Doomoon – 1 "What do you plan to do now?" Although we managed to avert Ha Yeon's crisis, outside, the internal conflict within the Hao Moon is still raging. After reaching a dramatic agreement with Jang In Eo Reun, we began discussing future plans. "…In my heart, I wish to just disappear with my daughter." Wang sat by the bedside, gazing sorrowfully at his unconscious daughter as he answered. "Wang." "I know. I understand that if I were to run away now, all the efforts you and my daughter have made would be in vain. It's just… meeting her like this after ten years makes me sigh." "I understand. I've brought this up several times when Lady Ha Yeon was in danger. Each time, she flatly refused." "Yes. What would be different if we ran away now? And…" Wang slowly nodded and then looked at me with a faint smile. "…?" "Do you think this child would leave you behind?" "Haha… That reason played a significant role indeed." I nodded with an embarrassed smile. "Your lack of denial is aggravating, but it's frustrating to find no solution." Wang laughed a little, as if slightly irritated, and then got up from his seat. "Hahaha." "Indeed. If we disappeared now, who knows where that madman might rampage to; the subordinates outside also seem pitiful, and honestly, I want to resolve the last ten years, and…" Wang frowned as he looked out the window. "Is there something more you desire?" "I want to procure the antidote for my daughter." "That is too dangerous." I replied instantly with a stern face. It's not imperative to have the antidote. Even if Lady Ha Yeon suffers for a few years, if she can be healed with other medicine, there's no need to take unnecessary risks. Moreover, after confirming that the power of the Heaven-defying Cultivator works, as it did with Hwa Rin, it's better to stop her from activities and have her recuperate while occasionally assisting with my work. I conveyed my opinion, but Wang just shook his head. "What father can stand by unaffected while his daughter suffers? What father would like to see his child suffer for years because of him when he hasn't even done anything for her?" "Wang." "Of course, I don't plan to make that madman the leader. We need to find another way. Speaking of which…" Wang cautiously looked around and then at me. "Yes?" Is there something else he wants to ask? As I waited for Wang's next words, an unexpected question emerged. "Where is that child, Cheon Sa-seong?" "Due to unavoidable circumstances, we parted ways temporarily." "That's a pity. If she were here, we could've received some help." Wang sighed regretfully. Wang, you might not be aware, but certainly, having So Hee alone would more than suffice, force-wise. So Hee could suddenly appear, and maybe everything could be resolved. 'The problem is whether So Hee can accept Lady Ha Yeon or Lady Je Gal.' So Hee, you know your brother loves you, right? What are the women behind you then? That's life's greatest crisis coming. 'Is there a way to procure Lady Ha Yeon's antidote?' If only I could obtain the antidote, years of recuperation wouldn't be necessary. Her martial arts would likely grow even stronger, and her cultivation, without any rare elixirs, would increase dramatically. The problem is that the risk is too high… While deep in thought, someone from Tu Mun opened the door. "Previous Tu Mun Lord, the conscious disciples wish to see you." "Let's step out for a moment." I nodded and stepped outside the room. ————– "Master!" Upon stepping outside, the martial artists of Tu Mun, who had expelled the poison, knelt and waited for us. "Your Lord lies inside." With a snort, Wang pointed inside the room with his finger as he answered. "Then please punish me as the previous Lord! The one who betrayed us was personally invited by me from afar!" "No, it was with me that he came! Had I caught on to his schemes with the Doomoon, this would not have happened!" "It's our collective fault for failing to assist the Tu Mun Lord!" Wang sighed deeply and looked over the kneeling martial artists of Tu Mun before waving his hand dismissively as if it was all bothersome. "Enough. In fact, it's more remarkable that only one person betrayed us during the ten years I disappeared." "Master!" "I'm not your Lord anymore. I will seek the antidote, so serve my daughter well when the new Tu Mun Lord arises." Wang turned his body, facing the direction of the river. Was he really planning to go alone to find the Doomoon Lord without a plan? I hurried to stop him, but the other disciples moved faster. "If you go like this, it'll be dangerous!" "Step aside. You're in my way." Wang's voice was firm. "Wang." "Yes?" When I called, Wang, who didn't even flinch at the disciples' words, turned his head to look at me. "Do you really have to get the antidote?" "Does it look foolish for a worthless father to risk his life for his daughter?" His eyes were burning with anger. A father's mouth, unable even to converse with his daughter after ten years, was tightly shut in sorrow. Could I stop him? No. What I should say to Jang In Eo Reun isn’t to dissuade him. "Would you allow an incompetent son-in-law to lend a hand?" Jang In Eo Reun looked at me in surprise. After all, a son-in-law should stand by his father-in-law. While I didn’t show it, my heart was burning with rage just as much as his. "Do you have a good strategy?" I nodded and surveyed our surroundings. We still had time. Though the black water was receding from the sky, the sun had not yet risen. "Yes. For that, we'll need everyone's help." Fueled by anger, I began laying out my plan. ——————– "We have a welcome face visiting." With the first light of day, we secretly reached the place where the community leaders had gathered. "It's been a while, Gi Mun Lord. It seems as though I'm the only one who's aged." Upon seeing the face of the Gi Mun Lord, Wang was momentarily taken aback, but then he smiled faintly and greeted him. It was truly remarkable. The youngest among us, the Si Mun Lord, appeared to be in her late forties, yet the Gi Mun Lord seemed to be only in his late twenties at best. "Mu Yeong Shin Tu? Or is it former now? It's