Ch 371

Tu Moon - 12 "What a ruckus." The much-anticipated night had arrived. While it was a relief that his lover's promotion exams had begun, nighttime was also when the mafia surfaced. A distant cacophony from the downtown pleasure district reached his ears. Time to set aside the thrilling sensation still tingling from his lips and start moving. Her lover would soon return, promoted, and a celebration party needed to be arranged. "Allow me to escort you to the banquet hall." An executive from Tu Moon addressed him. "Is it nearby?" "No need to attract undue attention when Do Moon's men are on high alert. We've prepared a carriage." The executive gestured towards a carriage, which had somehow appeared without making a sound. It hadn't been there moments ago, so when did it arrive? 'The carriage seems suspicious.' Surely they aren't planning to kidnap him? He had no desire to turn Ha Yeon So Jeo's fortunate day into one of misery. While it might be baseless suspicion, he needed to be cautious with every move and intention. He fiddled with the hidden dagger in his sleeve. If things went awry, he'd escape immediately. He carefully surveyed the surroundings of the carriage. "Come on! We're not here to kidnap you, just hurry and get in!" A familiar face poked out impatiently from the coachman's seat. "Ma Moon Hyang Ju, is it?" --- "Gi Moon Hyang Ju suffered significant damage. There's overlap between Gi Moon's territory and Do Moon's. Even with precautions, it was too much to fend off the attack from Do Moon, which devoured six-tenths of Mu Han's forces." Ma Moon Hyang Ju briefly explained the current situation regarding Hao Moon. "Is Gi Moon Hyang Ju safe?" "Fortunately, Gi Moon managed to preserve his main forces and hide. Si Moon Hyang Ju is holding out at the main base." "And you, Ma Moon Hyang Ju?" "On my way to bring important figures to resolve this quickly. I heard you landed a heavy blow on the Do Moon leader earlier today?" Ma Moon Hyang Ju smiled appreciatively. "I got lucky." "Si Moon Hyang Ju heard the news and mentioned he’d treat you to a full course the next time you visit the guest house." "Haha." "If the new Tu Moon Hyang Ju emerges and the four Hyang Jus unite, Do Moon's power will crumble. The goal has become unattainable, and it’s clear to anyone which side to choose." "By tomorrow night, their struggles will be in vain." The finish line was finally in sight. Once crossed, he was ready to fully indulge in the lamentations of the defeated. "Be careful. Ten years ago, my son and grandson were lost to such futile struggles." "..." Ma Moon Hyang Ju’s emotionless advice struck deeply. "It was exasperating back then. Those who once ate one meal a day should have known contentment with three. All that bloodshed over a mere leadership position. I said it was time to wrap things up and move on if we could contain the situation." "Is the current Do Moon Hyang Ju becoming the leader related to something?" I had heard the current Do Moon Hyang Ju was once a disciple of the predecessor. It seemed prudent to root out internal strife, yet nothing was done. Why leave things unchecked? "It was my responsibility. I thought if I could bury my pain, perhaps they could bury theirs. Yet, as it turns out, a leopard doesn’t change its spots. Who knew they'd prepare for a decade?" "A haphazardly bandaged wound festers." Ma Moon Hyang Ju nodded heavily. "We've arrived. Fortunately, no pursuit." "Thank you for giving me a ride." "Had you not given it your all, we wouldn't have made it this far. So I intend to give my all this time too." The voice of Ma Moon Hyang Ju, worn by the world's hardships, held remarkable determination in his eyes, more so than anyone else. "I'll do my best as well." With a parting request to take care of the new Tu Moon Hyang Ju, he disappeared into the darkness once more. --- "The ceremony for Tu Moon Hyang Ju will end at sunrise. Please remain in the banquet hall until then." Following a member of Tu Moon, he arrived at a secluded mansion in Mu Han. Who would've thought the ceremony for Tu Moon Hyang Ju involved a martial-arts-style game of tag? Watching an elite acrobatic chase could've been a spectacle worth seeking out. Perhaps next time. "Quite a gathering, isn’t it?" Sighing at the missed opportunity, he scanned the expansive mansion. People inside the mansion whispered amongst themselves, occasionally glancing sidelong at him with growing curiosity. - "It's okay since he's an ally, right?” - "I'm not scared, they're the constable after all. If I get caught, my family won't eat." - "Why not get acquainted now? If you’re caught later, maybe they'll help you." With a hint of exasperation, he observed the band of thieves gathered there. If only the constables were brought over to arrest them, he could become the best constable in the region! "Ahem. It's the first election for Tu Moon Hyang Ju in more than a decade. The word spread across Hubei province." Had his gleaming ambition been noticed? The executive awkwardly cleared his throat before emphatically stating they had come to celebrate Ha Yeon So Jeo. Alright, alright. I won't arrest anyone. Not yet, anyway—I'll just remember their faces for later. "Is there anything specific you need me to do?" Noting the potential for future accomplishments, he asked. "Could you hold onto this?" The executive cautiously handed him a small wooden box from his coat. "What's this…a ring?" Inside was a thick ring, something one might expect to see in a fantasy setting. "When the Hyang Ju arrives, the