Biikyeonri – 1 “Is something wrong?” I asked Ha Yeon, who was preparing to leave with me early in the morning, after settling my preparations. “What?” “You don’t look too well. I heard you met with the Lords yesterday. Did something happen?” She had gone to discuss resolving the Domun incident, but Ha Yeon’s complexion seemed pallid since morning. “Nothing happened.” I scrutinized her face for a moment. That’s not right. Something definitely happened. “Did the Lords happen to say that they wouldn’t listen to you, or maybe refuse to acknowledge the Lord?” “Not at all.” Judging by the conviction in her voice, that wasn’t it. Then what could it be? “Then why...?” “I, I just have a bit of a hangover. There’s no time if we’re going to deal with the Domun incident. Let’s go!” A hangover? She didn’t seem like the type to overindulge. As I hesitated, Ha Yeon grabbed my sleeve and dragged me outside. ----- “Are you saying we should run a gambling den?” We had called the Samgu brothers, who worked at the dock, to the Un-gi Guest House. “It’s a gambling den skirting the line between legal and illegal. Right now, there’s no one to run it.” Although the Domun itself wasn’t gone, the close confidants of the Domun Lord had been thoroughly purged. Of course, the Domun Lord’s and his confidants’ assets were seized, and they needed to be dealt with. “You’re serious?” Choi Il Gu, the eldest of the Samgu brothers, stared at me with astonished eyes. “When have I ever joked with you brothers?” “Why us?” “My close associates.” “...!” “You’re dependable. You’ve followed through on tasks I entrusted to you. So give it a try.” There isn’t a single Lord who wouldn’t acknowledge my contributions to the Domun incident. I could easily secure positions for my close associates. No sooner had I finished speaking than the Samgu brothers dropped to their knees, as if to shatter the floor beneath them. “Master, I will devote my life to your service!” “You are truly a blessing to the Joseon Hyangwoo Society!” “We’ll serve you like a father!” It was all nice, but... “I’m not the one you should be thanking.” “What?” The Samgu brothers looked puzzled until I turned my gaze to the person beside me. “The gambling den belongs to your sister-in-law.” In fact, it was compensation for supporting the new Lord. I had requested a position on the premise that it should run under the Haumo. “Sister-in-law?” “It came into my hands due to certain circumstances. I’m sure the Samgu brothers can manage it well?” Ha Yeon spoke to them with the expression of an elder generously giving pocket money to nieces and nephews during a holiday. “We’ll treat you like a mother!” “Geez...” Ha Yeon looked slightly daunted at the rugged men who were older and bigger than she was calling her that. “You’ll manage it, but make sure to set aside the proceeds for your sister-in-law and the Hyangwoo Society fees. If you try anything shady, you’ll lose a hand.” “We will manage it earnestly and honestly, without greed!” Lower your voices. You'll wake the whole guesthouse. “Alright. Delegate the dock work to someone else for the time being. We’ll gradually expand the space for Joseon people in Muhon.” “It shall be done!” “Really, to us...” “Master...” The Samgu brothers were nearly in tears. “Don’t cry with those faces, you blockheads.” “Loyalty! Absolute loyalty!” The Samgu brothers pledged to find replacements for the dock work and stood up from their spots. ----- “Who would have thought the Joseon Hyangwoo Society would fill the void left by the Domun?” I spoke while looking through the documents at the Un-gi Guest House office. “Since the Domun needs a thorough reshuffle, it’s better to fill it with people we can trust.” “I just hope the Joseon people don’t only work in the shadows.” Immigrants often end up in the underworld due to discrimination, evidenced by foreign mafias in America or the Zainichi Koreans involved in the gambling business. I am a bit concerned. “Using the funds from the gambling den, we’ll eventually establish martial arts schools or academies for Joseon people.” “Aren’t you taking on too much?” Any leader needs a considerable amount of money, knowingly or unknowingly. While Ha Yeon’s intentions are kind, it seems unnecessary. “Though I’m the prospective Lord of Haomo, I’m still the sister-in-law of the Joseon Hyangwoo Society.” Ha Yeon replied, placing her hands on her hips as if offended by my words. “Haha! I’m worried that once Ha Yeon becomes busy with Lord duties, it’ll be hard to get help.” Whether it’s for the Hyangwoo Society, the guesthouse, or Daseogak, everything has relied on Ha Yeon’s assistance. If she also