Chapter 198 - The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

Chapter 198 - The Battle at Changbongjeon - Part 2 The reason he became the head of the ginseng smuggling operation was simple. He loved pleasure, couldn't resist beauty, and, despite being a rascal in his youth, he was the illegitimate son of a powerful and influential Joseon family. The merchants were concerned. They had to resume the illegal ginseng trade. However, due to a previous treason incident, the risk was too high. They needed a strong backing. A living power that could blind another power was necessary. That’s why he was chosen. As a condition for him to become the head of this expedition, the merchants conceded some of the rights and properties that belonged to the now defenseless Kang family. He used the power of the noble family and through the concessions given by the merchants, he had acquired significant wealth of the Kang family estate, behaving as if he had become a great merchant, but no one really cared. To not be overwhelmed in the merchants' battle of wits with those from the Mo Yong family, to threaten to seek new markets, and to decide on the final negotiations themselves once the table was set. That was all the merchants asked of him. In actuality, one's position does elevate the man, and upon arriving at Liaodong Fortress, he indeed conducted the trade with a cool head. Everything had gone awry the moment a woman named Mo Yong Sangah arrived. Was it because her beauty was enough to mesmerize all the Joseon merchants? Or because the man they had appointed to represent them couldn’t resist women, himself being a libertine? Whatever it was, what the Joseon merchants were facing now was ginseng engulfed in flames. --------------- In the midst of the firestorm. Amid the flames, burning like the world's most expensive kindling, a cold yet beautiful flower bloomed. "You wretch!!! What have you done!!! Everyone rush in and put out the fire!" The head of the ginseng smuggling expedition burst out of his tent, shouting with the other merchants. "Burn it all." With those words from Mo Yong Sangah, the merchants' actions turned into futile resistance. Even if they had an abundance of water nearby, even if they had enough people to extinguish the fire, what stood before them was the Patriarch of the Mo Yong family from Liaodong Fortress. "You wretch! To think someone who came to trade would threaten us with force like gangsters!" "Standing before you is the owner of the Changbongjeon branch of the Mo Yong family. Mo Yong Sangah." The one who came to trade is not a merchant. The one you insulted is not a powerless woman. The Patriarch of Liaodong, a family no one dares to oppose in Liaodong Fortress, the owner of the Changbongjeon branch, which dominates even the Mo Yong family. It was Mo Yong Sangah. Upon seeing her silhouette flicker in the raging flames, the merchants were reminded that she was the woman who had gained a notorious reputation as a villainess in the Central Plains. "Ugh! You will not get away with this! I will certainly tell the Joseon court..." "Ha! Go ahead and tell. Tell them that the ginseng burned in a fire during illegal trade." "Kkuk!" It was unauthorized trade. The strictly regulated illegal ginseng trade under the control of the authorities – if this issue resurfaced in court, everyone involved would surely lose their heads. "That witch who devoured her own husband is trying to swallow even the blood and sweat of Joseon people! Subdue the wench! If we capture her, all problems will be solved! Attack!" At the expedition leader's command, men in black appeared from somewhere. "What's going on? Who are these unknown warriors?" "Do not exacerbate the situation further!" "Why are you doing this? Was it even usable for something!" "If I return, I won't just stand idly by! Everyone stand down for now!" Who were these men in black? Why did they come here to fight? How did the situation get to this point? The Joseon merchants had a lot to say, but not wanting to fall victim to blind swords, they stepped back. With a smug smile, the expedition leader watched as about ten men in black drew their swords and approached. "Protect our Lord!" These were not ordinary men. The Master of Changbongjeon called out to his men with a tense voice. "I will handle this alone." "Miss!" Despite the Master of Changbongjeon's startled voice, Mo Yong Sangah calmly approached the men in black. The sword of the man in black reached her in an instant – a speed at which any other person's neck would have hit the ground. But Mo Yong Sangah easily deflected it