring Phoenix with a hint of concern. “They are asking for double. And they will only provide thirty percent of the usual yearly amount.” “Double? Is there a shortage of ginseng on the Joseon side?” It was true that the ginseng smuggling from Joseon had come to a halt for a year due to a rebellion involving the Kang family, but there was still stock in the Central Plains. The situation did not call for an immediate payment at double the price. If the supply of ginseng had been cut off for a year, they would simply buy the backed-up year’s stock. Double the price? “No. They've appeared with a supply that would last for two years.” “There must be some hidden motive. Let's meet them first.” Mo Yong's Sang Ah and her entourage arrived at the village where the clandestine trade was taking place. As the group walked a short distance, they could see numerous crates of ginseng and a tent set up secretly among them catching their eye. As Mo Yong's Sang Ah and her entourage entered the tent where the Joseon traders and the traders from businesses acquired by the Mo Yong Clan had gathered, all eyes fixed on them, particularly on Mo Yong's Sang Ah. Especially a middle-aged man, who seemed to be the representative of the Joseon traders, couldn't tear his gaze away from her. “Such a breathtakingly beautiful woman! Her identity is clear at a glance. Make way! Our benefactor from the Joseon mercantile world has arrived!” The chief trader quickly regained his composure and welcomed her with excessive flattery. “A benefactor?” “Indeed, a benefactor! Thanks to the benefactor's grievance, we managed to completely wipe out those rats from the Kang family who had taken control of Joseon's trading circles. If not a benefactor, then what else?” The mood inside the tent chilled instantly at the trader's words. To so bluntly address the dark past of the Master of the Soaring Phoenix. Mo Yong's Sang Ah narrowed her eyes and fixed a piercing gaze on the man. Was he naturally oblivious to decency, or did he intentionally provoke her temper from the start? Her traders, knowing that a heated argument could lead to drawn swords and possibly bloodshed, were on edge and fidgeted anxiously. However, Mo Yong's Sang Ah was also the leader of a powerful group. Looking beyond the loss of a year and into the next, she would not fall for such minor provocations. “I've heard the discussions on my way here. Let's get straight to the point. I’ll pay thirty percent above the usual price. In exchange, hand over all of the stock.” Doubling the price was out of the question. But offering thirty percent over the usual could potentially satisfy both parties in the trade. Mo Yong's Sang Ah conceded one step to the man who had instigated the confrontation. “Wench. Do not overstep your bounds. The terms of the trade are ours to set since we hold the supply. Twice the usual rate. And we will only part with thirty percent of the amount.” “How dare...!” “My lord!” It was audacious for a Joseon trader, lowly and contemptible with black hair, to show disrespect to her lord. The tension inside the tent skyrocketed, and the other traders began to turn pale. Yet, Mo Yong's Sang Ah and the provoking trader remained unfazed. “I control the ginseng market of the Central Plains. Where do you intend to unload such a supply?" Mo Yong's Sang Ah raised her hand to restrain the Master of the Soaring Phoenix and addressed the trader. "Couldn't you just sell it to others in need of ginseng beyond Yodong, to the rest of the Central Plains?” “...Quite the grand scheme you have.” The words may have sounded like praise, but her voice was laced with sarcasm. Joseon ginseng is considered a divine medicine. A common merchant, not an official diplomatic envoy, plans to carry off a substance so coveted by both martial artists and commoners alike? Not just bandits, outlaws, and marauders, but even unscrupulous members of the orthodox sects could be tempted to draw their blades in secrecy. "Being aware of the dangers involved in traveling to the Central Plains, we will generously cover the cost of the escort. After all, wasn’t that the kind of deal the Kang family had with the Mo Yong Clan before?" "Don't get greedy for the ginseng; just quietly do the job of escorting.” Mo Yong's Sang Ah mulled over the words of the man who gathered the ginseng smuggling forces after the fall of the Kang family. ‘At this rate, I’ll lose control over the ginseng trade.’ Among the businesses she owned, many depended on securing ginseng to keep running. Mo Yong's Sang Ah held a man in her heart. 