takes on the duties of Lord, I will truly miss her presence. “...” “Ha Yeon?” Why did her expression suddenly turn rigid? “It’s already this late. I need to visit some business partners I haven’t been to in a while. I’ve informed them beforehand, so you’ll have to go to the gathering alone tonight.” “Ha Yeon, is it really all right... Why is she acting like this?” Ha Yeon simply left the office. I’m certain Ha Yeon has been bothered by something since this morning. I just don’t know what it is. ----- In the evening, I headed alone to the meeting place with the Lords. “You’ve worked hard. Thanks to you, this matter was resolved beautifully. Let me pour you a drink.” Lord Gimon grinned and handed me a bottle of alcohol. “The moment you announced you were here on Kwak’s behalf! Ah! I knew you were the one! Our lucky charm! Take a drink!” “Young brother Kang! Accept my drink too.” Just as I received Lord Gimon’s drink, Lords Simun and Lord Wang lifted their bottles as well. “Two Moon Lord! What is Young brother Kang to you now? He is now your son-in-law!” “Sigh...” Lord Wang, isn’t it time you acknowledged this? “Have a drink from me as well.” “I’ll drink it all.” I drank the liquor poured by the smiling Lords one after the other. As Lord Gimon deftly fed me snacks with chopsticks, Lord Simun shot a surprised glance but didn’t make much of it. After all, she’s elderly. Why does this feel like I'm the only new hire at a gathering with five department heads? Time to showcase my workplace survival skills at this company dinner! I didn’t refuse a single drink, quickly filling any empty cup next to me. “You drink well! Drop by the guesthouse when you’re free. Bring your Joseon friends, or just bring the Lord, it doesn’t matter; I'll treat you to a lavish meal!” “I’ll make sure to visit.” “Hoho. If you wish, I’ll also arrange a meeting with those two young ladies who have been eagerly waiting to meet you,” added Lord Gimon with a chuckle. “What?” What was he talking about? “They’re young geishas who haven’t yet reached maturity, but I suspect they’d willingly advance for someone like you.” I remembered. He was talking about the geisha who had suddenly thrown her clothes at me. “Hahaha…” Chung-gi, or young geishas, are often treated as idols. Although they might not reach the level of beauties like Ha Yeon or Lady Jegal, they are tempting prospects for any man. However, the problem is... “Do you frequent the brothels often?” a cold voice suddenly spoke from behind me. “Oh, Lord Wang.” Damn. My smile faltered. “Even though you have a daughter waiting at home?” Lord Wang, you’re really intimidating at this close distance. Quite scary, actually. “Well, that is…” “Hahaha.” Lord Gimon watched us with amusement, seemingly finding the situation entertaining. This really was a setup, wasn't it? An assassination attempt, of sorts. “Father-in-law! It’s a misunderstanding!” I protested, waving my hands to dismiss the accusation. “Father-in-law? I have no son-in-law who'd frequent brothels with a daughter left at home!” “Hahaha.” Lord Gimon! I knew this was a revenge plot! I shot a desperate look at him, over Lord Wang’s shoulder. — Will you spare me? — I’ll spare you. I promise I won’t call you grandma again. Lord Gimon laughed quietly and nodded, amused. “Let him be. He has been frequenting the brothel to solve the Lord’s problems, and the geishas fell for him of their own accord.” “Is that true?” Lord Simun asked, his eyes burning with intensity. “It is true.” “You're lucky to have such a talented son-in-law, and you want to keep him tied to the house? What matters is that he remains faithful, even with outside work!” “Ahem. That, that is true. My apologies, young brother Kang.” Lord Simun coughed awkwardly, lowering his tone after being chided by Lord Gimon. Father-in-law is a bit of a softy when it comes to his daughter, it seems. “Hahaha.” Lord Gimon, please stop giving me that look that says there’s more to it than that! “Ah! Lord Simun, by any chance…?” Taking advantage of the resolved misunderstanding, I spoke to Lord Simun. “Hm?” “Did you say something to the Lord yesterday? She has looked unwell all day, yet no one has explained anything, and it's troubling.” “...” Why did all the smiles disappear? Something is definitely up. “I wouldn’t know. Let's just keep drinking!” I pushed further for answers but ultimately received none. I guess I must ask Ha Yeon directly. *** “Are you still here?” Late at night, Im Ha Yeon arrived solo at the gathering place of the Lords, looking for her partner. The drinking session had already dissolved into chaos with four men sprawled out, reeking