Domen - Chapter 4 "Dan Wan Gui is no longer the leader of the Domen faction?" "Then, what happens now?" With just one command, a person was being cast into the abyss. "It was barely successful." I quietly felt a sense of relief while observing the chaos unfolding among the enemy ranks. "Are you suggesting Im Ha Yeon for the position of leader?" It was a plan I proposed before the faction leaders. The faction leaders never desire to elevate one of their equals above themselves, even if it means watching members' families perish or spilling blood among comrades. Raising someone who was once their equal to a position above is a power issue. They cannot nominate someone they do not trust. "If the leader isn't nominated, all that remains is mutual destruction. Isn't it true that there's no one more suitable than Miss Ha Yeon for the nominee?" As a respected figure among the Haomen warriors. Someone who was born and raised in the faction and trusted by those from the Gimun sect, and someone who can be safely recommended by the Simun faction after receiving their favor. Someone recognized by the Mamon faction leaders as lacking the ambition to harm others. Muyeong Martial Arts prodigy Im Ha Yeon was indeed a fitting candidate for the leader's position. "She was only nominated at the very last moment." If it weren't for the looming threat of mutual destruction, she would have never been nominated. "Why can't you kneel like the others already!" "What should we do?" "It's taking so long." The tide had already turned. Though one by one people began kneeling, the enemy camp couldn't all change stance and kneel at once, leaving them in a state of confusion. "You?" "Are you hurt anywhere?" Are you sure you're alright? I subtly approached Miss Ha Yeon and once again inquired about her well-being. "I'm fine. Oh! I'll return what you gave me earlier." The weapon I handed her for emergencies. But where was she trying to take it out from? How embarrassing. "Keep it." Miss Ha Yeon needed to continually display her authority as the leader. I waved my hand dismissively and moved forward. "What are you planning?" "Just going to stir things up a bit." "What?" The enemy is on the verge of splitting. Now's the time to subtly provoke and completely shatter them. That's my specialty. This is the perfect moment for me, trained in strategy games involving all sorts of political schemes, to step forward. ——— "You idiots!!! What are you doing?! If I fall, you'll all be doomed too!!!" Dan Wan Gui, trying to intimidate with a look of urgency, won't solve anything. Surely he doesn't think he can end all this by killing the faction leaders and erasing the leader nomination, does he? As if that would work. "Who's going to want to die along with the captain just because he poked a hole in the ship? Isn't that right?" I stood at the forefront of our camp and raised my voice so everyone could hear. "Kang Yoon Ho?" Dan Wan Gui. What are you going to do with that grimace? The power balance has already been overturned. Making a rash move will only end you. I addressed the hesitant Domen members standing before me. "What are you doing? Why are you hesitating to surrender? Can't you see the situation?" "Tumen Leader, we are with Domen." An individual who appeared to be a Domen executive answered with a face full of fear. Perhaps they were worried that surrendering would still not spare them punishment. As I scanned the surroundings, I noticed a few others wearing similar expressions. Is the greatest fear the punishment? There's a way to handle that. "Is that what you're hesitating over?" I scoffed and replied immediately. "What... did you say?" Changing to polite speech, huh. That means you're considering what I have to say. Time to draw it out properly. "I get it! That's how corporate life goes. When the higher-ups say jump, you jump, even if you don't like it. Let's be real. Did anyone actually want to come here today? Did anyone? No one, right?" The basic of stirring political schemes is empathy. Feign empathy from the enemy's perspective. Pretend you're on their side. I looked around with an understanding expression. "......" I saw a few nods. Having become a friend of the enemy, I shall now make another adversary for them. "It's written all over your faces. Burdensome tasks are piling up, and now they're making noise about having you here. Like he wants to be the leader, not we. There'll be mountains of work waiting when we return. You've all been cursing while you came, haven’t you?" Naturally, the new enemy is Dan Wan Gui, the one who has to take all the blame for this incident. "Pfft!" Good response. Laughter erupted from somewhere among the enemy ranks. "The higher-up asked for your support, so of course, you'd follow. Wouldn't it be crazy not to? Right?" Make Dan Wan Gui's fault appear massive while washing away the blame from others. Make them think it was all one individual's mistake. "Um..." "Now! A new leader has been nominated. Saying you had no choice but to follow the orders of a crazy superior! A higher authority has appeared! So, the dissatisfied, what do they do now?" Now, the time to present a solution. Let's end this unpleasant game and move on to the next round. It's not your fault, so no point in clinging to this. Whisper it softly. Some began to kneel, while among the politicking enemies, one Domen executive, red-faced, pointed at me. "You! Do you think this is a marketplace!" "Where we operate has always been like a marketplace, idiot!" "......" "Now! The leader has declared that anyone who lays down their weapon and kneels will not be punished merely for supporting the Domen leader! This is what you're being offered! Still not going to kneel?" Shall I present the final chance of survival? I pointed with my palm at the leader Im Ha Yeon, who was staring at the enemy camps with a firm expression. "Is that true?" The Domen warriors looked as if a rope had descended from the sky and asked the leader. Miss Ha Yeon then sent me a look, one only understood by those who had spent everyday life together. "Just what are you going on about now?" "You promised to trust me. Let's make them kneel for now and deal with any offenses later." "Alright, do as you please." Im Ha Yeon glanced at the Domen warriors with a resolute expression. Her silence, whether a confirmation or denial, didn't matter. What was crucial was that the enemies perceived what they wanted to believe from her. "Kneel! Kneel before the leader!" Having already shaken them