Dominion – 7 An emotional reunion between father and daughter. I stood there, watching, as the father and daughter took time to calm the emotions that had built over a decade. “You...” Her face was stained with tears. Once Ha Yeon seemed somewhat composed, she stepped away from her brother, Wang, and approached me. “Did you wrap everything up?” Traditionally, an incident concludes with either a "Welcome back" or "Good to see you". I opened my arms, smiling. “Really, you are just...!” “Come here.” Overwhelmed with emotion, Ha Yeon embraced me. “It’s finally, finally over.” I could feel Ha Yeon's tears on my cheek as we held each other. “You’ve done well.” With one hand gently patting Ha Yeon’s head, I searched for a comfortable place to rest the other. "..." Father-in-law. You’re shooting lasers with your eyes. I wasn't intentionally heading close to her waist; I was just looking for a comfortable spot. I managed to restrain my wandering hand and placed it on her waist, hugging her tightly. Finally, we succeed. Despite the countless troubles we faced, this moment made it all worthwhile. “Ha Yeon.” I called her name softly. “…Yes.” I didn’t mean for you to pucker your lips. Once you’ve done it, it seems you just keep wanting more, doesn't it? But I don't mind. I gave her a light kiss and whispered into her ear. “Please take care of the aftermath.” My legs, barely holding me up, finally gave out. I rested my weight on her. “Huh? Y-You? Oh? You’re bleeding from your back?!” “Ugh…” The wound had reopened. Intense pain swept through my body, and my consciousness began to fade. All strength seemed to drain away. “Brother!” “Stay with me!” Her panicked voice echoed in my ears. But that didn’t matter anymore. I had done all I could. I only needed to trust Ha Yeon. I should just let go... A sudden jolting sensation shocked me back to awareness. “Ah!” Why hit me! “You can't die like this! Absolutely not! Please! Please stay awake!!!” Her voice, close to a scream, resonated with urgency. “Ha, Ha Yeon...” “Please! I can’t! I won’t let you leave like this!” Slap! Slap! Slap-slap-slap! It felt like my cheeks were being used as a percussion instrument. Killing me here. “Argh! Ugh! Stop the violence!” “If it hurts, stay conscious!” “Ha Yeon, calm down! That's not what’s happening.” I lifted a shaky hand to pause her relentless blows. “Huh?” Ha Yeon looked at me, eyes wide with surprise. I guess I wasn’t saying enough. I rubbed my stinging cheek and opened my mouth to explain further. “It’s because I haven’t slept for three days and nights.” “Ah…” Yes, do you remember now? Starting three days ago with Wu Ying Xin's proxy fight, followed by an escape, an intrusion into the Dominion two days ago, Ha Yeon’s inauguration at Tu Mun Hyang Joo, the disruption from the Dominion, and the strategies we had to devise — all of that, leading up to today’s events. I hadn’t had a single restful moment in the last three days. Without my stamina, mental resilience, and internal energy, I wouldn’t be surprised to have collapsed already. “I’ll take a good rest, so please handle the aftermath.” Finally, it was over. It was time to unwind after three days of tension. With a satisfied smile, I let my consciousness slip away completely. ——- “A familiar ceiling.” There’s little reassurance quite like waking up under a familiar ceiling after falling asleep in an unknown place. It means everything went according to plan. “You!” Upon waking, Ha Yeon, who sat holding my hand, looked at me with surprise. “How about it? Did you finish that bothersome clean-up?” “I really thought something terrible had happened…” Ha Yeon sighed in relief. I did tell her I was just going to sleep. Though, I hadn’t expected to sleep as soundly as a dead man for an entire four days. “Kang Poo Kuai! Are you okay?!” “How is the Headmaster’s health? I brought some abalone porridge!” Upon hearing of my awakening, a crowd gathered. “Manager Kang! There’s a whole hullabaloo at the publishing house because people thought you might start writing another novel with Hu Pil! Are you really fine?” “I come representing the author’s association. We’ve brought some restorative herbs and gifts for your recovery. Please, if you could, try these herbal tonics we’ve prepared to ease the mental