with her own sword. Clink. The sound of the man’s sword clashing with Mo Yong Sangah's was not that of metal against metal, but as if kindling was disintegrating. Mo Yong Sangah flinched at the unexpected reaction, and other swords lunged towards her. But it was only for a moment. She deflected each of their swords in succession and widened the distance between her and the men in black. The men in black possessed exceptional skills, their swords carried a dark energy, and their identities were concealed beneath their covered bodies. Both Mo Yong Sangah and the anxious Master of Changbongjeon realized it wasn't difficult to identify them. "It's black arts! Miss! Protect the Miss at once!" "I'm fine. Stay back." Mo Yong Sangah's voice was calm. Was it a trap? Something had felt amiss. Was it the work of her brother, or was this man an agent of the Devil Sect? Mo Yong Sangah saw the dark energy ripple along the swords of the men in black. Rushing with a wave of black blades. Demonic sect followers with extraordinary skills descending upon her, but she did not show any sign of fear. It didn't matter. There was no need to worry. The villainess who killed her own husband now lived solely to slay them. In the midst of the fiery maelstrom, the dance of the phoenix to burn down the demonic sect followers was as beautiful as it was cruel. ------------------ "It makes no sense!" The representative of the Joseon expedition fell back on his haunches in surprise as he watched Mo Yong Sangah, having slain all the men in black, slowly advance toward him. "What is your relationship with these men?" As Mo Yong Sangah gestured towards the rolling severed heads, she looked down upon the man asking. "They, they're my bodyguards. Brought from Joseon... Joseon? No, the Central Plains...? The border...? Where was it? Where did we meet? Ugh?!" The man clutched his head as a sudden headache struck him. When had he hired these men? It was night. Right after crossing the border, someone came to us. They offered to give us the power to oppose the Mo Yong family. They wanted no payment. They promised to arrange a feast with a beautiful woman of the Central Plains. Follow us. It had been enjoyable. How had it been enjoyable...? He couldn't remember that night. Amidst excruciating pain, splitting his head, the man watched the woman drawing closer. Yes, the woman was beautiful. So stunningly beautiful. So enticing that he wanted to torment her, to make her his own, so much so that he could forget this place wasn't Joseon but the Central Plains, to the extent that he could forget he was in the midst of illegal trade. "Why would I? Huh?" Why? Why did I act that way? Black blood began to drip from the man's nose. 一 To incite lust for a beauty. That’s right, from now on you will... Who could it have been? As he fell to the cold ground, bleeding black blood, these were the last thoughts he had in this world. "You were struck by black arts." Was the culprit Mo Yong Bi? Mo Yong Sangah looked down at the dead man with a bitter expression. "Please save us. I beg you to save our lives!" At the word of the villainess from the Mo Yong family, their representative was dead. If things continued like this, they would all perish. The merchants, though savvy in business, were ignorant in martial arts, and the fear of death had paralyzed their reason, making it impossible for them to assess the situation clearly. "We will give you all the ginseng and money! Just, please, spare our lives!" Mo Yong Sangah watched indifferently as the merchants with black hair knelt, begging. She had her suspicions about what kind of black arts the man had fallen victim to. The kind of black magic that impairs impulse control, affects the brain, works only on the weak-minded and without inner strength, leading to death within a few days. It was something that only the followers of the Demonic Sect would do. However, Mo Yong Sangah had no intention of correcting their misunderstanding. She needed to make use of their fear. "Put the fire out!" Mo Yong Sangah raised her hand, signaling her subordinates to extinguish the fire. "Only about 30% has been burnt. Lucky! By good fortune!" Thanks to Mo Yong Sangah handling the Demonic Sect followers with ease and getting the situation under control, only about a third of the ginseng had been scorched. "Today's trade I will discount by 50% from the standard price." Mo Yong Sangah spoke to the merchants, who were relieved at the sight of the extinguished ginseng. "What?!" Half-price? It was unthinkable. The merchants were wide-eyed in shock. "I've suffered a loss because