Ch 373

Chapter 14: Tumun "Once the preparations are done, don’t worry about the thief; he’ll show up on his own, regardless of time or place." Doh Munhyang stepped back and pointed towards the new intruder with the tip of her sword before speaking. "Your foolish antics end here." Uncle Wang muttered in a low voice that seemed ready to cut everything down. Is this really Uncle Wang as I know him? He seems like a completely different person. "Alone? Will you manage?" As Doh Munhyang spoke, all the warriors drew their swords. The only allies standing here unscathed were Uncle Wang and me. Can the two of us handle nearly twenty enemies together? Should I try to stall for more time? While I was pondering, Uncle Wang suddenly seemed to blur completely. "Gah!" Almost simultaneously, one of the warriors from the Doh Mun collapsed, clutching his throat, and Uncle Wang reappeared in front of me. "One down." Uncle Wang… I didn’t see that at all. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who missed it as a look of bewilderment flashed across the faces of the Doh Mun warriors. "Ha… Even an old tiger’s claws remain sharp, it seems." Doh Munhyang sneered, glancing at her subordinate who had turned into a corpse in an instant. At that moment, the shoulder of the fallen warrior near Doh Munhyang twitched. Good. Here’s our chance! Judging by their movements, the warriors of Tumun seemed to have the same thought, as they sprung up in an instant and charged at the enemy. "Die! …Ugh!" "Stay down, will you. There’s always one or two who can’t grasp the situation." Did she know? Doh Munhyang swung her sword dismissively as if swatting a fly and cut down the warrior. So, Doh Munhyang’s martial skills are not ordinary either. To seize victory, I have no choice but to go one-on-one with Doh Munhyang while Uncle Wang handles the rest. Alright. Since almost twenty of them are here, I should tell them to take a number and wait their turn. "Lady Doh Munhyang!" "Tsk!" Thankfully, it wasn’t just the Doh Mun warriors waiting for their number. Tumun's warriors, having expelled the poison, were beginning to get back on their feet one by one. "Do you think you can leave here alive?" Time is on our side. Uncle Wang urged Doh Munhyang to surrender. "Of course, we can! I have a pass here, why wouldn’t I be able to?" With a confident smile, Doh Munhyang hoisted up a person who was lying unconscious at her feet. "Ugh…" "Hayeon, Miss!" Who is she holding? Just as I was about to throw my concealed weapon, Uncle Wang held me back with one hand and spoke. "Are you planning to use my daughter as a hostage?" "She's been a hostage for ten years. What difference does one more day make?" "Do you think you can escape my pursuit while taking my daughter with you, showing your back to me?" Uncle Wang’s sword gleamed bluish under the moonlight. Father-in-law, listen to that confidence in his voice. It's enough to make me want to shout, like a villain defeated, you’re all done! "That’s… true." Doh Munhyang nodded with a wry smile, seemingly acknowledging the truth. Yes, like a gambler feeling cornered, get ready for your end now. "Quietly… What is that?!" Doh Munhyang took out something round from her garment. What is it? A concealed weapon? As I paused momentarily to consider, Doh Munhyang grabbed Hayeon’s neck and shoved the thing into her mouth. "Mmph!" "What did you just feed her?!" "Something good for her! I had intended to take it after I became the master. The problem is it requires an antidote to go with it." "I suppose then we just need to search your corpse for it." Uncle Wang’s voice was murderous as he addressed Doh Munhyang. "And if I get caught, you’ll never find the antidote." "......" "At sunset today. In the tavern run by Doh Mun by the riverfront. Be sure to bring the seal ring, Tumun Master. See you tonight!" Acting as if she had no further business, Doh Munhyang turned and leisurely exited the residence. ———– Inside the residence, now devoid of intruders. "Ugh!" In response to Miss Hayeon’s pained groans, the two of us immediately sprang into action. "Hayeon! Hayeon! Please, stay with us! Hayeon!" Uncle Wang rushed forward in one stride, cradling Miss Hayeon desperately in his arms. "Master! This is terrible! I’ll call for a physician!" "Hayeon, Miss…" Closer now, as I gazed upon Hayeon’s face, it was in a dire state. Her face was as red as if painted with vermilion. Sweat poured from her forehead like rainfall. Hayeon's lips