
EP.10 S1. The Prince, the Flower, and the Resistance -1 You awaken in a remote forest. "⋯⋯Was the dimensional shift successful?" It wasn't certain. This place was simply a forest, devoid of any meaningful difference from the world you once knew. Perhaps it was a failed spell, just a long-range teleportation, even if the magic had succeeded. But whether the magic had succeeded or not, The fact that you stood in the middle of the forest remained unchanged. You seem to have realized something. Was there something special around you? "The species of this tree only grows near the imperial capital. It was obtained under the orders of alchemists to commemorate the birthdays of the five emperors." Yes. According to your knowledge── This forest is not far from the imperial capital. It's unfortunate. If you had been dropped into the wilderness, survival would have been an immediate concern. But even a small forest is large enough to get lost in. There are no landmarks or well-trodden paths in sight, only occasional chirping of birds. Then, a sound you've never heard before reverberates. Wooooooom──! "⋯⋯." You crouch down, searching for the source of the noise. It's the sky. The vibration from the noise was emanating from the sky. The peculiar, oblong shape was emitting the sound as it streaked across the sky. It resembled a structure more than a living being. Its wings flapped and it spewed steam vigorously. It flew with many people on board toward the setting sun. "⋯⋯Is someone riding on it?" A structure flying through the sky. Ancient civilizations were said to possess such artifacts, but its design hinted at a sophistication not typical of ancient times. It even adopted the railing style currently in fashion in the empire. As you would come to know later, it was the essence of a magic engineering called a "Voidcraft." "Rather than aimlessly wandering this forest, it would be better to follow that⋯⋯ flying golem. That way, I can increase the chances of meeting people." You followed the Voidcraft through the forest. Its speed wasn't too fast, and with the noise so loud, you could somehow keep up. After about an hour of pursuit, tall ramparts came into view. It was the walls of the imperial capital, Crownhold. However, they were quite different from the image you remembered. Gold adorned various parts, and one side of the wall had collapsed. Signs of repairs were evident. Damage to the impregnable walls of Crownhold was surprising enough on its own. The real surprise was elsewhere. The flags. The flag hanging from the central tower of the stronghold wasn't the emblem of the royal family. It was a pattern you had never seen before in your life. As you well know, the emblem of the empire had not changed since its founding. "⋯⋯⋯⋯." You felt uneasy. The line to enter the city gates was long, and the guards were busy conducting searches. The style of the guards' armor also felt unfamiliar. Something was different from the empire you remembered. But having lived the life of a wilder in the forest, going back was not an option. You joined the queue inconspicuously, carefully. Then, numerous eyes fell on you. In particular, there were curious glances at your golden hair. Once their gaze landed on the proud golden locks, people expressed feelings of disdain, mockery, and even anger toward you. As if they were about to insult you at any moment. The reason people still didn't act brazenly was likely due to the imposing atmosphere you exuded. Unaccustomed to such disrespectful looks, a sense of boiling unrest rose within you. Born with noble blood and respected all your life, to be treated with contempt? It was unacceptable. To understand the reason, you observed your surroundings. People with lustrous golden hair were being treated as slaves. It was very odd. Whether the hair was light or dark, it was evidence of mingling with royal bloodlines── most people with golden hair were nobles in the empire. Why were these people with noble blood being treated as slaves? The answer to this mystery could be gleaned from the exchange with the guards. "Halt. Identify yourself. And where is your master?" "I am not a slave." The guard scoffed loudly. "If you're not a slave, then what, a stray dog? Just some dirty blond who still holds his head high." "Show some respect. My patience has its limits⋯⋯." "A slave acting insolent⋯⋯. Do you think your master's authority extends to you? No matter how high and mighty they are, you are just a lucky slave. Understand?" Sizzle. Sizzle. Pressing your forehead with a gauntleted hand, you couldn't help but shout. "Show some respect, guard! I am Idrid Crown, the second prince of the empire-!" Silence. A chilling silence descended. You thought it was due to the awe of your status forcing silence, but it wasn't. It was the calm before the storm, an unprecedented prelude to insult. Thud-! You were struck in the face. The humiliation was terrifying, and as your head reeled, when you were about to summon your magic to separate that damn guard's head from his body. You heard unbelievable words. "Even pretending to be the brat. Have you lost your mind?" "W-what⋯⋯?" "Sometimes there are delusional people living in their fantasies. Listen well, slave. The reason why the empire you are so proud of has crumbled, making your fellow countrymen grovel like slaves, is none other than the zeroth emperor, Idrid!" The empire, slavery, collapse, and the Zero Emperor. A spark ignited in