once, they faltered. The silent affirmation caused those who were wavering to begin laying down their weapons. "You fools! Do you really think you'll survive?!" "It's all over now, Dan Wan Gui." One of the Domen's branch leaders kneeled before the leader and spoke. "What?" "We supported you as Domen's leader, not out of loyalty to a madman." Indeed. That's right. Since the leader has been deposed, Dan Wan Gui is no longer the Domen leader. Until now, it could've been brushed off as just an internal power struggle among Haomen members. But with a new leader's emergence, things are different. There's nothing to gain by siding with Dan Wan Gui, who can't become the leader. "Exactly! We joined for some extra scraps, not to lose everything we had! What 'loyalty'?" With the decisive words from the executive, the others in Domen began kneeling before us like falling dominoes. "You damn fools…" "So, the only ones still standing are the ones loyal to the madman Dan Wan Gui?" There seem to be a few holdouts. I need some support from our side. I slipped a glance at Miss Ha Yeon, hoping she'd deliver the final blow. Understanding my cue, Miss Ha Yeon addressed the Domen warriors who remained standing. "As the leader, anyone who raises their sword for the Domen leader from now on will no longer be considered part of Haomen." At the leader's final ultimatum, the eyes of the Domen warriors widened in shock. "T-That can't be!" "From now on, anyone who refuses to surrender gives up everything they've gained as members of Haomen. It's truly commendable! What loyalty! You've become patriotic martyrs!" All who stood there had risen from the very base of Haomen. They understood the value of what they had painstakingly achieved. They also knew what removing Haomen from their lives would mean. I exaggeratedly clapped my hands. Are you really going to remain on a sinking ship? "We submit to the leader's command!" "Apologies for the delayed congratulations!" Ultimately, those left by Dan Wan Gui's side were clearly beyond redemption. "Kang Yoon Ho! You bastard!" Though Dan Wan Gui charged toward me in a blind rage, it didn't matter. "Oh dear! How terrifying! But someone here has a deep grievance against you!" "Indeed, we have unfinished business." Before me stood the father who had lost his beloved wife to the madman. "You old fool!" At the sight of the former silent master, Dan Wan Gui halted in his tracks. "Subdue him." With the leader's command, our forces moved first. —- "Ugh!" "Our leader!!!" "The Domen leader's arm!" As Dan Wan Gui was forced to retreat with his arm cut off by the older brother, a momentary standoff ensued. Of course, even a cornered rat can bite the cat. Especially with a foe blisteringly full of malice, no one dared to approach carelessly. "Instead of being all stubborn, let's just surrender peacefully." There were only a few remaining Domen followers still holding their swords for Dan Wan Gui, and half of them were now corpses. At this point, wouldn't it be better to give up? I aimed my words at the bleeding Domen leader. "You punk!" Was it the familiar voice? Eyes flushed with rage turned to me. "So, Dan Wan Gui. How does it feel to lose the position you've worked so hard for over a decade, all in an instant?" Do you know how much I struggled because of you? This was the person responsible for pushing countless others into death and suffering. Losing just an arm wouldn't quench the anger directed at him. "Kang... Yoon Ho!" Yes, it's me. I opened my mouth with a broad smile. "Indeed. Our Dan Wan Gui! The greatest contributor to the birth of this leader! How could we have a leader without you? Everyone, applause! Applause for our greatest contributor!" Clap, clap, clap. This time, everyone joined in the applause without hesitation. Is this the seductive power of influence, where even at a manager's lame joke everyone laughs? Now that the tide has turned, they're readily supportive. "Hehehe." Hey, your face might rip apart if you keep it up. How angry must you be for your laughter to sound like crying? "What's got you mad? Someone who spends so much time at gambling dens should've known better to get up and leave when they realized they were the fool. Instead, you ended up stripped to nothing, bankrupt." The position of leader you coveted was snatched away, and you return home without even your shirt. Perhaps this is the true definition of arriving, naked. "So, was I the real fool…?" "So, the infamous Dan Wan Gui only realizes that now? Wait a minute! You're down an arm now. Should I call you 'One-arm Gui'? Or maybe a slight change in the character would suit you better? Hey, what do you prefer?" "Hehehe. You filthy barbarian bastard." "What was that? Say it again. The babble of a loser is always amusing." I intentionally cupped my ear and leaned closer to Dan Wan Gui, making sure he could see clearly. Behind me, I overheard whispers about how the new Tumen leader had a fiery temper or concerns that Dan Wan Gui might drop dead from apoplexy. But it didn't matter. Too many had suffered due to his greed. "So, it was all wrecked by a barbarian bastard…." "You're only realizing it now? By none other than me—oh?!" Crack! The sound of Dan Wan Gui's molar breaking reverberated. His eyes, once bloodshot, now turned a deep crimson. "Hey. Did you, by any chance, swallow something?" "Taking the Resurrection Pill!" Simultaneously, I heard the unsettling crackling sounds from the molar of Domen's followers. This isn't good. Why are these guys suddenly turning red? "Hey, what kind of fool would just pop any pill without knowing? Medicine is meant for pharmacists. Diagnosis is for doctors. Don't you know the basics?" Do these guys not understand the concept of separating medical duties? I need to step back... "Stop him!" Dan Wan Gui moved a beat faster. The Domen members sprung into action. Dozens of warriors stood between me and Dan Wan Gui, but he didn't care about getting hurt as he lunged toward me. "I'll take you down! I'll definitely take you with me!" Before I could even react, he slammed into me with all his might. How is this guy so strong? In an instant, we were both pushed towards the window. "Ah." The enormous window shattered in an instant. Wait a minute. Isn't this the 7th floor? Below us, under the feet of the man who had lost all sense due to rage, stretched the deep black waters of the Yangtze River. "You crazy bastard!" Having lost our balance, both of us plummeted straight towards the Yangtze River below.