Ch 370

Two Moons – Chapter 11 “This is where the ceremony to elect the new leader of the Two Moons will be held.” Following her guidance, I was led to the spot intended for the ceremony and found myself in an entirely unexpected location. “Isn't this the pavilion we've visited occasionally?” Isn't this the pavilion we would go to for night walks or when she ran away? They said it was a den of thieves. I thought it was a secret place where if you called out the magic words, the bounty of 40 merits would fall into the laps of the bribers. “It does seem like a coincidence.” “Even the Two Moons must have recognized this pavilion for its beautiful scenery.” Perched on the pavilion's roof, the expansive view it offered was perfect for both surveillance and leisurely walks. “It seems we have some time left.” Did we arrive too early? The sun was lying across the river like a child gingerly dipping their toes into a cold bath. “Did you hear anything specific about the electing ceremony?” “I heard it's like some sort of test.” “No way? Are they changing the plan last minute?” It would be as unwelcome as a surprise pop quiz being graded by a professor. “Apparently, like with the demonic sects, it's more of a formality.” More likely a self-introduction, thief-style, like on the first day of school. Though self-introductions can be dreadful, as long as one doesn't declare disinterest in normal humans or suggest making friends with time-travelers and mutants, one could enjoy a typical thief's life uneventfully. “Are you nervous?” Her face is quite tense. Whether it's a test or a ceremony, at this final step, it's understandable. “No, it's not really like that.” “Or maybe because of Je-gal?” “I don’t get upset over silly things like that!” She replied, somewhat indignantly. “I didn't mean it that way.” I was only joking to lighten the mood. “Je-gal has also tolerated a lot because of me. She’s not the type to begrudge over something so trivial. If anything, if you hadn’t said much in that situation, I’d have commented myself.” Her eyes conveyed a depth of apology towards Je-gal. “Ha-ha. Is that so?” Indeed, the two of them have grown closer lately. The awkwardness between them has disappeared, and to onlookers, they might even seem like sisters. “Just...” “Just?” “I can’t help but feel what naturally comes out...” She mumbled, looking down at the roof shyly. “Ha-ha-ha.” “Ugh! This is why I didn’t want to say anything.” Her face flushed a bit, as if she'd been caught in one of my antics. “Come here. Let's sit and watch the sunset until it's time.” I patted the spot next to me on the roof, inviting her to join. She glanced between the spot and me, sighed softly, and sat down beside me. Before long, her head came to rest on my shoulder, and my arm naturally circled her waist. ** The sunset was underway. Silent, they watched the sun sink, sharing warmth. Though they had time to talk, neither felt the need to speak. Simply occupying the same space and moment with a loved one can dispel the anxiety and fears crowding the heart, replacing them with contentment and happiness. “We’ve seen the night view here, but this is the first time watching the sunset.” The man spoke only after a small smile appeared on the woman's face. “It's my first time too.” The sunset painted the river red and the sunlight shimmered beautifully along the water. Resting against her lover's shoulder, Im Ha-yeon etched this unforgettable scene into her memory. “It’s over now.” It has been a long journey. From Uisan's teahouses, passing through Ichang stores, journeying to Wuhuan inns, living the life of an uncatchable thief. The path to shedding the identity of a courtesan is reaching its end. “It’s just the beginning.” Lifting her head slightly, she met his reassuring gaze. “The beginning...?” “The life of you and me is just starting.” “Ooh.” How could he say something so piercingly heartfelt? A blush-tinted arrow struck her again, but she didn’t mind. Her heart was already a target meant only for him. “I managed to come this far, thanks to you.” “It’s because you are Ha-yeon. That's why you reached here.” As the sun sets and night falls, it seems like an ending, but it’s not. The sun rises again. Even after shedding the status that plagued her entire life, her lover remains by her side. Feeling his touch, she carefully intertwined her fingers with his. Hearing his heartbeat, she pressed her ear to his chest. It was quickening, and it made her happy. “That day, meeting you was the greatest fortune of my life.” Trembling in fear when she first stepped out into the world, the