you burned my ginseng. You should naturally compensate for it." The merchants were bewildered by Mo Yong Sangah's bold demeanor. The scent of burnt ginseng they could smell was undoubtedly from the unsold ginseng. Her own? "How, how is this ginseng yours?" Without responding, Mo Yong Sangah once again raised her hand. The Changbongjeon warriors saw their leader's gesture and moved in unison. Those close to the ginseng carried torches, and those who were not gathered around their leader. They could become guests on a path of no return. At that moment, with an ominous premonition flickering among the merchants, a box filled with money was extended before them. Fire and money. Accept the money and be satisfied, or let all the ginseng burn. No one was foolish enough to misread Mo Yong Sangah's intent here, except for the libertine who died spilling black blood. "From now on, all ginseng that sets foot on Liaodong land belongs to me, Mo Yong Sangah." Mo Yong Sangah declared quietly. It was the moment she seized control of the illegal ginseng trade. -------------------------- "The ginseng traded at the border will be purchased solely by the Mo Yong family from now on." Late at night. The head of the merchants under Mo Yong Sangah, along with the Master of Changbongjeon, came and handed a paper containing the details of the negotiations among the merchants to their lord. "Well done." "However, the absurd price of a 50% discount might cause more problems." The majority of the Joseon ginseng smuggling passed through Liaodong land. No one had expressed dissatisfaction today, but the moment they feel money is more precious than life, complaints will erupt. The merchant spoke with a worried voice. "Adjust the prices as our relationship improves." Mo Yong Sangah, while perusing documents that needed her attention, replied. "Are you telling me to buy at a high price?" "Give priority to the trades that are favorable to us, offer them a higher price. Keep inciting division among them. Let them fight among themselves. Eventually, they'll be too distracted by the bait I've thrown to be angry with us." "Ha. You have truly opened my eyes. I will do as you command." The merchant left with a gratified smile. "Master of Changbongjeon. Is there anything else you wish to say?" Mo Yong Sangah, who did not leave with the merchant and saw her pleased Master, spoke up. "You held out very well today. As the days pass, you are becoming more and more suitable to be the head of the family. I'm sure Master Kang would be pleased." He had been threatened, entangled with the Demonic Sect followers. It was a situation in which he could order the slaughter of all the Joseon merchants. However, no needless blood was shed today. The Master of Changbongjeon was content. "...You must be tired. Go inside and rest." "Loyalty." The Master of Changbongjeon bowed to his lord and returned to his quarters. Mo Yong Sangah, sensing no one around, put down the documents and opened the window. The heart of the heavily guarded Changbongjeon was so still that not even the chirring of insects could be heard, and a cold and forlorn breeze brushed against her soft face. Mo Yong Sangah absentmindedly gazed up at the shimmering night sky. It had been a taxing day. She had become the master of a force dividing the Mo Yong family. Handling her subordinates, operating a group, she lived amidst countless plots, schemes, and assassinations. For a woman who simply loved the sword, these were days too burdensome to bear. "It's hard." She murmured with a plaintive voice, to someone who couldn't listen. If things had gone even slightly wrong, everything left by Sangong could have been endangered. "Sangong, I had a hard day today." She longed to rest her head against his broad chest and whisper about her day-to-day. She wanted to pout and look up at his face. But she couldn't. Because she had made it so. 一 "Master Kang would surely be pleased." The words left behind by the Master of Changbongjeon echoed hollowly in her heart. "I'm just struggling." How could she expect praise? She was merely struggling, fervently hoping to see his face just once when she eventually faced judgement. For the day she would stand before him, she struggled to avoid even one cold glance for not managing well what he had left behind. A chilly wind blew by. She gazed up at the sky, lost in melancholy. Her face, bathed in the moonlight, looked even more woeful tonight. Yet, there was no man to embrace her in her struggle—nor did she wish for one. The only man she longed to turn to was in the afterlife. Today, her notoriety only grew.