Ch 376

“Do you really want to become the Two Moon Hyang Ju just for a day?” Before meeting the other Hyang Jus, I gathered the Two Moon's leaders and laid out the plan to acquire the antidote. “Yes. The Two Moon Hyang Ju will not hand over the antidote unless Ha Yeon-So prefers him as the Mung Ju. I need the position to deceive him and wrap up this matter.” To get the Do Moon Hyang Ju to hand over the antidote willingly, an unpredictable variable was necessary. “Becoming the Two Moon Hyang Ju isn’t something that just happens overnight.” Naturally, the leaders were perplexed. “The sun hasn't risen yet. We can wrap it up before a new day starts.” Though the typhoon had swept through, the sun had yet to rise. It was all thanks to Ha Yeon-So buying time for us. "It's possible, but…" "I am also a Silent Spirit Assassin. Ha Yeon-So and you all acknowledged me as such, did you not? Moreover, I've learned from the former Hyang Ju's forbidden arts and Silent Spirit techniques, so one might say I've inherited the legitimate line of the Two Moon." "Just because you wish to become the Two Moon Hyang Ju doesn't mean it happens without consent." "Why not? Since all the leaders of the Two Moon are here, with your agreement, it can happen." This is a moment where quick decision-making is more possible than ever. "......" The leaders exchanged glances, silently. Still not convinced? There's a way for that too. "I am in favor." As expected, it was the king's brother. He stepped forward, responding to my desperate plea for help by breaking the silence. "Your Excellency!" "But, acquiring the antidote isn't going to end this matter, is it? You must have another plan, right?" The king's brother approached me, asking seriously. "Yes. This is just the first step needed to end everything." It's merely the preparation process to bring a conclusion. I didn't mention it just to get an antidote. I spoke with conviction. "Then we should help. What else can a father who couldn’t protect his daughter do? Isn't that right, all of you?" The fact that the former Hyang Ju agreed meant that those who couldn't protect their master couldn't refuse, could they? The king's brother addressed the leaders, his tone clearly conveying his hidden intent. You guys. You were just claiming responsibility and asking to be executed, and now you’re pretending you don't know? With the support of the king's brother, the leaders eventually gathered to discuss among themselves. "Isn't it our fault this happened because we couldn’t protect the Two Moon Hyang Ju?" "No matter what, though!" "He stepped down voluntarily, didn’t he? And didn’t the former one acknowledge it?" "If we stay like this, the Hao Moon will be destroyed." It didn’t take long for them to reach a consensus. A representative from the leaders approached me, taking a deep breath before speaking. "......Is one day really enough?" "Once today is over, you may call me Constable Kang Yunho." I'll make sure to catch the guy who just opposed me. Thus, the decision was made for a One-Day Two Moon Hyang Ju. —— “You claim to be the Two Moon Hyang Ju?” The Do Moon Hyang Ju questioned me, disbelief etched across his face. “You’re no Mung Ju. I am the Two Moon Hyang Ju, so Ha Yeon-So’s declaration just now is null.” In front of everyone, with the demeanor of a phantom thief confessing a light trick, I shrugged my shoulders. “Do you think I’ll willingly accept just because you've pulled a shallow trick?!" The Do Moon Hyang Ju grimaced, yelling incredulously at me. "Have I not spent ten years on this ruckus to attain the most noble position of Mung Ju in the Hao Moon, for the mere sake of some insubstantial justification?" Clearly, he was seething with anger. But what could I do? The justification you seek is merely a mirage. I smirked, raising a corner of my mouth. "Hahaha. True, that might be. But, it appears that I still hold the knife.” As the Do Moon Hyang Ju raised his hand, the warriors standing in the corner unsheathed their swords. The direction they watched threatened Ha Yeon-So, who was purging the toxins, and the king's brother, who was assisting with the internal energy. So that's how it is. “Try it, if you dare.” I said, the laugh still hanging on my lips. “What did you say?” “The moment you kill my sworn brother and Ha Yeon-So, the chance to become the Mung Ju disappears. What are you going to do then? Keep wielding your sword?” “If necessary.” “It’s not necessary. You’re doing it without need.” “What?” “Do you think the other sects, witnessing the bloodshed, will obediently follow you? Not a chance! We’ll go to the end.” I pointed to the warriors behind me, declaring firmly. “The victor is plain to see.” “Do they now call the one who builds a shack on barren land the victor?” “...... Hahaha. Those about to die often spout that kind of bravado.” “Is that why you’re spouting nonsense?” “…….” “What you need to do now isn’t threatening, but thinking desperately about what I’d like. You need to scratch your head for this.” I tapped my own head with my finger, as if urging him to think. Realizing there was room for negotiation, the Do Moon Hyang Ju's expression shifted. “......What do you want?” I needed to wag my tongue for a bit. “There’s something I wish to ask.” “Fire away. I’ll even tell you my lover’s undergarment size.” After taking a moment to steady myself, I posed the