Do Mun – 2 "Are you still not fully conscious?" It feels like being underwater in a serene lake, unable to find the surface. Im Ha Yeon's disoriented mind strained to listen to the voices around her. "The doctor said she'll wake up soon." A voice she wished would whisper to her every day reached her ears. Somehow, the surroundings felt noisy. "We've done all we can. The pavilion Do Mun Hyang Ju wanted to meet at is nearby, so let's wait a bit more." A very familiar voice. A voice tucked away in her memories. Im Ha Yeon tried to trace this concerned voice back to some distant memory, but her drifting consciousness couldn't retrieve anything coherent. "Time is running short. We need to get into the carriage soon." "I'll carry her." "I’ll take her. Even if she wakes up in an unfamiliar place, she won’t be alarmed if I’m by her side." "Then, let it be so." Im Ha Yeon's body was lifted onto someone's sturdy back. Perhaps due to her sudden movement, her mind, which was trying to sink back into the darkness, began to stir. "Ugh, where...where am I?" As Im Ha Yeon managed to open her eyes, she saw a strong back. She was being carried. Who is it? As she weakly moved her head, she saw familiar black hair. "Ha Yeon? Are you awake?" "M-my body feels strange." Im Ha Yeon tried to recall why she felt this way. Ever since she drank, her memories were hazy. Only fragmented pieces remained. Her whole body felt dominated by exhaustion and fatigue, leaving her aching and lethargic. "You've been poisoned. We managed to detoxify it, but traces of poison remain. Are you in much pain?" "I can endure it." Im Ha Yeon nodded, struggling to remember the moment she had been poisoned. "That's a relief. We are currently on our way to see Do Mun Hyang Ju." "...What?" The unexpected news brought her blurry mind to the surface. "There’s no time to explain everything. Ha Yeon, you must trust me completely from now on if we are to resolve everything that's about to happen." "...." Her lover’s urgent voice knocked on her hazy thoughts. As she lay slung over his back, the door opened and she saw the outside world. The sunset was already tinting the Yangtze River in hues of crimson. How much time had passed? What on earth had happened? She couldn't begin to grasp the current situation. "Where do I even start explaining..." She could hear the pounding of his heart. His face, unusually anxious. There surely was something significant at play. Even though her mind was still muddled with poison, Im Ha Yeon could muster the strength to call out to her anxious lover. "You." "Hm?" Im Ha Yeon rested her chin wearily on his shoulder and gave a feeble smile. "Stay calm. Whatever you say, I’ll trust and follow you." "Did it show?" Kang Yun Ho's eyes widened slightly in surprise but then softened with a smile. Im Ha Yeon found his face irresistibly lovely, so she brought her lips to his cheek. "I’m your Ha Yeon. Just tell me what to do, skip the whys." "Ha Yeon..." She could trust in his plan and follow along. Even if it had flaws, filling those gaps was her role to play. They had faced countless crises, solidifying their trust into a bond no one could break. Im Ha Yeon brought her lips to his moved expression once more. It wasn’t enough. The poison-fogged Im Ha Yeon's mind was more honest about her feelings. She wanted to feel something softer than the cheek, but she needed to listen to him. If only she had done more before. Alas, she had to settle for another kiss on his cheek... "Whooosh!" Just as Im Ha Yeon moved to place her lips on his cheek again, a sound akin to someone exhaling smoke from deep within emerged. It was as if someone was voicing a protest against this unsightly display. "Ahem. This is too much grievance." "It's a good age. Even locking eyes sets fires ablaze, doesn't it?" "Ah?" Only then did Im Ha Yeon realize that the Hyang Jus were standing nearby with embarrassed faces. "Ahem. I see your daughter relies heavily on you." And she recognized one more face that was very familiar. "Hahaha." "Wha—what?" Only then did Im Ha Yeon truly regain her senses. ** "The Hyang Jus are reportedly all on their way." Within the highest floor of the pavilion bordering the Yangtze, made of a single large room, the leader of Do Mun nodded. "Really? They appear to be in quite a rush, jumping out like this." "Do Mun Hyang Ju, engaging in a full-scale conflict could be risky. It might be wiser to bide your time..." "Will you handle the stakes if we have to move to the next round?" "Hyang Ju, sir." Do Mun Hyang Ju poked the shoulder of his cautious subordinate, showing his teeth in a grin. "Today! In this very round! It must be settled! Do you understand? With the flow already shifted, we have to finish it today to secure our victory!" "I'll call in all the warriors of Do Mun." The associate nodded at the anxious