first man she met. The man who first offered her his hand. Even when she pushed it away, he laughed and extended it again. Bringing her meals with kindness, giving her presents as if they were nothing, teaching her how to live in the world. All of it was from this man. Perhaps her entire life was meant for meeting him. Im Ha-yeon looked up at the man who filled her heart completely. “I could come this far because I was with you, Ha-yeon. But there's still one last step.” With a bit of time still remaining, it wouldn’t hurt to create a special atmosphere. How he managed to leave her heart in turmoil and quietly slip away was a mystery, be it natural or deliberate. But it didn’t matter. How many days did she spend wandering, agonizing, loving this man? By now, she knew well how to get what she wanted from him. With a slightly pouty look, craving affection, she spread her arms towards him. “I get jealous too. Hold me.” He seemed surprised, paused for a moment staring at her, then gave a soft chuckle and opened his strong arms to embrace her. I should have asked him to hold me sooner. Im Ha-yeon relished the embrace. ** Was she feeling nervous after all? Naturally, anxiety was unavoidable. I could sense the subtle tremor of her steady but soft shoulders. “Ugh…” She separated herself from me once her trembling heart began to settle. “Hm?” “Somehow, I think I understand Je-gal’s feelings a bit more now.” She turned her head, speaking with a voice laced with lingering regret. “Ha-yeon, there’s just one more trial left.” “Yes.” She nodded and looked up at me. Her blue eyes, as vast as the sky, took me in. The pink-haired woman with eyes like a clear blue sky watched me intently. Beauty so overwhelming that one might never fully grow accustomed to it. Originally, she would have been Hubei’s most celebrated courtesan, but now I was the one indulging in her stunning presence. “Do you remember what happened on the rooftop?” Almost as if on impulse, I reached out to stroke her cheek. “When you said it was hard to offer answers due to so many issues between us?” “I gave you an answer not long after that. No, I mean what came after.” It was something we wanted to do after acknowledging each other's feelings. “After that? Ah!” Did she finally realize? Her blue eyes widened in an instant. “Remember now?” It was that time we almost let bursting emotions flow freely, halted only by a ridiculous misunderstanding. With a slightly mischievous grin, I asked her. “W-why are you bringing that up?” She stuttered, looking at me as my face moved closer. Did you think all I wanted was to hold the hand of the woman I gave my heart to? Why wouldn’t we have embraced after confirming our feelings? ‘If my self-control were to crumble once, it would be endless.’ She was a runaway courtesan, so touching her was forbidden. It could make things unnecessarily difficult. Though I wanted to show my affections more openly, I refrained for Ha-yeon's future. We've faced a mountain of challenges, and now there's only one hurdle remaining. Our faces had drawn close enough to feel each other’s breath. With affection, I asked her softly. “Would you like a courage spell that we use in Joseon?” “H-how long will it take?” “For as long as you want, Ha-yeon.” “Then… make it last.” It didn’t take long to bridge the gap between breaths. *********** “Ahem.” The seemingly endless courage spell continued until we heard an awkward cough from behind. In truth, both of us had realized that a Two Moons’ officer was present from the moment we started. However, separating two people once they were already alight with passion required the officer to intercede directly. Though they parted reluctantly, gazing longingly at each other's glistening lips, it was time to stop. “...” The lovers didn’t need to exchange words. Their faces were as red as the setting sun. “The ceremony will commence as soon as the sun sets. You, acting leader, should follow me to the ceremonial grounds.” If left unsaid, it seemed like they might prioritize something other than the election ritual. The Two Moons officer kept his thoughts to himself. “Ha-yeon.” “I’ve received enough courage for now. Wait for me.” “I’ll be waiting.” Kang Yun-ho nodded and followed the officer. She had indeed gathered enough courage. Im Ha-yeon didn’t watch him disappear from sight. Now was the time to look forward. ————– “The ceremony shall begin.” It felt like floating on clouds. At this moment, she thought she could walk on air. Im Ha-yeon touched her lips, deep in thought. “Who are they?” Darkness had settled over Wuhuan. Aside