Another World TRPG Game Master - Episode 14 (14/29) EP.14 S1. The Prince, the Flower, and the Resistance -4 "The chase is persistent. What's pursuing us?" "Mechanized troops. Their movements are augmented with cog mechanisms, so they don't tire. We need to shake them off... Irid?" "It's from that direction this time. What is it?" "We're running at full speed now, right...?" "I'm not so arrogant as to indulge in composure during a desperate situation." With each vault over a wall, Irid's breathing became more unstable. Ten minutes had passed since the pursuit began. Irid was already drenched in sweat. In contrast, not a single drop of sweat was visible on Centra's face. "Hmm... Irid, may I carry you?" "What?" "We might get caught. I can run a bit faster!" Irid's expression was suddenly filled with anguish. Useless pride is of no help in a crisis. But, but... Did he really have to endure the embarrassment of being carried away by a woman? Perhaps it would be better to let Centra go ahead, while he found a convenient place to hide nearby. "Apologies for later!" "Wait... Urgh!" But Centra's momentum outpaced Irid's hesitation. Cradling the inside of Irid's knees and back with her arms, Centra leaped forward in an instant. It was, in essence, a princess carry. ".........!!" Irid clenched his teeth and endured the soul-shaking shock. He started to belt out the empire's military anthem in his head, trying desperately to clear his mind. As Centra scooped up Irid into a princess carry, something large pressed against his chest and abdomen. The full-body tights were so thin that the soft texture was transmitted directly. Now was not the time to worry about being carried by a woman. ...Whether they would find themselves in an even more dire situation, that was the question! A blissfully precarious moment. Irid consciously focused on something else. Like the vigorous jolts every time Centra hopped... No. Not that. But on Centra's panther-like movements. Centra, following Irid's directions for shortcuts, used only her legs to hop over walls and obstacles. Her agility was impressive. And so was her stamina. Her sprint came to a brief halt at the rooftop of a building. A space between the buildings, wide enough for two carriages to pass through, was too large for a leap. Centra set Irid down for a moment. Irid, having been freed from both heaven and hell, wiped the sweat from his forehead and caught his breath. It was stimulation too intense for his heart. Now with a clear head, he began to plan their strategy. Just as Irid was about to suggest, 'Let's jump onto a passing carriage to hide.' Centra fired a grappling hook gun towards the opposite building. Whoosh! Click! The rope-tied hook secured itself on the spire across. After pulling the rope twice to ensure it was fastened properly, Centra turned to Irid with a smile. "Ready?" "...Are we going to cross over to that building like this?" "Of course!" "I'm ready." "It doesn't seem like it. If we're crossing together, you'll need to hold on, won't you?" Centra patted her waist. Irid realized he was about to plunge once more into a mixture of heaven and hell. "........." Feeling unfamiliar with the situation, Irid wrapped his arm around Centra's waist—for the first time in his life. They were incredibly close; so much so that he earnestly worried whether his pounding heartbeat would be heard. "Closer. Hold on tighter." Centra drew Irid's waist toward her with one arm. They were essentially embracing. The scent of rosemary brushed past Irid's nose. He felt dizzy. Centra whispered softly into Irid's ear. "Do you have a fear of heights?" "...No." "Then... How about experiencing the sensation of flying? It feels amazing!" "...Hmm." "Make sure to take a good look at the sky, and focus. Feel the wind brushing against your skin... and a touch of thrill!" With that, Centra pushed off lightly and leaped. For a moment, they were airborne, their bodies drawing a neat arc in the air. The wind whisked by. Their ears popped, and hair fluttered. Irid’s golden locks, previously covered by a burlap mask, were whisked away by the wind, but it wasn’t the time to worry about that. The sky was brilliantly blue, the rope action spine-tingling, and Centra’s laughing face was beautiful. I'll never forget this scene for as long as I live. That's what Irid thought, and he smiled. Just for that moment, he forgot all the worries that troubled his mind. He was genuinely free, if only briefly. And so their brief flight came to an end. --------------------------------------------------------------- The two found refuge in an old and dilapidated stable, intending to bide their time until the pursuers gave up and left. "How was it?" "... It was quite fun. I should have accepted when the Gold Tower Master offered to let me experience flight magic." "You know the Gold Tower Master?" "Yes. Well, not the current one, perhaps. The predecessor, or maybe the one before that." "...?" Eyes are the windows to the soul. Centra's clear eyes transparently revealed her emotions. It was pure curiosity. Irid, looking at her, couldn't help but laugh as if he saw a cat full of inquisitiveness. "Are you not going to tell me?" "No, I wasn't trying to get off the hook with laughter. I just smiled because you looked beautiful." "...Wh, what?! Aha, you say the darndest things..." Centra punched Irid's shoulder. It hurt