burden on Hu Pil.” Friends from the association came eagerly fluttering around, “Brother. I’ve taken back the position of Tu Mun Hyang Joo.” And, I heard news that my brother Wang had reclaimed the Tu Mun Hyang Joo seat, which had been left vacant past its expiration. “Young Master Kang, how is your health?” Of course, not all visitors were welcome. Someone had also come from the Wan Geum Estate. “Has Lord Cheol Ji sent for me?” “...” As expected. I couldn’t explain in detail after the estate was attacked and I had to rush out. “Tell them I’ll visit soon after resting to recover from tracking down the attackers.” “I’ll relay your message. Also, I’ve brought someone who’s been eagerly waiting for you.” Who? The person from Wan Geum pointed, and there stood a very welcome face peeking timidly from behind the door frame. “Miss Jegal!” “Young Master Kang!!” Tears welled up in her eyes as Jegal rushed to my bedside. “I’m here too, you know.” “Sister Ha Yeon!! We… we were all so worried!!” “Thanks to you, Miss Jegal, everything turned out well.” My plan. Jegal’s help. Ha Yeon’s execution. If even one of us had been absent, none of us would have gathered here today. We embraced, celebrating our reunion after several daunting days. —- “Master Ji Mun, how are you feeling now?” As soon as I felt better, I visited Master Ji Mun. “What brings you here? Are you well?” Of course, I’m pushing myself a little. I haven't fully recovered yet, but I put on an exaggerated smile to show him my biceps, pretending to be fine. “What’s youth worth if not for resilience? After a good sleep, I’m visiting those to whom I owe gratitude.” When your reputation is at stake, you do what's necessary. Even while showing signs of illness, making visits to express gratitude wins you favor. "We could just meet at tomorrow's drink gathering..." "How could expressions of gratitude be reduced to mere casual drinking? It's only proper to personally visit those I've indebted myself to." I stopped by early since visiting Ji Mun tonight would be hectic, but I planned to greet the other masters soon after. "It seems Hwa Yeon's teachings were well instilled in you," Ji Mun Hyang Joo observed with a gentle smile. "I've received many a scolding." "...Imagining her raising a hand for discipline is rather hard." A hint of longing flickered in Ji Mun Hyang Joo's eyes. "She was a kind mother who knew when to wield discipline. Someone like my mother is nowhere else to be found." In moments like this, you match the mood. I spoke with the expression of a son longing for a mother he would never see again. "Hwa Yeon would rejoice in your achievements." "There are times I remember her gazing westward." Though the master could not save the courtesan Hwa Yeon, I did manage to rescue the courtesan Im Ha Yeon. It's something worth bragging about but no need to boast excessively. Here, nostalgia for one's mother scores points instead. "I remember your promise to take responsibility for her that day. A good son makes for a good father, and you're the embodiment of that sentiment. You've done remarkably well." Ji Mun Hyang Joo looked at me with satisfaction in her eyes. When it comes to condemning the master, there's no one more qualified than Ji Mun Hyang Joo. I nodded like a child comforted by her words. "I only tried to be a son my mother wouldn't be ashamed of." "Being an unashamed son is commendable, but it's a pity you have no children." A remark with depth was thrown my way. "Haha... Ah! I brought a gift for you." Dang Hwaryeon, Im Ha Yeon, Jegal Hyang — given all the women Ji Mun Hyang Joo knows about, I don’t really have grounds for excuses. Hence a gift to change the subject. I handed over a bundle. "A gift?" “It's a Korean medicinal tablet called Uru-hwan (牛淚丸), beneficial for the liver. They say it's good for those who often drink.” The medicine has recently been rumored to bring the strength of an ox, crafted by a competent Korean herbalist. "I'll put it to good use. You must visit whenever you need anything else." "The help you've already given me is more than generous." "You are the son of a cherished student. How could I possibly ignore you?" Ji Mun Hyang Joo’s expression conveyed a slight disappointment. Is that so? Teacher-student relationships are practically