disciples of Tu Moon will pour wine, which they brought, into the large wine vat there." Following the executive's pointing finger, he saw a large wine vat, big enough for Ha Yeon So Jeo to comfortably fit inside. "Wine?" "They pour their devotions into the offering for the new Tu Moon Hyang Ju, who will then drink from a large goblet." A goblet large enough to be called a pencil holder stood at the empty head table, awaiting the star of the celebrations. "The goblet is quite large." "Tu Moon Hyang Ju will then distribute the wine from the vat to the disciples, finalizing the ceremony." By taking a massive sip of devotion, the vat's symbolic content of loyalty becomes Tu Moon Hyang Ju's treasure. The Hyang Ju would pour his own wine for those gathered, declaring himself the undeniable master of Tu Moon. The executive carefully explained the meaning of the ceremony. Hao Moon—always the shades of the underworld. These age-old customs remain unchanged, no matter how the world evolves. “And this ring?” What’s it for? Surely it’s not something to be mixed in the wine. “It’s an heirloom ring symbolizing the authority of the Hyang Ju. To issue official orders or exercise rights as the Hyang Ju, you need the insignia of the ring.” I figured the ring's ornamentation was no ordinary design—it truly was an insignia. Wait a moment. If it’s Tu Moon Hyang Ju’s insignia, could it be— “So this is the one vote that Do Moon Hyang Ju coveted so much.” I remarked, gazing at the ring. It wasn’t just a symbolic gesture. “Stealing or forging the ring wouldn’t work, but indeed, a document stamped with this ring is required.” “Well, it’s a relief that when Yi Hyung disappeared, he left the ring behind.” Without the ring, they couldn’t have conducted the Tu Moon Hyang Ju ceremony. “Haha. Yes, that’s indeed the case.” The executive nodded with a sheepish smile. “What should I do with the ring?” “In the absence of the Hyang Ju, would you, as the deputy and in her stead, present the ring after the ceremony concludes?” I nodded willingly. As a proxy to the former heiress, and in truth, as the lover of the new Tu Moon Hyang Ju, it was the perfect final role to fulfill. ——— Mu Han is an incredibly vast city. Even a game of tag in a small playground takes time, let alone one set across the entire city of Mu Han. The time had already reached midnight, the moon hung high, but she was not what I was waiting for. I wouldn’t expect this game of tag to end before sunrise. It should truly go on. “How is this possible?” “What in the world?” “Has something gone awry?!” What’s going on? A commotion erupted at the entrance as people poured in. Perhaps a notable figure had arrived? Having little interest, I was about to turn away when— “Oh?” Parting through the throngs of Tu Moon members was someone stepping forward. Could I have been mistaken? It was a pink-haired woman I knew so well. The instant our eyes met— “You!” Ha Yeon So Jeo rushed over in an instant, her face beaming. “Ha Yeon So Jeo? Mm!” In that moment, the earlier longing was suddenly fulfilled. “I’m back.” Ha Yeon So Jeo announced her return, her face radiant with a smile. “What transpired? I heard the ceremony wouldn’t end until sunrise.” Morning had yet to arrive. The moon floated above, so how could she be back already? Had something unexpected occurred? “Well...” With a mischievous grin, she looked at me as if to say, guess. When had I last seen her make this expression? Ah! I remember now. It was when she'd prepared a delightful meal, and I asked who had cooked such a splendid dish. And her answer was probably... “What’s happening here!!!” I was about to inquire when an immense shout echoed from behind. “Did the executives conspire to hastily conclude the ceremony?!” “No matter how urgent the situation, there are things to rush and others not to!” “Daughter of the predecessor or not! This crosses far beyond any line!” “We acknowledge the new Tu Moon Hyang Ju's merit, but ignoring all protocol is another matter!” A pandemonium had erupted. Ha Yeon So Jeo and I exchanged glances before I watched as she stepped forward to face the Moon disciples. “Silence!” The executive who returned with Ha Yeon So Jeo swiftly quelled the uproar. “How can we remain quiet…!” “Look at the right hand of the Tu Moon Hyang Ju.” “Her right hand?” Every person in the room, myself included, turned their gaze to Im Ha Yeon’s right hand. “Here it is.” Ha Yeon So Jeo raised her right hand confidently. Clutched securely in her hand was a white headband., two, three. Four, five... “...Ten headbands?” In her hand were ten headbands, each belonging to the executives who participated in the ceremony. “Could it be?” Exasperation, astonishment, reverence—all eyes turned to Ha Yeon So Jeo, fused with myriad emotions. The headbands she claimed as her own—everyone in attendance understood their significance. The ten executives, firsthand witnesses of her prowess, approached her closely. “We swear allegiance to the new Tu Moon Hyang Ju!” They kneeled, pledging their loyalty to the new Tu Moon leader. “We pledge our allegiance to the new Tu Moon Hyang Ju!” Thuds echoed as more executives dropped to their knees, one after another. “We too pledge allegiance to the new Tu Moon Hyang Ju!” Even the astonished stragglers locked in place found themselves kneeling. At last, as the people of Tu Moon in the mansion knelt. “Let’s proceed with the remaining ceremony.” Her face, filled with warm affection moments ago, now bore the steadfast countenance of the Tu Moon Hyang Ju.