from one familiar officer, ten martial artists stood on the pavilion. “Ten officers of the Two Moons. They are also the top experts in agility and martial arts among us. They'll roam the night wearing white headbands.” Just as the officer mentioned, the warriors wore white headbands. “What should I do?” “You must capture their headbands. Those who lose the headband will pledge their loyalty to you on the spot.” “Are there any conditions for me to pass?” “There are none. If you fail to capture any headband before sunrise, even as the leader, you will not inspire loyalty but mistrust.” There was no failure. It was simply an opportunity to demonstrate the new leader’s abilities to the officers. “Will it start immediately?” “The moment the coin hits the ground after being tossed, they will move. You, acting leader, shall act as soon as the coin lands.” Im Ha-yeon stood on the roof of a tall pavilion overlooking the vast scenes of Wuhuan. She was to wait until the coin hit the ground, giving the martial arts masters a head start. Catching even one would be a miracle, yet demonstrating the capability befitting the new leader of the Two Moons was fitting. It was indeed a trial worthy of the Two Moons. “I have a question.” Im Ha-yeon glanced around at the officers as she asked. “Ask your question.” “How many did the former capture?” Asking about her father, the previous leader and the former guardian of the Two Moons. “Eight. The most in the history of the Two Moons.” Catching even two or three in a sprawling city like Wuhuan would be miraculous. Her father had captured eight. No wonder they remained loyal during his ten-year absence, patiently waiting for his return. “I see.” With a slight smirk, she nodded. “Are you aiming to challenge your predecessor?” A few officers frowned at her smile, voicing their thoughts. “Though you are his daughter, you should understand the magnitude of his accomplishments.” “We recognize the achievements of the acting leader, but don’t forget it is because of your lineage that you were accepted.” “Show respect! This is the leader elected after ten years of waiting.” “Hmm!” While most of the Two Moons officers agreed to her leadership, it didn't erase their loyalty to the former leader. Im Ha-yeon didn't even consider responding to those words. Instead, she simply closed her eyes. As if steadying herself before the final trial. Some marveled at the composure of the new leader, while others lamented her apparent lack of respect toward her father. The pavilion grew quiet, and the officer who had finished all preparations lifted the coin. “Let us begin.” The coin was tossed. Like the Yangtze River resolutely cutting across Wuhuan, the officers leapt from the pavilion, unwilling to be swept away like the water behind them, racing forward instead. Listening intently to the sound of the falling coin, Im Ha-yeon was lost in thought. ‘What if I had never met him? What would have happened then?’ As a runaway courtesan, she would have been captured. She wouldn't have been able to stop the leader of the thieves from being overthrown, living her life forever on the run. What would have happened next? Would she have found satisfaction as a courtesan? No. She would have cursed her fate repeatedly. Perhaps, without uncovering the truth, she’d still have turned to thievery to escape her label as a runaway courtesan. Despising her status as a lowly courtesan and a thief, she might have been trapped in what she never wanted to become. Im Ha-yeon's reflections were accurate. Her fate, if she hadn't met Kang Yun-ho, would have been exactly that. But she was different now. She’d cleared the misunderstanding regarding her father. She transformed into a noble thief instead of the despicable one she loathed. Alongside her lover, she faced and overcame adversity, learning to love everything she had acquired. Now, Im Ha-yeon was a warrior unburdened by doubt. “In that case.” The coin was still descending. “The questioning is over! It's already begun!” In that long yet brief moment, as the sound of the coin hitting the ground rang out, her eyes, accustomed to the dark, opened. Her feet, free of hesitation and doubt, moved. “What, what?” She already held one of the headbands in her hand. “If I catch all of them before sunrise, the ceremony will start immediately, right?” A single flower bloomed beautifully under the moonlight. The flower that should never have blossomed bore the name: Muyeong Shintu. Im Ha-yeon. The woman, acknowledged by the world for her extraordinary talent in martial arts, moved with unparalleled lightness.