Winged Souls United – Part 2 "Haomen Sovereign?" I couldn't help but ask again, surprised by the unexpected words that left her lips. "I need to visit Moji, the headquarters where the Haomen Sovereign resides." Lady Ha Yeon spoke while avoiding my gaze with a tormented expression. "Is it because you've become the Crown Princess that you must go meet her?" "Yes." She nodded weakly. Since she's become the Crown Princess of Haomen, it seems she must visit the Haomen Sovereign for a formal greeting. Moreover, there might be matters related to the Lesser Sovereigns to convey. It made sense to meet the Sovereign. "Will it take long?" "A simple round trip would take a little over a year." "So it means it won't just be a simple round trip." "……." I had a feeling. Lady Ha Yeon silently confirmed my suspicion. We're talking about a vast land where even a minor journey can take several months. Her complexion wouldn't look this troubled if it were only just that. There had to be more to it. "Are the Lesser Sovereigns forcing you out? Acknowledging you as the Crown Princess but telling you to quietly entertain the Haomen Sovereign?" "You know they aren't like that." Lady Ha Yeon shook her head bitterly. "Then tell me why Lady Ha Yeon feels so troubled." I listened to her words with a face of comfort, as if willing to share any burden of pain with her. Lady Ha Yeon watched me for a while, then spoke with a weary expression. "As the Crown Princess of Haomen, I must become the Haomen Sovereign's disciple." The source of her worry was a notion I'd heard before. "Haomen Sovereign's disciple? Indeed... It was said that upon becoming the Crown Princess, one gains the right to become the Haomen Sovereign’s disciple. But it’s a right, not an obligation, isn't it?" The principle that the Crown Princess is elected by the Lesser Sovereigns themselves. The Crown Princess has the right to become the Haomen Sovereign’s disciple. Such were the terms of Moji I had heard in the past. "There's no Crown Princess who wouldn't want to become a disciple of the Haomen Sovereign, so it's generally referred to as a right." "What do you mean by that?" "Becoming a disciple of the Haomen Sovereign means there's potential to become the Minor Sovereign in the future. Even if not becoming the next Haomen Sovereign, one would be treated with the respect of an elder. Effectively, in the martial community, it's an undeniable position. That's why it's generally regarded as a right." "It's a position so evidently beneficial that there's no reason to refuse it, hence a right." Like being elected as the union leader and then being offered a parliamentary seat—who would refuse? Though Haomen might have no influence in the orthodox regions, it's a sect with substantial strength within the heterodox realms. Additionally, it was one of the few sects, alongside the Beggars' Sect, spread nationwide. The chance to become the Haomen Sovereign's disciple as the Crown Princess is indeed considered a right. "That's correct." Lady Ha Yeon nodded at my words. "Is there no way to refuse the position of the Haomen Sovereign's disciple?" A right implies the option not to exercise it. I asked with hope, but Lady Ha Yeon, looking like she had already sought this information, opened her mouth with a sad expression. "I said I wouldn't do it either. I said I'd just greet them since I've become the Crown Princess. But they told me it was impossible." "Impossible?" "Four Lesser Sovereigns of Hubei Province acknowledged me as the Crown Princess. One dissenting Sovereign was slain. Given we've managed things amongst ourselves, what would happen if I told the Haomen Sovereign I had no intention of becoming their disciple?" "Rebellion… It could appear as a rebellion for independence." The sole reason we could remove the previous Lesser Sovereign was due to the Crown Princess's power originating from the Haomen Sovereign. However, if the newly elected Crown Princess refused to formalize the disciple bond, to the Haomen Sovereign, it would seem as if the Haomen of Hubei Province was an independent group led by the Crown Princess and Lesser Sovereigns. For the Haomen Sovereign, who had already experienced a major rebellion, this would be akin to another uprising. "It's something the Haomen Sovereign wouldn't tolerate. Even if it meant bloodshed, it must be prevented." It was affirmed then, being the Crown Princess meant inevitably becoming the Haomen Sovereign's disciple. Mastering the Sovereign’s martial arts won't be a matter of days. With a face sharing her burden, I asked, "If you become a disciple, how long must you stay at the Haomen headquarters?" Lady Ha Yeon dropped her head dejectedly and spoke as if spilling out her anguish. "I... don't know." ** The sharp autumn wind was not as chilling as the heavy silence pressing down on the two of them. It was a first in Haomen's history for a Crown Princess to be chosen with the Lesser Sovereigns' accord. No one could predict how long it would take to become the Haomen Sovereign's disciple under