of alcohol. “You decided to come after all.” Lord Gimon, puffing on his cigarette, spoke to the arriving Lord. Even though they must have drunk the same liquor, he looked untouched by it. Im Ha Yeon marveled, thinking it was truly befitting of Lord Gimon as she approached her partner. “It seemed a bit too late. You. It’s time to go home. Let’s get you up.” “Ugh…” “Ugh… The stench of alcohol. How much did you drink? Try to wake up.” Despite Im Ha Yeon’s worried shaking, Kang Yoon Ho didn’t seem to regain consciousness. “Haha. You look like a newly-wedded wife.” “He’s not the type to usually drink this much…” “It’s a special day. He said he wanted to drink until he was satisfied.” Im Ha Yeon looked over her oblivious partner after hearing Lord Gimon’s remark. Considering how he hasn’t fully recovered yet, she wondered why he’d drink so heavily. Besides, he’s not one to drink until oblivion. Though she had every right to be upset at her partner’s drunken state, Im Ha Yeon found herself smiling faintly. It must mean that saving her had made him that happy. “It’s better to tell him sooner rather than later. The longer you wait, the more resentment will build.” Lord Gimon watched, eventually offering quiet advice. “I know… I’ll take him home now.” Im Ha Yeon nodded, carefully supporting Kang Yoon Ho. “Take care.” “Ha Yeon. Father will…” “Find your own way home.” A blunt rejection. “Ack.” Is there any point in raising daughters if this is how it ends up? Or maybe it's more sorrowful because he never really raised her. The thought weighed heavily on Wang Jong Ho. ———— The night sky of Muhon was streaked with pink starlight. Im Ha Yeon, who had achieved a transcendent level in martial arts, effortlessly jumped over walls. Even with her partner soundly asleep on her back, Kang Yoon Ho didn’t stir no matter how fast she ran. ‘I must tell him.’ Though her body remained steady even as she dashed, her mind was in turmoil. She knew she needed to tell him. She had to. But she didn’t want to. Her stride quickened in proportion to her trembling heart. ‘Tomorrow, maybe the day after.’ Would she ever truly be able to say it? She had spent all day trying to find the right moment to speak but couldn’t get the words out. Not even under his persistent questioning. Im Ha Yeon soon reached the inner courtyard of their residence. She now needed only to lay him in bed and return to their regular routine. But was it really the norm anymore? Her feet suddenly felt heavy. “Are you finally thinking of telling me?” A gentle voice touched her ears, lightly tapping at her heart. “You’re…?” “Please, set me down now.” When Im Ha Yeon turned around, she found Kang Yoon Ho now fully alert. “Were you not drunk?” “There are a couple of tricks to sober up quickly, you know.” Kang Yoon Ho had learned such methods from his fiancée and the toxin expert of the Sichuan Tang family. “Ugh…” Im Ha Yeon wore an expression as if she’d been caught off guard. “Ha Yeon,” Kang Yoon Ho addressed her, stepping down from her back and seating himself on a nearby stone in the courtyard. “Yes…” “There’s an old Joseon saying that when you share sorrow, it’s halved, and when you share joy, it’s doubled.” “…” “Even complete strangers find this to be true. So, between us, what barriers remain for us to share our burdens? If there is anything troubling you, I’m always ready to bear half of it.” Kang Yoon Ho spoke to his partner with a look that showed he was ready to hear anything she had to say. “I don’t think this can be split in half.” Im Ha Yeon lowered her head weakly. It wasn’t because she didn’t trust Kang Yoon Ho. How could she not trust her partner? It was simply that sharing this burden wouldn’t ease the pain. Observing her hesitation, Kang Yoon Ho faintly smiled and spoke again. “Even if the pain doubles, if it means feeling it alongside you, I’m always ready to listen.” Honestly, this man… How does he always choose the perfect words? Im Ha Yeon bit her lip, overwhelmed with emotion. “Sometimes... I think your mouth should be shut up for good.” “Hahaha.” Looking up cautiously, she met the sight of her partner offering a sheepish smile. Yes. She had to tell him. When had he ever turned away from sadness, ignored hardship, be it during times of joy, sorrow, or struggle? They always held each other's hands. Just like a pair of birds with only one wing each leaning on one another, they had flown this far together. No matter how painful the story might be, she couldn’t irresponsibly keep it hidden. Im Ha Yeon fought against the weight in her heart to reveal the secret she had kept from him. “I have to meet with the Haomo Lord.”