your mind. The reason why those with golden and noble blood were being enslaved. The crumbling and poorly restored walls of the kingdom's capital, the vanished royal banners. And the epitome of a previously unseen technology, the Voidcraft. This was the future. As the one who ascended to emperorship, you had caused the empire to collapse. You⋯ felt dazed, as the surging guards pummeled you, your mind filled not with pain, but with countless 'whys.' Why had the once mighty empire fallen? Why was the cause of the empire's demise being attributed to you? Why was the reviled moniker of the Zero Emperor being associated with your name? Why, why, why⋯. You entered Crownhold, the imperial capital that had been reduced to rubble. Staggering, you gazed at the future Crownhold, filled with gears and steam. While the citizens strolled around cheerfully, the slaves with mixed-golden hair wore dejected expressions. Civilization had advanced, with clean streets and bright lampposts, but underneath the surface, things were dark. The sole comfort for your shocked self was the faintly glowing clock-shaped purple mark on your wrist. As the mage had promised⋯⋯ when the time came, you would be able to return to your original world. --------------------------------------------------------------- The past three days had been the most dreadful for Idrid, the second prince born of noble blood. In the future Crownhold, his status was at the lowest rung. Everyone regarded him not as a noble but as a slave, and he was constantly being beaten with batons. Hence, when walking the streets, he had to cover his golden hair with rags. Lacking the means to obtain even a simple cloth, he resorted to picking up a foul-smelling, discarded piece of fabric from the street. He couldn't find work either. Despite attempting to leverage his advanced skills in reading and writing, the merchants only offered paltry sums. However, these meaningless three days were not entirely in vain. Idrid gleaned various pieces of information as he wandered disconsolately. The empire had been defeated and occupied by an alliance of three kingdoms, forming the Kingdom Alliance. The captured nobles and aristocrats had been turned into slaves, and their children had suffered the same fate. The 'present' was a hundred years ahead of Idrid's time. The Kingdom Alliance was unpopular due to its tyranny. Among the lower classes, there were many yearning for the empire, and the remaining remnants of the empire were engaged in resistance activities. And⋯⋯. "⋯⋯⋯⋯." Idrid rolled up his sleeves to his elbows. The clock-shaped tattoo on his arm emitted a faint glow. The clock had markings from 0 to 3, and it was slowly dwindling. Idrid recalled the mage's words. Although it had been a mere three days ago, it felt like a distant past. "Three hours later in real time, I will call you back, Your Highness. I will leave a mark on your wrist so you can ascertain the return time. And I reiterate, fiction⋯⋯" Three hours later in real time. The future and the present were flowing differently. The markings on the clock tattoo were now just reaching 2. Translated⋯⋯ to six days. If he endured this dreadful future for just six more days, he would be able to return. "⋯⋯Darn it, damn." Leaning against a wall in the alley, Idrid buried his face in his hands. Compared to the agony of hunger and bodily pain, the pain of the soul was nothing. The fact that he had destroyed the empire was too agonizing. Also, the fact that those who had followed and served the empire were living as slaves. To aim for the emperor's seat, he needed to gather valuable information from the future Crownhold. From the nation's future trends to climate change. If by any chance he could also obtain the design schematics of the Voidcraft, it would be the icing on the cake. If he returned with a century's worth of technological advancement, his position as the emperor could be secured, regardless of how his mother and brother struggled. But what meaning did that hold, exactly? If he became the emperor, the empire would collapse. He would lead a life as good as dead. Once he returned, there would be no peering into the seat of the emperor but just quietly living. So⋯⋯. Zap! "──Ack!" A deluge struck Idrid's forehead. Raising his head, he saw a girl standing beyond the third-story window, tilting a bucket. Her wide blue eyes widened in surprise. "S-sorry! I didn't know anyone was here⋯⋯." "⋯⋯⋯⋯." "W-wait a moment!" Idrid clutched the rags to cover his head and rose from his spot. Getting doused with a deluge didn't tamper his composure in the least. Rather, he was determined to get out of the alley right then and there to avoid the nuisance. However. "Hup!" The girl clung to the wall with one hand and slid down, slipping over the ledge of the sidewalk! The air resistance ruffled her skirt and black hair as she descended. "⋯⋯?!" The girl landed in the alley in a flash. Then, she straightened her rumpled skirt and tidied up her disheveled hair. Her movements were supple and springy overall. "Ew, got soaked. Let's dry the clothes for a bit and go. I'll also give you a bowl of stew!" "No, I'm fine⋯⋯." "It's cold out, and if you stay wet, you might catch a cold. C'mon, then!" The girl grabbed Idrid's hand and led the way. Certainly, he might have resisted. However, the reason he didn't pry free from the girl's grip was that after these three days, he was experiencing 'kindness' for the first time.