Ch 372

Tu Moon - 13 Now that everyone had acknowledged her, the remaining rituals were nothing more than superfluous formalities, but customs have their importance. Ha Yeon So downed a drink from a goblet bigger than a pencil holder in one go. 'With such a strong smell wafting from here, is she really okay?' How much alcohol can Ha Yeon So handle? We've shared a drink lightly before, but if we had drunk till the end, who knows where it might have taken us, so we never went through with it. Ha Yeon So staggered briefly, as if a sudden wave of intoxication had hit her, but then nodded as if to show she was alright. "Tu Moon Hyangju has accepted our loyalty and responsibility as lord. Now, disciples, step forward, kneel, and receive the drink offered by the lord." "Welcome to the new Tu Moon Hyangju!" "We pledge our loyalty!" "......We shall drink wholeheartedly." "Congratulations on achieving an unparalleled feat in the history of Tu Moon!" Everyone's drinking from large cups. That drink must be like a bomb; it's going to be a killer for tomorrow morning. Regardless of my concerned gaze, the goblets were already making their way around. Though no one explicitly mentioned it, they all understood the significance. Hubei Province's Tu Moon Hyangju. Mu Yeong Sin Tu. Lim Ha Yeon. Finally, our mission had reached its end. "In the midst of chaos, I have become Tu Moon Hyangju." Ha Yeon So slowly turned her head to locate me, sitting quietly in one corner. It's been long. You've endured a lot. With a gaze beyond words, we acknowledged one another. "In times of chaos, isn't it easier for us to take action?" "Hehahahaha!" Ha Yeon So chuckled mildly at the laughter in the crowd, and then resumed speaking with a serious expression. "I do not intend to overlook this chaos." "......." The only thing left now is to strike back. We will drive out Do Moon Hyangju and reclaim peace. That is what I believed. "To fight against Do Moon Hyangju... what?! Argh!" What was...? The goblet Ha Yeon So was holding fell. Her breathing became labored. Ha Yeon So was collapsing, and it felt like watching it happen in slow motion. "What? Tu Moon Hyangju! Argh!" "Argh!" "What are you... Argh!" "What, what's this?" Starting with Ha Yeon So, everyone in the manor was collapsing. I needed to check on Ha Yeon So's condition immediately. Just as I was about to dash over to Ha Yeon So. I made eye contact with a man clutching his chest yet showing no signs of pain, and at the same time, the door to the manor broke open. "Is everyone done? What's taking so long for the first round?" A relaxed voice resonated from behind. A voice I didn't want to hear but was locked in my mind entered as the manor's door was forced open. "Do Moon Hyangju?!" The voice's owner was none other than Do Moon Hyangju. ——– "Urgh! How did you...?" A henchman, struggling to stay upright, twisted his body and asked. "Let me share a trick to winning at gambling? You see, gambling isn't just about sleight of hand." With Do Moon Hyangju's words, one of the Tu Moon people who had fallen stood up with a grin. "I replaced the alcohol with poison we received. It was easy to mix into the foul-smelling chaos drink." "That's how you plant a defector." Do Moon Hyangju shrugged. Was there a traitor among the Tu Moon people who had come all the way from Hubei Province for today's induction ceremony? If it were ordinary alcohol, someone might have noticed from the taste, but with tens of kinds mixed together, no one sensed the poison. "You scum! Traitor! How can you call yourself one of Tu Moon?!" The henchman sent a murderous glare toward the traitor. "What loyalty and devotion among the Hao Mun? The die has already been cast." The traitor boldly walked over to stand behind Do Moon Hyangju. Right. What loyalty and devotion in Hao Mun? Normally, I'd nod at such words, but being directly betrayed is painfully harsh. "You bastard! Urgh!" The henchman screamed with veins bulging in his neck, then fell to one knee. "Don't get too excited. Too much excitement will only spread the poison faster. It's a particularly effective combination of sleep poison and anesthetic." Already those near Do Moon Hyangju from Tu Moon were unconscious on the ground. Thankfully, it's not a deadly poison. Why? Could it be he still hasn't given up? "What have you done! Do Moon Hyangju! Everything is already over." "Over? I've never stepped down from the board. On whose authority?" I need to assess the situation while Do Moon Hyangju is distracted. I didn't drink the alcohol due to my lack of obligation to swear loyalty. My health is intact. There are twenty of the enemy here. I feel the throwing weapon from the Tang clan in my sleeve. How many can I take down? Can the Tu Moon people assist me? "Ha! Even amidst this, someone still has rolling eyes." Suddenly I locked eyes with Do Moon Hyangju. "Capture him!" "Ugh!" I was subdued, dragged forward in front of Do Moon Hyangju. "Finally, I get to see that unpleasant face of yours. We've met before, haven't we? Though it's my first time." Do Moon Hyangju looked at me like a jackal that finally caught its prey, flicking his tongue. "...Damned bastard." No. He's a persistent one, or perhaps I should call him tenacious. I never imagined he'd attack amid all this. "Ha! Says who? It's the black-haired kids who hid their identity so well, right?" "Ugh!" Do Moon Hyangju's fist drove into my abdomen with force. "Hey. Barbarian. Who the hell are you?" He grabbed my bangs and pulled me to face those eyes gleaming with madness. "What?" "I've been waiting years to get this woman out of the way. Yet, she gets snatched up on the day of the raid. At Man Geum Trading House, Seocheon Security Agency, even Jegal's family. What makes her so special that she's