parental. To me, Ji Mun Hyang Joo is like a grandmother, given that my teacher is your disciple. "Haha. Then I'll regard you as my grandmother and visit more often." "G-Grandmother?!" Ji Mun Hyang Joo let her pipe fall in surprise. "Pardon?” “Oh, no. I was just taken aback by being called that. But considering it now, that’s indeed our relationship." As she tried to pick up her pipe, her hand trembled slightly, dropping it once more before she managed to grip it again. “Haha. Frankly, it's hard to believe you're past fifty, given how youthful you look." Appearance-wise, even if you generously appraise it, she looks about her late 20s. How impressive must the anti-aging martial arts, the Ju-an Technique, be? Ji Mun Hyang Joo, with her pipe in mouth, replied in a slightly bristling tone. "Phew... I’m not fifty yet..." "Ah! Then you're almost fifty!" Given that courtesans often take students early, there doesn't seem to be a huge age gap between her and Hwa Yeon. Wait. "Phew, phew. Grandmother, fifty... Huff puff..." Smoke was released before me like a smoke bomb. "Since you're busy, I'll take my leave!" Feeling a peculiar hint of anger from behind the smoke, I excused myself and hurried to meet the next master. *** “The leaders have gathered!” On the evening after Kang Yun Ho met all the leaders, the leaders assembled there. “I see you all arrived before me. Sorry for being late.” Im Ha Yeon, who had become the leader of Hao Clan, apologized with a guilty look despite arriving earlier than the appointed time. “No need for apologies, Leader.” Ma Mun Hyang Joo waved her hand in embarrassment. The other leaders also bowed their heads to her. “Please treat me casually. I have no intention of reigning above the masters.” Im Ha Yeon smiled softly as she spoke to Ma Mun Hyang Joo. “Even so...” “Think of me as just the face of Hao Clan in Hubei. I'm not here to stand above the heads of the masters.” Im Ha Yeon never intended to be a leader. Seeing benefactors bow to her was uncomfortable enough for her. “But Leader’s power is absolute.” “And if with that absolute power she's asking us to be comfortable, we should comply, should we not?” “Indeed, Si Mun Hyang Joo.” Im Ha Yeon nodded, smiling at Si Mun Hyang Joo, who had protected her from the moment she began her life in Wuhan. “Haha. The world is full of surprises. Anyway, you did a great job.” “Congratulations once more.” “Congratulations.” The leaders offered their congratulations on her new leadership. “Thank you for making such difficult decisions. I've truly received immense favor from the leaders.” Im Ha Yeon bowed with a gesture more profound than the leaders'. “What do you plan to do now?” Ji Mun Hyang Joo inquired to her leader. “After managing the current situation as a leader, I'll return to my everyday life. Unless there's a need like the Dominion incident for me to be the focal point of Hao Clan, I plan to remain where I belong.” Im Ha Yeon had no intention of wielding her newfound power. She found more joy standing by the one she loves, supporting him in his endeavors. Finally freed from the lifelong burden of her destiny, the young woman smiled softly, contemplating the future ahead. “Beside him...” The leaders, upon hearing Im Ha Yeon's words, gazed at her with expressions of deep sympathy. “...” “...” An inexplicable silence filled the gathering space, which had been so heartwarming just moments ago. “Did I say something wrong?” Something felt amiss. Had she made a mistake in her words? Im Ha Yeon, now feeling uneasy, looked around and asked. Someone needed to respond to the leader's question. But none of them wished to be the one to speak. The leaders knew the hardships Im Ha Yeon had overcome to reach this position, so they withheld their words. They looked to each other, and ultimately, it was her father, Tu Mun Hyang Joo Wang Jong Ho, who stepped forward. "Ha Yeon... No, Leader. Now that you’ve become the leader, there's something you must know." Tu Mun Hyang Joo Wang Jong Ho, with an apologetic expression directed at his daughter and leader, began to unfold a story she was unaware of. What on earth could it be? Im Ha Yeon listened quietly to her father’s words. “…What?” When the story concluded, she stood still, mouth agape, utterly stunned.