such circumstances. Lim Ha Yeon felt Kang Yoon Ho's silence like a painful jab to her heart. She couldn't bring herself to look up. What would he say now? That he had saved her only to see her leave? Would he be angry at the absurdity of it all? "Because of me." Kang Yoon Ho's unexpected self-blame pierced Lim Ha Yeon's heart. "It's not your fault!" Lim Ha Yeon responded, startled. "I was the one who made Lady Ha Yeon the Crown Princess." "We had no other choice! You did well. Does it look like I'm being taken as a hostage? It's not like that. Once I become the Haomen Sovereign's disciple, there will be no issue." It's not his fault. His efforts should not be invalidated. As long as she enters as the Haomen Sovereign’s disciple, everything will be settled. "……." "Being the Sovereign's disciple will mean learning high-level martial arts. In the heterodox community, no one will be able to dismiss me. But…." She would be apart from her beloved for some time. Lim Ha Yeon felt her breath catch at the thought. "Lady Ha Yeon." She couldn't let him blame himself. Lim Ha Yeon's words quickened. "There's no need for you to be sad. Being the Crown Princess is a really good thing. I'm not even fully grown yet, but I've attained a remarkable position within the heterodox realm. So...." "Don't be sad. It hurts me more to see you sad than to feel my own sadness." Lim Ha Yeon lifted her head to gaze at her lover. "Lady Ha Yeon." Kang Yoon Ho had quietly approached, now standing in front of her. "I-I'm fine. Truly, it’s an excellent opportunity." Her voice trembled. It was indeed an offer almost impossible to refuse. Who would turn down the chance to become the Haomen Sovereign's disciple? Yet despite any offer, there was one glaring drawback that stirred her heart. "Lady Ha Yeon... don't cry." "Huh?" Unbeknownst to her, tears had begun to fall from one eye. Kang Yoon Ho gently caressed her cheek with a look of sympathy. The warmth of his touch and her suppressed sobs broke through her composed demeanor. "Why is this happening...?" Lim Ha Yeon murmured as she wiped her tears. "My lady." The flood of tears couldn't be held back by her hands. Soon, like a crumbling dam, they flowed freely from both eyes. "We worked so hard! Every moment was desperate for us!" She felt wronged, an indescribable fury surged within her. "Lady Ha Yeon." "I just wanted to be by your side! That’s why I came all this way! Not for this conclusion… not just to become the Haomen Sovereign’s disciple and part ways…." They had walked on water, only for this inevitable separation to loom over them. Being by his side was all she desired, any position paled in comparison. "Look at my face." She couldn’t bring herself to look at him. It felt like the world was sinking, as if everything was about to end. Tears cascaded uncontrollably as her heart continued to unravel. "……." Lim Ha Yeon met the eyes of her kneeling lover. It was the face of someone determined to move forward, no matter the obstacles. Yet this time, there seemed to be no way out. A Crown Princess position was a lifelong commitment, with no change in sight. This time, even he wouldn’t have a solution. But Lim Ha Yeon had forgotten one crucial fact. "Lady Ha Yeon. This isn't the end." He was the kind of person who would reach out his hand to his beloved, even in the most desperate of times. ** "Lady Ha Yeon. Let’s sit down for a moment." I took a seat on a nearby boulder in the courtyard and spoke to her. "……." "Not on the cold ground, sit here." I motioned to a spot, preventing her from sitting beside me on the stone. "On your lap?" She looked at me with a slightly surprised expression. "Don’t you want to sit here?" "N-No, it’s not that. ...Oh?" I lifted the bashful Lady Ha Yeon and placed her on my lap. Her body trembled. The multitude of emotions—anger, sorrow, injustice, embarrassment—were making her shake uncontrollably. What could I say now? No words I spoke could truly offer solace. "Ugh?!" "Let's stay like this for a moment." I embraced her tightly without words because sometimes the warmth of a person can be more comforting than hundreds of words. Until my affectionate warmth could thaw her heart, I continued to wait patiently. "Do you feel a bit calmer?" Once her trembling subsided, I gently broke the silence. "A little..." Lady Ha Yeon replied, swallowing her tears. On the outside, she seemed mature, yet truly, she was nothing but a sensitive young woman, not even of full age. She had faced the harsh storms of this world, living each day swallowing her tears like today. But what could I possibly say to her now? I'd already decided on the answer. "Go." "You..." She turned her head slightly with surprise in her eyes, looking at my face. My heart felt like it would tear apart too. I didn’t want to part from her. But I couldn’t show it. For her sake, as her lover and an adult, I needed to reflect resolve. "Lady Ha Yeon, did we fail?" I spoke as we looked into each other’s eyes. "……." "Lady Ha Yeon is no longer a courtesan, and the Lesser Sovereign who