curious to see a face I thought I'd never see again. Perhaps that's the reward for living long." "It’s been a while, Si Mun Lord." The Si Mun Lord greeted us warmly as well. "My dear, there are faces missing that ought to be here. Could you tell us what's happened?" The Gi Mun Lord observed as Wang briefly reunited with the other Lords, then gestured to the empty seat beside me with a concerned look. "Gi Mun Lord. That is…" I proceeded to explain the events of the previous night to the Lords gathered there. "They used poison? Even knowing you've become the new Lord of Tu Mun? That madman has truly gone too far!" "That madman suggested we meet tonight." Wang replied with a bitter expression. "Tonight?" "I heard Gi Mun suffered greatly. Can you offer any assistance?" "I've saved enough power to crush that fool’s head." The pipe held by the Gi Mun Lord trembled with fury. "Ma Mun managed to cause damage to the Doomoon last night during the attack. The problem is, we also suffered significant losses on our side." "Si Mun conserved its strength thanks to fortifications, but how many among the younger generation can truly wield a sword? In terms of strength, we might be similar to the current Ma Mun or Gi Mun." "Tu Mun can only use the subordinates who managed to expel the poison." "The situation is far from easy." Doomoon has swallowed up 60% of the influence within Hubei Province purely on a strategic level. With the fractionated defeats and severe damage, even combining forces might not suffice. "The madman has been preparing for over a decade. Under normal circumstances, Doomoon alone could handle all the rest." The Si Mun Lord shrugged her shoulders. "Normally, you say?" So it implies that things are different now? Might there be some good news? When I looked at the Si Mun Lord with surprise, the other Lords exchanged faint smiles while looking at me. What is going on? The Si Mun Lord spoke with a smile. "It's because a certain gifted hero accomplished what none of the gathered Lords could." She approached, patting my shoulder. Ah, they were referring to last night's tactic where Doomoon's martial artists fell into the formation and were soundly defeated. A large number were eliminated in an instant, which indeed inflicted heavy losses. "It was merely luck. Without the Lords' efforts, how could we have trapped Doomoon’s forces?" "No need for humility. Thanks to you, Doomoon’s main force suffered severe damage. We might stand a fighting chance now." "But wouldn’t that just lead to mutual destruction? Regardless of who wins, the influence of Hao Moon would vanish from Hubei Province." "Unfortunately, yes. We barely managed to carve out a foothold amidst the orderly ones, only for it to potentially end in my generation." The Si Mun Lord sighed exaggeratedly in agreement with Ma Mun Lord's words. "The righteous ones will be thrilled. One unorthodox sect aiming to expand into the northern territories evaporated." The Gi Mun Lord took a deep drag from his pipe, murmuring in lament. "With four Lords gathered, if you officially declare you do not support the Doomoon Lord, could the forces not be disbanded?" Our original plan was to resolve the situation by installing Lady Ha Yeon as the Tu Mun Lord before an internal conflict erupted. Can’t we still proceed with that? I asked the Si Mun Lord. "In the end, it would indeed lead to disbandment. If an internal conflict hadn't erupted, it would have been resolved easily. However, with the conflict already underway, timing is the issue." "What do you mean by timing?" "There's the civil war, plus the poison to the Lord. It's an act that far surpasses any line. We must consider where a madman’s rage might next be directed." The Gi Mun Lord watched the smoke from his pipe scatter into the air, leaving a dense, lingering tobacco scent, reminiscent of the Doomoon Lord himself. "A gambler who loses everything has only two choices at the gambling table: draw a knife to kill or be killed." "Unfortunately, the point of that knife is currently aimed at us." "Going through with the conflict results in mutual destruction. Avoid the war, and hide, but Hao Moon will still incur massive damages." "……." A heavy silence hung among the Lords. There was no good solution either way. Even if we confront them to avoid being victims, Doomoon's power is overwhelming. The best-case scenario results in mutual destruction. Faced with the grim reality, no one lifted their gaze, maintaining a burdensome silence. Everyone knew the outcome would be bleak, yet they had no remedy—this stifling, sticky atmosphere had to break. It's precisely the moment to introduce what we'd prepared. "What if, hypothetically speaking." When I spoke, all eyes turned to me. "Hmm?" I put strength into my voice, ensuring they feel confidence. Meeting each Lord's gaze with determined resolve, I continued. "If there were a way to end all of this, would you completely support my plan?" There is a path to victory. I declared with assuredness. Wang, who had already heard my proposal, nodded in support, facing the Lords. "It's thanks to your wisdom that we've reached this point today. Following you once more should not be difficult." The Gi Mun Lord stared intently at me, offering a small smile as he spoke. "Seems like the Gi Mun Lord’s been trying to slyly butter up the youngest member. As if he doesn’t realize I found this unpolished gem and polished him up." "How could I forget the grace of the Si Mun Lord?" "Do as you please, youngin’. Those of us at the top should trust in our subordinates’ abilities." "Ma Mun will not cut corners this time either." "I trust you, and my daughter considers you as part of herself; how could I doubt you?" Standing amongst the Lords, I was met with looks of trust and confidence. 'Finally, we've reached this point.' Over the past ten days, I pondered countless times in solitude for this very day. What if, after executing the plan we've been preparing, the Doomoon Lord still runs rampant? How can I ensure the best possible outcome? "Then, let me share my plan." The pieces were in place. It was time to bring this to a conclusion.