got protection from all of them?" Do Moon Hyangju prodded the unconscious Ha Yeon So with his foot, who had been dragged over by my side. "Ugh!" "Ha Yeon So!" This is bad. Ha Yeon So drank the most poison today. She bit her lip, trying to stay conscious, but she couldn't get a grip on her senses. "When I had her captured at Gi Mun, they brought her back. I bribed Ja Po Do to arrest her, and she becomes the constable herself. She smashed all my plans to pieces, making a name for herself as a black-haired constable. How could I not be angry?" Do Moon Hyangju thumped his chest, as if he was the most wronged person in the world. “Why didn't you just give up instead of being so pathetic?” How many lives has this man's greed shattered? How many lives have been lost due to his madness? All because of this one man. “You irritating bastard! Do you think you're not miserable yourself? Hey! Tell me, is she your illegitimate child? Why are you risking your life to save her?” “You! Run... Argh!” Ha Yeon So managed to grab onto Do Moon Hyangju's foot but collapsed helplessly with a single kick. Rage surged from deep within my chest. I had to suppress it. Venting my anger now would only bring misery. Is there a way out? I must find one somehow. I notice Tu Moon's people who were previously still, subtly expelling the poison from their bodies. They just need a little more time. “Do you really need a grand reason to save someone you love?” I replied with cynicism but showed deeper passion in my eyes than any other. "You fool. When you're about to lose, even if you bet your wife, you should just back off." "Aren't you the one who shouldn't be talking?" Laughing at his arrogance for gaining the upper hand once, despite losing constantly, I let out a scoffing chuckle. “Khehehe. It’s true... isn't it? Khehehe.” Perhaps delighted by his last-minute victory, Do Moon Hyangju clutched his chest, laughing for a while. The movements of my allies, which had been shaky, were now gradually stabilizing. Just a little more. If I can stall a bit longer, I'll gain reinforcements. “Tu Moon Hyangju! There’s been an attack from Ma Moon!” One piece of good news bought us some more time. “Ha... That old geezer is really causing trouble. Hey! Grab that girl first.” Do Moon Hyangju held his forehead, pointing a finger at Lim Ha Yeon. “What should we do with this guy?” A Do Moon martial artist nudged me with the blade from its sheath. “Hey, this guy. Is he really Mu Yeong Sin Tu's sworn brother?” “Yes, he is.” The traitor nodded, leaving no room for doubt. “Damn it. Part of me wants to slit his throat right away... What to do with this guy...?” “Should we tie him up and take him?” Do Moon Hyangju circled me as if he was eyeing a delicious piece of roast, staring at me. Don't flinch. Feigning fear will only create the atmosphere he wants. Like a sprinter readying for a spurt, I carefully prepared to employ So Yoon Sim Sang Gyeol. Realizing I was unmoved, Do Moon Hyangju seemed to have an epiphany, clapped his hands once, and spoke. “Hold on?! Wouldn't Mu Yeong Sin Tu need proof that we have his daughter and sworn brother?” “Yes, it seems necessary.” “Maybe not his daughter, but then we can send one of the brother's arms as a warning, can't we?” A sword known for severing numerous wrists was drawn. “What? Oh! Uh, that should be fine! Grab his arm… Ah!” I mobilized my inner energy. I violently shook off the ones holding me. It begins with Okmyeonhoseongong. My hand slid like ice over their skin, grasping the neck of an enemy. “You son of a… Ack!” Twisting one of their necks, I immediately used Muyeong Simbeop. A weight-driven kick smashed into the jaw of an attacker from behind. “What's a barbarian got to do with…!” After disposing of two at once, I hurled a throwing dagger to create distance. Why aren't my allies moving? Is there still not enough time? I fidgeted with the concealed weapon. “Ha! You think you've got one up now? Everyone back off!” With a sneer, Do Moon Hyangju, brandishing a sword, pushed aside his underlings. “Hyangju!” “I'll deal with him myself.” Should I use my trump card? You wouldn't be able to distinguish friend from foe. Ha Yeon So could be hurt. If I use the trump card, what next? If Do Moon Hyangju survives, then what? “Ha?! Where are you looking?” Oh no! Too many thoughts. A blade aimed for my neck. I activated Okmyeonhoseongong to protect my neck as much as possible. Suddenly, the direction of the blade shifted. Damn it. He said he'd take my arm, didn’t he? “Too late…!” The sharp blade advanced towards my right hand. Could my arm withstand it? No, it can't. Imagining the gruesome possibilities, I clenched my teeth. But what I had envisioned didn't occur. It wasn't because Do Moon Hyangju stopped his sword. The blade was blocked. By another's sword. Startled, I looked upon the back of the sudden interloper. The man spoke to Do Moon Hyangju with a voice filled with fury. "What is this you're doing to another's sworn brother?" What? Whose sworn brother? "Ha! Who's this now." Do Moon Hyangju’s voice was rife with bewilderment. It was understandable. "Are you alright?" I raised my head, seeking the origin of the concerned voice. Though his hair was white, he wasn’t old. It was simply that grey had come early. Amongst the midlife man's white hair were clearly visible strands of pink. I couldn't believe it. This man. During my hardest times, he was someone who looked out for me, who stood by me as a conversation partner. Even when I was despised as a barbarian, he ate with me without hesitation, and worriedly inquired about my well-being. He was the one who extended an unhesitating hand of kindness. "Wang Ajusshi…?" The fabric merchant, Wang Ajusshi. Because he was the previous Mu Yeong Sin Tu.