'Master.' Humiliation, she could endure. But what He left her, even self-offering His death, she simply could not lose at the hands of these scoundrels. The patience shown by Mo Yong's Sang Ah, the overlord of Yodong and the Master of the Soaring Phoenix, wasn’t for the sake of wealth but to preserve what the Master had left her. Mo Yong's Sang Ah opened her mouth to take one last step back in front of the oblivious traders. "I’ll add fifty percent to the standard price from previous years. I think that should be satisfactory without having to risk your heads." Mo Yong's Sang Ah said, not looking at the man in front, but to other Joseon traders at his side. The rate was fifty percent above the standard price. Even considering the cost, it was a substantial profit. There was a buzz inside the tent. However, the representative of the Joseon traders had enough control to settle the commotion. “We'll give forty percent of our stock. Let's be content with that.” “...Agreed.” "Miss! With that amount, all of our businesses will starve to death!” Mo Yong's Sang Ah's traders exclaimed in shock. Not able to procure ginseng for a year and now just forty percent? Of course, what they brought was worth two years, so they might manage today. But if the control slips away, future concessions will follow, foreseeing an obvious doom. "Traders, go out with the Master of the Soaring Phoenix and verify the quantity and quality." Mo Yong's Sang Ah disregarded the traders' opinions and had them sent outside. “Should have done that from the start. Now, let’s discuss the escort. If you sit by my side in my carriage, I’ll make sure to overpay you handsomely for the escort fee.” Was it the thrill of victory, or was his mind clouded by her beauty? The trader’s hand snaked across the table toward Mo Yong's Sang Ah’s white one, attempting to bring it to his. She flicked the man's hand away lightly. “I never said I’d serve as the escort.” “Then your businesses will starve, won’t they?” “……” “With me leading the ginseng trade from Joseon from now on, naturally, you ought to treat me well, right?” Mo Yong's Sang Ah looked at the man. Her fortune was undoubtedly vast, but not an endless goblin’s stick. Since the business entities had belonged to the Kang family, if they fail to receive a steady ginseng supply, it’s apparent many would perish. “If it’s with us, we would consider doing business even with the remnants of those Kang family traitors. Others would avoid trading with them altogether. Isn’t it better to have something good?” The trader inwardly smiled in satisfaction upon seeing Mo Yong's Sang Ah in deep thought. Just a little more intimidation, and he could make her sit beside him. The man extended his hand again, venomous as a serpent. This time, Mo Yong's Sang Ah slapped his hand away forcefully. "Foul wench! Alright, let’s see how long you can keep this up." The man contorted his face in rage, clutching his wrist, and bellowed with fury. He had meant to approach the big trade with an appreciation for luxuries and remain calm, but he had not remembered that intention since laying eyes on her. He couldn’t keep his composure since seeing her beauty upon entering the tent. "Miss. We've loaded all the ginseng." Mo Yong's Sang Ah stood up upon hearing the Master of the Soaring Phoenix’s report. "Do you intend to abandon the deal out of pride? Wench, as a senior in trade, let me teach you how to bend your pride.” "How would you advise?" A faint smile curled on Mo Yong's Sang Ah's lips, yet her smile was icy, as though placing a blade against a heart. She was too beautiful. The man lost his reason to her beauty, unaware of what her smile implied. No, he rather foolishly believed it was right to further provoke her. “Come on, take off your thick clothes, reveal your fair skin, and pour me some wine sitting by my side. A widow who has not even known her wedding night should serve me some drinks, it might be worth an extra five percent of the stock.” It was either the intoxication of victory or the blinding grace of Mo Yong's Sang Ah’s appearance that clouded his judgment. The man had clearly crossed a line. To mercilessly trample and mock a loser is something that might be done with a competitor, not with a trading partner. The icy smile of Mo Yong's Sang Ah that could pierce the heart was now directed at him. The business entity left by her Master. She must not ruin the deal. That’s why she endured the humiliation. She had conceded even to unreasonable bargaining because she was confident there would still be a profit. However, the man had touched on something that should never be touched, provoking someone who should never be provoked. In Mo Yong's Sang Ah’s heart, a rage boiled so hot it turned cold. "Master of the Soaring Phoenix." "Speak!" "Set fire to the remaining ginseng. All of it." She decided to kindle the flames of her cold fury.