question to the smugly smiling Do Moon Hyang Ju. “Why do you want to be Hao Moon’s guardian?” “What?” Finally, the opportunity I desired had arrived. Without giving him time to respond, I pressed on. “The Hao Moon is quite an intriguing sect. What kind of sect would accept you as a fellow simply because you share the same profession, without proper master-disciple relationships? Hey, step aside!” Striding forward, I shouted toward the warrior blocking the path to the Do Moon Hyang Ju. “H-Hyang Ju?!” “Let him through.” That's more like it. At the Do Moon Hyang Ju's command, the Do Moon warriors parted, clearing the path to him. In the midst of enemy territory, all eyes were on me. This unexpected turn would take them time to understand my intent. Good. I've finally claimed the position I've sought for just a night. The enemy cannot kill me so easily. This is the perfect opportunity to wield my words. Now, it's a battle of wits and presence. I gathered all my internal energy, moving lightly, though my demeanor was heavy and calculated. Utilizing Soo Yun Sim Sang Gyeol, I raised my voice. "There was a time when I just wanted one proper meal a day. But how many ways could a humble person achieve that? Hey, isn't that right?" I walked over to a Do Moon youth who looked inexperienced and questioned him. "Yes?" "Didn't you join Hao Moon to earn a living, too?" "That's correct." Gaining his agreement, I turned to look at the other Do Moon members. Perhaps my questioning made them uncomfortable, but they nodded in concordance with my gaze. With their agreement secured, I pushed forward. "Why do you think we are in Hao Moon? Aren’t we a clan gathered to ensure we don’t miss three meals a day? Ah! Silly me! Of course, Do Moon Hyang Ju wouldn't understand, starting from being the disciple of a former master, right?" Casually, I smeared Do Moon Hyang Ju, painting him as someone who’s always had it easy. "Get to the point." The Do Moon Hyang Ju said, visibly displeased. "If you endured for ten years, endure a bit more! What was I talking about again? I forgot. Hey, you there! What did I just say?" Pointing at a guy pretending to look indifferent, I shouted. "M-me? Y-you mentioned we gathered because of humble jobs…." "Yes! That's what I said. Good ear. Applaud! Everyone, give him a hand!" In the silent top floor of the pavilion, my claps alone filled the dusty air. "……." What are you doing? Not clapping? "Join in." As the Do Moon Hyang Ju nodded, they clapped, albeit begrudgingly. "Good. Now, I'm going to ask if you heard well. Listen carefully! Anyway, Hao Moon is quite an odd clan. When a disciple of another sect is killed, revenge is taken. But have you ever heard of Hao Moon avenging a servant boy’s death?" Forewarning an unexpected question heightens the listeners' focus. All eyes in the pavilion glued to me. "I have not." "Right. How could those gathered just to have decent meals form familial bonds? It's just about protecting our bowls, that’s the life of a Hao Moon disciple." Masters, disciples, elders; most sects foster family through teaching. But not Hao Moon. Bound by mutual benefit, members of Hao Moon don't hold the tight family ties that other sects might cultivate. "Enough of the distractions." I turned to the Do Moon Hyang Ju, who seemed increasingly displeased. Even as I approached him, he wasn't my actual target. "Then let me ask again. Why are you a Hao Moon disciple? Or rather, why are we Hao Moon disciples?" Turning back to the gathered Do Moon members, I posed the question. "……?" The question posed to their superior was now directed at them all. I transformed the gaze of the crowd into collective curiosity. "You've entered the doorway, but no familial bond was formed. Having joined just to eat well, you're no more than guests. Yet, there are rules guests must adhere to." "What are you getting at?" Receiving their attention, I once more locked eyes with the Do Moon Hyang Ju. Why are we Hao Moon disciples? Though not family, what principles must we, mere guests, uphold in this clan? What distinguishes one who has entered from those outside? "Those who enter this gate must not harm each other." "……!" "How can you, who massacred the families of other Hyang Jus and slaughtered countless disciples, and threw Hao Moon into peril, claim to be a Hao Moon disciple? You, who discard those gathered for a decent meal like pieces in a game, why are you the Do Moon Hyang Ju?" How can one who harms his fellow disciples belong to Hao Moon? How do you differ from those outside? "Hahaha. So, you mean to go to the end." Finally, the Do Moon Hyang Ju approached me. "What you’ll gain is a wasteland, what you’ll drink is muddy water. No doubt even that will be taken by the orthodox factions." "A dead man can't even drink muddy water." That's precisely the issue. "You might drink muddy water. But what about your subordinates? Will they endure, gnawing on a hard crust for days again? Most will perish, should I call it a fortune to have such a crust?" Though I addressed the Do Moon Hyang Ju, my words weren’t meant for him. Even if Do Moon Hyang Ju’s name remains as the victor, your names will not. You all will be used as stakes in the Do Moon Hyang Ju's gamble. Will you follow even then? I questioned the Do Moon’s warriors. "Hey, black hair." The Do Moon Hyang Ju snarled, coming dangerously close, his face