tone of the Hyang Ju. "What about the antidote?" "Just as instructed, it's been divided in half to facilitate negotiations." "Well done." "The Hyang Jus are moving up!" "Prepare." Do Mun Hyang Ju sat in place with a steely face, feigning composure as he relaxed his body. Some who observed Do Mun Hyang Ju’s actions knew well the fate of those who act so recklessly in gambling dens, but they chose not to comment on it. --- "You only needed to bring the invited guests, why bring along so many?" Do Mun Hyang Ju warmly greeted the Hyang Jus who ascended to the top floor accompanied by associates. "Do Mun Hyang Ju." The former Mu Yeong Sin Tu, Mr. Wang, glared at his nemesis, grinding his teeth. "Yes, Mu Yeong Sin Tu... or should I say former now? Anyway, have you thought it over well? You only need to stamp the seal." "I'm not the one who can vote you as the leader!" "Ah! Yes! Our new Tu Mun Hyang Ju must stamp it! Although she seems barely holding onto consciousness." Do Mun Hyang Ju smirked as he referred to Im Ha Yeon, who was being carried with difficulty on Kang Yun Ho's back. "Grr!" “Do you really believe that the agreement obtained through poisoning a Hyang Ju will be legitimate?” They couldn't allow Do Mun Hyang Ju to seize the initiative. Si Mun Hyang Ju interjected into their conversation. “When did I ever—?” Do Mun Hyang Ju shrugged with feigned innocence. “What?” “This is ridiculous! It's unfair! What she drank wasn’t poison, but a potent elixir. A miraculous potion! I meant to take it myself, but she stole it and consumed every drop!” “What nonsense.” Gi Mun Hyang Ju retorted, glaring incredulously at Do Mun Hyang Ju. "Touch her dantian once if you’d like. Like a thief, she knew to take something precious and devour it. I was just showing some kindness to a kleptomaniac Tu Mun Hyang Ju." Do Mun Hyang Ju pounded his chest as if he were the real victim. “Are you trying to deceive us?” It wasn’t blackmail with poison. He claimed he gave a miraculous elixir and obtained consent in return. It might not work here, but it was an excuse that could fly at Hao Mun's main compound. “If it works, then it's not a petty trick anymore, is it? What do you think, former Tu Mun Hyang Ju? If you side with us, I'll generously overlook her thievery.” "...." The former Mu Yeong Sin Tu gripped the handle of his sword, signaling his willingness to fight. For Do Mun Hyang Ju, showing this much bravado felt all too familiar. “Think carefully. The moment you make a rash move, the antidote will vanish. The only way to get this potion is to bring your daughter and stand by my side.” “This can’t be...” Just as Mr. Wang was about to refuse. “...If you give me the antidote, I'll support you.” Im Ha Yeon, who appeared to have regained some clarity, announced to Do Mun Hyang Ju. “Ha Yeon!” “What are you saying!” “Tu Mun Hyang Ju! This cannot be!” Amid shocked voices, several warriors from Gi Mun moved to block Im Ha Yeon. “Protect the two of them!” “Ugh!” Im Ha Yeon's intent reflected the will of Tu Mun. The warriors standing guard for Tu Mun obstructed Gi Mun. “Just as expected from those younger than me! I'm not someone who treats those who owe me a favor poorly. Support me, and I'll return multiple times the favor, setting past grievances aside.” “I’ll let him carry me.” “Do you truly intend to go through with this?” Mr. Wang, with a somber expression, asked as he hoisted his daughter onto his back. “I’m truly tired of it all.” Though Im Ha Yeon's words were brief, their meaning resonated enough to make the gathered Hao Mun nod in understanding. “You’ve made a wise decision! Now, I'd appreciate it if you’d stamp the seal for Tu Mun Hyang Ju's place." Do Mun Hyang Ju handed a piece of paper to Im Ha Yeon, who approached him. “The antidote first.” “Ah! Of course! Here, the antidote!” The antidote that Do Mun Hyang Ju handed over was neatly split in half. Im Ha Yeon bit her lip and glared at him. “...You're sticky until the very end.” “A debt note should be prepared when collecting a loan, right? You’ll get the other half after today’s business concludes.” “Fine.” “Tu Mun Hyang Ju! How can you betray us!” Dissatisfied voices bubbled up from various directions. However, with Tu Mun and Do Mun now allied, the other Hyang Jus had no means to respond. Im Ha Yeon cautiously swallowed the antidote. There was no need to verify if it was real or not. The moment she ingested it, the remaining poison dissipated from her body, and her inner energy began to surge. Raising her finger with the seal, Im Ha Yeon declared to Do Mun Hyang Ju. “I, Mu Yeong Sin Tu, Im Ha Yeon, nominate Do Mun Hyang Ju, Jae Jong Mo, as the leader.” * ‘So, it has come to this.’ A momentary, suffocating silence enveloped the massive room. Without saying a word, I watched as Ha Yeon finished her declaration and moved to one corner to focus on gathering her energy. A sense of defeat cloaked us. Meanwhile, the triumphant Do Mun Hyang Ju stood before us with a victorious smile. “On behalf of the heads of the Hubei division, I nominate Do Mun Hyang Ju, Jae Jong Mo, as the leader.” A representative stepped forward with a parchment listing the names of heads who supported Do Mun Hyang Ju, displaying it publicly before handing it over as a baton of victory to Do Mun Hyang Ju. Do Mun Hyang Ju, appearing overwhelmed with emotion, raised the baton high, proclaiming amidst those representing the Hubei province: “I, Do Mun Hyang Ju, Jae Jong Mo, nominate myself as the leader!” The requirement for a Hao Mun leader was the agreement of two Hyang Jus and a majority of the branch heads. This meant, here and now, Do Mun Hyang Ju had become the leader. “Congratulations!” “Congratulations on your leadership!” The entire floor erupted into chaos. “Hehehe. Finally! It's finally mine! What are the Hyang Jus doing? Kneel before your leader already!” Do Mun Hyang Ju waved the baton of victory, questioning us. “Why should we kneel?” Ma Mun Hyang Ju asked with a nonchalant expression. “The leader’s authority is absolute! As Hyang Jus, why aren't you showing respect!” A Do Mun executive, with a sneer, shouted at us. Of course, this was a moment to earn favor with the current power. People around the executive, realizing they had missed the opportunity, clicked their tongues regretfully. “It’s alright. It's alright! They must still be in shock and feeling shy.” “Leader.” “Allow me to introduce formally. Jae Jong Mo is now the leader of Hao Mun and soon will become the master of Hao Mun, leading the entire organization.” Do Mun Hyang Ju, drunk on victory, swaggered as he addressed us. Anyone would think he was intoxicated. “......” “Hah. My patience is wearing thin. But it's a joyous occasion, so I’ll endure a bit more. If you swear allegiance now, I might spare your positions.” “I’ll ask again. Why should we kneel?” Ma Mun Hyang Ju once again asked Do Mun Hyang Ju with an unchanging expression. “Ma Mun Hyang Ju, have your eyes gone bad? Didn't you see what just happened?” Dan Wan Gwi, looking exasperated, waved his symbol of victory. However, the Hyang Jus remained silent, standing still without any reaction. Finally, he realized something was amiss. The smile began to fade from Do Mun Hyang Ju’s lips. As the leader, the Hyang Jus should be absolutely obedient to his words, irrespective of any dissent they might harbor. Disobeying an order was unthinkable. "A gambler who can't even read the room." This was unbearable. Finding the situation so hilariously absurd, I clutched my stomach in laughter and took a step closer to Do Mun Hyang Ju. “Kang Yun Ho?!” Did you sense something off in my laughter? For the first time since his declaration of victory, a frown crossed Do Mun Hyang Ju’s face. "That's right. If the Tu Mun Hyang Ju really did stamp that seal formally, you’d indeed be the leader." I pulled out an object from my sleeve, something familiar to Do Mun Hyang Ju’s eyes. "A signet ring?" "Didn't you even verify if it was the real one?" The item I presented was the genuine signet ring of Tu Mun Hyang Ju, distinct from the counterfeit that Im Ha Yeon was wearing. "Hehehe! So that's what you resorted to, that cheap trick of yours! The stamp is only a formality! What matters is the declaration of the Hyang Ju! It doesn't matter what stamp makes the mark!" Do Mun Hyang Ju smirked condescendingly at me. In truth, Do Mun Hyang Ju was correct. Losing a signet wouldn't strip a Hyang Ju of their authority. The signet was purely ceremonial. The people behind it truly mattered. "It seems you still don’t understand." But that’s not the trick I used. "What?" "It seems I failed to properly introduce myself to the Hao Mun followers." "You, what do you think you're doing?!" The space between enemy and ally—a standoff where no one stood in between. Ignoring the shocked expression on Do Mun Hyang Ju’s face, I stepped confidently into that space. The antidote was his trump card. Yet, Im Ha Yeon's antidote wouldn't be received unless Do Mun Hyang Ju was acknowledged as the leader. But he couldn’t become the leader. So, what should we do? Is there a way to make him discard his precious trump card effortlessly? Yes, there is. As the proxy for the former Mu Yeong Sin Tu. Having mastered the Mu Yeong Sin Technique and earned Tu Mun’s acknowledgment. By supporting my beloved Im Ha Yeon and making her the righteous one. This was a method that only I, who became Mu Yeong Sin Tu by working together, could execute. It's not entirely a lie that I'm the Mu Yeong Sin Tu. After all, while Ha Yeon might do the nighttime rooftop vaulting, I am the mastermind behind every plan. "Greeting everyone anew. I am Kang Yun Ho, the new Tu Mun Hyang Ju."