as if he had been struck by a full swing of a wooden sword, but it was bearable. Seeing Centra's embarrassed expression filled his soul with satisfaction. Massaging his shoulder, Irid spoke calmly. "I am Irid, the Second Prince of the Empire. From 100 years ago." "100 years ago?!" "A genius wizard of the Purple Tower restored a dimension spell. I was testing it out. Didn't expect it would leap across time, not just dimensions... Will you believe me?" "Of course! I was surprised but... I honestly thought you looked familiar, like the portrait!" "So, my likeness remained?" "After the defeat, the Kingdom Alliance had this thing where they'd lay down portraits of Irid and let people trample on them to spare their lives..." "...No respect, even for a fallen enemy commander, huh. Tsk." "So, should I... refer to you as ‘Your Highness’?" "It's fine as is. Formalities are unnecessary—you could omit them. I don’t wish to hear them from you." "Understood, Irid. It’s amazing how many wonders this world holds!" As Centra’s eyes sparkled with wonder, a cold breeze passed, and she shivered. Irid grabbed a handful of straw and spread it over her like a blanket. "Is that outfit for Resistance activities?" "Ah, did you know?!" "It’s obvious from the documents." "Yes, the Resistance... indeed!" "How did that come to be? You don't seem the type to enjoy such things." "My father was the leader of the Resistance. After he passed away... the members said, 'You would be a good fit' and entrusted me with the leadership role. Well, that’s how it happened." Shadows crossed Centra’s face. Perhaps she felt the weight of leading the Resistance. Centra seemed genuinely happy when she was working at the inn. Her nature seemed better suited to everyday joy rather than struggle. "What will happen during the founding festival?" "Operation ‘Beer and Song’ will take place. It’s a strategy I devised." "Are you aiming to incite a riot with bootleg alcohol?" "What, what are you talking about! I believe that fighting and quarreling is somewhat... wrong. Mm. 'Beer and Song’ is a strategy involving singing with drunk people, a song with ridiculous lyrics about ending discrimination and persecution." "...Did all the Resistance members agree to it?" "It's split...? The more radical members really dislike it. Those neutral feel like it’s passing muster because I’m my father’s daughter." The Resistance that had survived the Kingdom Alliance thus far would not be full of soft people. They were undoubtedly prepared to see blood. The fact that such a moderate strategy was being pushed meant that Centra's father must have had enormous charisma, or... "I know, such a whimsical event won’t change anything." "But I know something else too. If we start an armed uprising, most of the people we'd harm would be the citizens. Those who would suffer would also be citizens. For a single group to take on a state is... like an egg striking a rock." "So at least, I wanted to try walking the right path." "I hope many people will reflect on their own thoughts at least once. To feel the desire to change a world where people are trampled upon as if slaves, where insults are hurled and swords drawn against each other." "'Beer and Song' is the result of those naive wishes." ...Perhaps there was the makings of a leader in Centra. She chose the right path even if it seemed playful and had high odds of failure, over a wrong one that might be more effective. Some might call her a fool for it... "I'll help you." "Really?!" "It's a silly plan, but... With my involvement, it'll be different. I'm destined to become the Emperor in the future." Even if the future me becomes the ‘Emperor of Collapse’ and announces the end of the empire. At least not now. At this moment, I am young, healthy, spirited... My heart is aflame now more than ever in my life. Thunk. Thunk. As the sound of footsteps approached the stable, Irid and Centra concealed themselves within the piled straw. It was as if they were alone in a cramped and dark space, facing each other. "...Will you live here forever?" Whisper, whisper. "...No, I am set to return on the day of the founding festival." "That's a bit... regrettable. Will we be able to meet again?" "Perhaps." "Then shall we make a promise? Between us." Out of the darkness, Centra's hand reached out. It found its landing place on Irid's thigh. Countless theories popped into Irid's mind about what this gesture could mean. Meanwhile, Centra, fumbling here and there, finally found her mark. It was Irid's hand. All the theories in his head were discarded. Centra pulled Irid's hand and interlocked their pinkie fingers. "When ‘Beer and Song’ is done and you have returned, if we ever meet again... Will you call out my name?" "...That's an odd request." "Will you promise?" "...Yes." --------------------------------------------------------------- "It’s almost time for the fireworks." "...Are you really going to do it? Your Highness, they said you were softer than you look..." "You just saw it. The determination of the Second Prince. If he takes TRPG that seriously... then I have no choice but to respond in earnest too!" "Did... did I try to stop it?" Whether or not the cowardly Tower Master steps back doesn't matter, my soul was ablaze with fervor. All this was merely preparation for the final happy ending scene. I am ready. Come what may── Second Prince Irid!