tormented us is gone." With a gentle reminder of our current situation, I prompted her into contemplation. "Yet it ends in separation." Lady Ha Yeon murmured sorrowfully, her head bowed, her words wounding my heart too. "It’s only a few years at most. Perhaps even shorter. A Crown Princess who must govern Hubei Province can't be kept away for too long." It’s my fault. Ordinarily, the Lesser Sovereign would have become the Crown Princess, and Lady Ha Yeon would have continued her life as a courtesan once deemed useless. The legend of Lim Ha Yeon, the finest courtesan of Hubei, would have been a conquest sought by wealthy suitors. I resolved this issue by making Lady Ha Yeon the Crown Princess. Although I saved her, the cost of not rescuing her in the traditional way was this. But it didn’t matter. After all, it would only be a few years. "Are you really alright with this?" "Not at all. How could I not be troubled by parting with my beloved? Listen to my heartbeat. What do you think?" Gently, I placed her head near my pounding heart. "…It’s racing." "I'm also upset and angry, but I'm holding back. Because soon, this will end." "End?" Lady Ha Yeon asked back, seemingly misunderstanding. "Because I’ll spend the rest of my life with you, it’s merely a few years, isn’t it? It's just a fleeting moment of separation in our long lives." It is natural for her to be distressed. Certainly, it is a lengthy parting. Yet at the end of separation is reunion. Compared to the life awaiting us after we reunite, these few years apart will seem but a fleeting moment. "……!" "I'm surprisingly good at waiting. As I publish novels and run businesses, living busily, someday, Lady Ha Yeon will show up beside me, criticizing the mess and demanding I tidy up. Isn’t that right?" One day, at some time, Lady Ha Yeon would be there nagging lovingly. I anticipated that day with such excitement that I could hardly wait. "Y-Yes, that’s exactly it...." Lady Ha Yeon seemed to envision her future self, and nodded with her face blushing. In comparison to the lifetime ahead, this separation is but a fleeting moment. So let's not dwell on the sadness. I will continue to wait, and our love for each other will remain unchanged. I spoke to her, pouring my heart into each word. "So go. Handle this inconvenient task for us." **** The heart that was trembling so wildly now settles down. The mind, which was overwhelmed with sorrow and anger, grows calm. This isn't a long farewell; it’s merely a short errand before we can be together forever. Lim Ha Yeon felt her concerns, which had weighed her down all day, melt away as she embraced him. "When do you leave?" "Soon. I'll leave once the attendants accompanying me are decided." "You mean you were going to tell me afterwards? Wow... that's more disappointing." Kang Yoon Ho spoke in an exaggeratedly hurt tone. "I planned to tell you after a day or two to gather my thoughts." "So, I have two more days gained." "What?" Lim Ha Yeon lifted her head to look at Kang Yoon Ho, who simply smiled at her. "Let’s drop everything and spend time just for ourselves. Whatever you’ve wanted to do, let’s do it." "What I wanted to do?" "Things we couldn’t do because we were too caught up with the affairs of the sect. Let’s do those things. Don’t you have any?" "N-No." "Tell me anything you’d like. I'll grant your wishes." After some thought, Lim Ha Yeon spoke up. "I want to stroll around the streets of Wuhan during daylight." "We’ve never really walked around freely, always hiding. That sounds good." "I want to cook three meals a day for you." At her suggestion, Kang Yoon Ho nodded eagerly, and she bashfully confessed her feelings. "Then we’ll need some stomach medicine." "What did you say!" "Haha, I meant because I’d eat a lot." "Ugh... really." Lim Ha Yeon tapped his chest playfully, pretending to be upset, but Kang Yoon Ho simply hugged her tighter, enjoying her playful side. "What else would you like to do?" "Go on outings, ride a boat, visit scenic spots. And…" There's too much. Her thoughts were abundant and words seemed to escape her. So many things she wanted to try as just a simple woman, not a courtesan, with the one she loved. "Let's do it all. So that when you are handling those troublesome tasks, you can hold on by thinking of our memories." Before they know it, all the inconvenient tasks would pass, and then they could create new memories together. It was simple words, yet Lim Ha Yeon began anticipating their reunion instead of the separation. "And also…" "And also?" "Whatever it is, I want to be with you." Lim Ha Yeon confessed shyly to the one she loved most. "Soon enough, we’ll be able to do that always." Their eyes met. From their fateful meeting at New Year’s to today, they had lived through so much. They had faced numerous challenges, overcoming them as if they were one. Though they started with clashes, the two became lovers, learning even how to reward each other for their efforts. It didn’t take long for them to feel each other's breath as they held each other close.