quivered uncontrollably. No way. My legs gave out. Collapsing onto my knees in a daze. My feet, shocked, remained still. Forcing myself to clench my teeth, I dragged myself toward her. My eyes met with Uncle Wang’s. His face was filled with sorrow as he handed her over to me. Her body was hot. As hot as burning coals. Her hands were as cold as ice, though. You’ve got to be kidding. We have struggled this far to change her destiny. Coming this far wasn't to see her in such a state. Overwhelmed with emotion, I held her tightly. "I know a skilled physician! I’ll take her to… hm?" Perhaps due to the aftermath of the battle. My body ached. It didn’t matter. She was the one in pain now… "Eh?" But why did only the parts of me that touched Hayeon sting like a bee? "You there! What on earth!" "Ehh? Eeeh?!" The poison was dissipating from Hayeon's body. ——- "Did you feed your daughter a miracle medicine and bring her here to boast?" In the inner chamber of the hall where events had calmed, a famous physician, whose name I’d heard even in Wuhua, asked us incredulously. "What are you talking about?" Uncle Wang inquired with wide eyes. "Did you not call me thinking it was poison, after feeding her a highly effective elixir?" "An elixir?" "Except for the Great Rejuvenation Pill and Supreme Clarity Pill, to which sects dedicate their entire prowess, all miracle elixirs generally have side effects." The physician sighed as though exasperated. "Side effects?" "Let’s see. The elixir seems to have a bit of a cold energy, so she might not let go of her husband at night." He glanced at who would be her husband with a knowing grin. "But consider her spouse, it seems the quantity may actually fall short. It shouldn’t be a problem…" "Stop mumbling to yourself and tell me what’s really going on!" "It’s like a blare in my ears! Name a medicine that isn’t also a poison. Her body might have grown slightly colder, but it’s manageable, and though there’s poison, it’s treatable. Then what’s left for a martial artist after some treatment?" Could it have been that the medicine Doh Munhyang administered was closer to a rare elixir than a poison? If it was truly a precious extract, kept carefully at hand, then Doh Munhyang must have been extremely cornered at that moment. "Surely that fiend didn’t give her a proper elixir…" Uncle Wang, please stop scrutinizing me with that suspicious look. It's a bit overwhelming. Although I did use a rather obscure method of treatment. ‘It’s been a while since my Deviator talent has done anything worthwhile.’ A spiritual totem practitioner—like a walking cure-all. Kang Yunho steps up to save the day, using the healing totem. The moment I saw the poison leaving Hayeon’s body, I understood what was happening. I need to use my ability quickly. After bluffing about my special method and casting a potent third healing for the night, I felt a grim intent behind me for a brief moment. But it didn't matter. The poison was vigorously expelled from Hayeon's body. ‘Thanks to my old writer’s life and rough new ventures, my reputation level must be significantly higher than before.’ Thanks to that, even before the physician arrived, Hayeon’s complexion had returned to normal. "The person who administered the drug said he has the antidote. Does that mean an antidote is not necessary?" I had no slick words to offer Uncle Wang. So I redirected my focus back to Hayeon. "Didn’t you bring me here because you couldn’t manage without the antidote?" "Yes, that’s correct." "Her system seems ready to accept the next dose. If she takes the antidote, it’ll immediately neutralize any remaining poison and enhance her internal power. But if the risk is too great, there’s another way." "What method might that be?" "She’ll just need to take the medicine I prescribe and rest for a while. With focused recuperation for a few years, the poison should dissipate." "Is it really as simple as taking medicine?" Uncle Wang, incredulous, questioned again. "Simple, you say! Most wealthy families would spend a fortune saving a child. Of course, you’re not worried because exchanging foundation stones is child’s play for you." "Hmm…" "I thought you’d become a ghost, showing up after 10 years, asking for salvation," the physician grumbled at Uncle Wang once the situation was settled. "My apologies." "No mind. It’s nice to see your face after so long. Your daughter will likely regain consciousness in half a day. Once treatment is completed, she'll possess internal power even the elite martial houses find hard to achieve." The physician instructed us to come for the ingredients in the morning and exited the residence. —– “Phew…” What a relief. With a deep sigh, I finally allowed myself to relax and sat down. Uncle Wang couldn’t take his eyes off his daughter, gazing intently at the unconscious Hayeon as if he hadn’t seen her for ages. ‘Where do I even start?’ I apologize, Uncle Wang. Since I took your letter of credit and went to the Hao Mun, I was threatened all over the place. Calling myself your sworn brother got me out of trouble, though somehow it led to a promised future with your daughter. ‘No, that’s too simplified.’ Hayeon fell for me, so I decided to accept her feelings. Or maybe I should emphasize my efforts that brought us here? While considering how to unravel this tale, I suddenly felt a gaze fixed upon me. "Is your ability to save my daughter part of your Deviator powers?" Uncle Wang very naturally asked about one of my greatest secrets. "What?" Only Sohee should know I’m a Deviator, right? Caught off guard by the unexpected question, my surprise showed. "You've been watched closely enough to know who travels with the Star of Misfortune, surely." Uncle Wang chuckled at my reaction. "You knew about that much?" "I heard from Cheonggija. Received some important information too, while I was at it." Uncle Wang’s gaze remained penetrating. "Important information?" "Nothing you need to worry about. Generous payment opens many mouths." So it was Cheonggija, not Sohee, who provided the intel. Understandably, I nodded. "How did you know to come here?" "With news spreading across Hubei about the righteous thief Wu Ying Shen Tu, how could I not? I met with Guo Jia of Yichang for details, then arrived in Wuhang not long ago." "So that's how it is." Nodding once more, a brief silence ensued. Given what he’s seen and heard, perhaps there’s little need for more explanation. Yet, sharing from my perspective still seemed preferable. As I weighed my words, Uncle Wang stood up. "Thank you for looking after my daughter in place of a no-good father like me. I’m uncertain how I should express my gratitude." Then, Uncle Wang knelt deeply, lowering his head to me. "Is that necessary between us? Besides, the situation is not fully resolved. Offering thanks can wait until all is settled." I simply intended to help in return for the assistance I received. Moreover, Doh Mun’s issues remain unresolved. Standing quickly, I offered a good-natured smile and helped Uncle Wang to his feet. "Indeed, it's not the time for this. We’ll celebrate our reunion once it’s all done." True, this is no time for leisure. It's a good thing Uncle Wang has a rough grasp of the situation, granting me time to speak on other matters. Outside, the inner conflict within Hao Mun was at its peak, demanding action to quell the chaos. Looking at Uncle Wang, I began preparing to outline our plan. "Father-in-law." Uncle Wang’s brow twitched at the word. Why isn’t he responding? I tried again. "Father-in—" His brow twitched, more like a squirming worm than a simple twitch. Could this be…? "Perhaps I should continue with Uncle Wang?" "You can call me Brother Wang. After meeting my daughter again after ten years, I think I need more time to get used to the idea of being a father-in-law." Finally, Uncle Wang responded with a smile. "Not at all. I apologize for calling myself your sworn brother in that crisis. It was a desperate situation." Rather than engage in a power struggle with my future father-in-law, I decided to swap titles, subtly emphasizing that I had no choice but to fib in the moment. "Considering all you’ve done, I wouldn't be bothered by something like that. I could have forgiven anything you might have said," Uncle Wang laughed, patting my shoulder as if to reassure me. Truly? Forgive anything? "In that case, Father-in-law." I launched another surprise attack with the title. His face flashed with the look of someone caught off guard. Hohoho. Let’s accept it and move forward. After all, I was the one who saved Miss Hayeon again this time. Where else will you find a son-in-law like me? "…Does my daughter know about your association with the Star of Misfortune?" An unexpected counterattack struck straight to my heart. "Brother Wang…" "Brother Kang." And so, as true sworn brothers of the Hao Mun, transcending the age gap, we clasped hands with smiling faces, reaching a dramatic agreement.