gleaming with insanity. "What, gambler." Did he think I'd flinch over something like this? I matched his gaze, unwavering. "So what? Do you think this will change things? Do you expect me to weep and place down my sword?" The Do Moon Hyang Ju scoffed, gesturing towards his men. The warriors, realizing how tense the situation was, already had their hands near their weapons. He was right. The time for negotiating with compassion and calculative appeals had passed. It's unlikely that anything I say here will make them lower their swords. However... I smiled, looking over at one corner of the Do Moon warriors. "No, stirring things up is good enough." I actually needed some time. "What are you talking abou—." "Stop him!" Perfect timing. A startled voice rang out from one corner. Instantly, using the Shadow Movement Technique, I leapt into action. Two figures grabbed me, and in a flash, we moved from enemy territory to the center of our formation. Among us, there are only two who can execute such a skill. "Are you alright?" "It’s a breeze." Ha Yeon So Jeo, her usual composure returned, greeted me warmly. “……Was it your intention to divert attention?” The Do Moon Hyang Ju asked, realizing he had been outplayed. “A myriad of purposes.” Did he think I drew attention to myself for nothing? "Alright, now it seems we have only one solution left." The warriors of Do Moon looked as if they might rush at me any moment. "No. There is one more." I told you. I needed time to sow chaos. I surveyed the faces of the Do Moon warriors. If an internal conflict broke out now, no one could predict who would survive. Unlike moments ago, their faces were now intertwined with deep hesitation, fear, and dissatisfaction. Cracks had indeed formed. "What did you say?" What should we do now? We’d successfully rescued Ha Yeon So Jeo. The only thing left for us was an internal conflict. Was there a way to avoid descending into a mutual defeat? Was there a way to bring closure to this matter? I exchanged glances with the other Hyang Jus and then met eyes with Ha Yeon So Jeo, who had a resolute face. 一 Do as you must. War will not happen. Finally, today. All the pieces have fallen into place for me. "I, the Two Moon Hyang Ju, hereby nominate Im Ha Yeon, the Silent Spirit Assassin, as the Mung Ju of Hao Moon." I knelt on one knee, declaring victory to everyone present. ** “What, what?!” Amidst the astonishment. “Ha ha ha. To have the child raised by Gi Mun nominated as Mung Ju. Today is truly a day of celebration.” Gi Mun Hyang Ju laughed, approaching Im Ha Yeon. “Who says she’s Gi Mun’s child? She’s called sister-in-law by the children of Si Mun. She’s practically part of the Si Mun faction.” “Whatever may be the case, it’s better than Do Moon.” Si Mun Hyang Ju and Ma Mun Hyang Ju also approached Im Ha Yeon with pleased smiles. “Esteemed Hyang Jus…….” What was about to happen now had never occurred in the history of Hao Moon. Im Ha Yeon, the Silent Spirit Assassin, received the Hyang Jus with a firm expression. To become the Mung Ju of Hao Moon, one needed the majority support of the branch heads and the agreement of two Hyang Jus. This method was but a loophole created by the Hao Moon master, for none had ever achieved it. The only true way to become the Mung Ju, acknowledged by all, was one. “Gi Mun Hyang Ju. I nominate Im Ha Yeon, the Silent Spirit Assassin, as the Mung Ju of Hao Moon.” “Si Mun Hyang Ju. I will nominate Im Ha Yeon, the Silent Spirit Assassin, as the Mung Ju of Hao Moon.” “Ma Mun Hyang Ju. I nominate Im Ha Yeon, the Silent Spirit Assassin, as the Mung Ju of Hao Moon.” It was through the unanimous agreement of all four Hyang Jus. Before her, four Hyang Jus knelt. “What, what is this?” “With the agreement of four Hyang Jus, could it really be...?” “The Silent Spirit Assassin is the Mung Ju?” No seal, no branch head was necessary. Nothing held more authority than the declarations made by Hyang Jus before the Hao Moon officials. No petty tricks or intimidation were needed. “Greetings to all. I am Im Ha Yeon, the Mung Ju of Hao Moon.” The woman standing before everyone's eyes was a Mung Ju that none could deny. She proudly announced herself as the first woman in Hao Moon history to become Mung Ju with the unanimous agreement of the Hyang Jus. “Loyalty!” All Hao Moon members except the Do Moon knelt, their voices reverberating from their cores. “Hao Moon's Mung Ju. Congratulations!” “Congratulations!” Even the Do Moon warriors, who were swayed by Kang Yunho's words, began to kneel one by one. A Mung Ju had been born. It wasn't just that the tide had changed. Everything had come to an end. The woman standing before the Do Moon warriors was the true master of the Hao Moon disciples in Hubei Province. “As the Mung Ju of Hao Moon, I will give my first command.” Im Ha Yeon, with a steely gaze, pointed to one person. If the Hyang Jus of Hao Moon were the retainers, the Mung Ju was the master of the entire Hao Moon family. No retainer could deny the master’s command. “Shut your filthy mouth—!” A voice crackling with fury rang out. Yet, just because a barking dog snarls, the owner doesn’t feel fear. To a dog barking without recognizing their new master, there remains but one command. “I, hereby, strip the Do Moon Hyang Ju, Dan Wan Gwi Je Jong Mo, of his position for being a traitor to Hao Moon, effective immediately.”