“Please, go inside and rest. Starting tomorrow, let's enjoy ourselves.” Once Ha-yeon So-jeo calmed down, I escorted her to her sleeping quarters. "……." "Ha-yeon So-jeo?" Why is she looking silently towards my room? "Oh, it's nothing. You should also get some rest." After watching Ha-yeon So-jeo close her door, I headed straight to my room. Yes, let's just throw everything aside and enjoy from tomorrow. Isn’t that why we hired administrators in the first place? The thought of taking a break suddenly excites me. As I opened the door to my room with light steps, a mysterious figure was sitting on the desk, waiting for me. "What the—! Brother Wang?" The person waiting for me was Brother Wang. If he had arrived, he could have just said so. Then again, seeing as he caught us hugging at the clinic, it might have been awkward to interrupt. “So, did you finish the conversation with your daughter?” “Yes.” Brother Wang nodded with a bittersweet smile at my response, then stood up from the desk and said to me. "Want to go out for another drink?" "Sure, let's go." --- “Mun-ju! You’ve arrived? Since you said you’d be coming soon, I’ve prepared a small table in your office." The place we headed to late at night was the inn that I run. “Tell the chef to show his best skills since this is my father-in-law.” I introduced Brother Wang to the people from the hometown association who were present. “What?! So you are the Mun-ju's father-in-law?” “Hey! What are you doing just standing there! The Mun-ju’s father-in-law has arrived!” Upon hearing that Ha-yeon So-jeo's father had come, all the drowsy delivery workers and staff gathered around. “Hello! You have no idea how much we owe to the Mun-ju and his wife!” “When my wife gave birth, they personally gifted us seaweed and beef! You have truly raised a wonderful daughter!” “Any member from the Joseon Hometown Association, without exception, owes something to your daughter! You are truly blessed!” "Heh heh." No parent would feel unhappy hearing praises about their child. Even though he seemed a bit flustered by the sudden crowd, Brother Wang displayed a satisfied smile at the continued compliments about his daughter. “I'll head up for a bit since I’m short on time.” “Yes! Mun-ju! We’ll prepare everything with utmost care!” I dispersed the hometown association folks and then entered my office at the inn with Brother Wang. “You’ve truly made something of yourself.” Brother Wang remarked with an impressed expression as he sat down for a drink. The me he remembered was just scraping by day-to-day as a merchant. It was understandable that he’d be surprised to now see me leading people, running an inn and a bookstore. “I guess luck followed my hard work.” Though it was a setup. Perhaps it's time to showcase what the son-in-law can really do? “Your daughter is loved like family by others.” “She’s a woman with depth like no other.” “……Pour a drink.” Brother Wang raised the bottle. “Allow me to pour first.” I grabbed the bottle he was holding and poured a drink for my father-in-law. --- “How long has it been since you started learning Muyeong Shin Technique?” After a few silent exchanges of drinks, Brother Wang finally brought it up. “Since early this year. Miss Ha-yeon started teaching me.” “Early this year? You seem to be at about the second stage. You have talent.” Brother Wang raised his eyebrows, a bit surprised at my progress. “I just had many reasons to run for my life, so I learned desperately. Plus, I had the best teacher by my side.” With someone as talented in the world as my close mentor, there was no way I wouldn’t improve. I filled Brother Wang’s empty glass with a humble attitude. Brother Wang contemplated the glass of liquor I poured for a moment, then finally downed it and spoke. “……I realized I had talent too. Unfortunately, in a bad way.” "I had no idea you were such a renowned figure back in Zhongyuan." “I was a thief who was obsessed with stealing at a young age. You wouldn’t find a more infamous thief in Zhongyuan. But now that I'm older, I realize it was all just an empty reputation.” Brother Wang spoke with a hollow expression, mocking himself. “…….” That’s something only someone at the top would say. It’s even more impressive hearing that from a living legend. “One day, when I felt the void in my life, I met my wife. She was the first woman to make my heart flutter. Soon after, we had a daughter together. Do you know what it feels like to have a child?” “I don’t know yet.” “When a child who wasn’t there just moments ago cries out toward you... Ah! This is the reason to live. For the family! It feels like being reborn. It’s the moment a man becomes a father.” Brother Wang showed a smile filled with contentment, different from the one he had when he boasted of being the most notorious thief in Zhongyuan. “It’s hard to imagine.” “You’ll understand someday. As soon as my wife was pregnant, I tried to buy her freedom. But the cursed previous Gi-mun Hyang-ju got wind of it and started interfering. Everything went downhill from there.” Im Ha-yeon’s mother was a gi (courtesan) until her passing. I used to resent my father for not buying her freedom, but now I realize it was due to a power struggle. “I’ve heard about the rebellion incident.” “Indeed, I was already the Tu-moon Hyang-ju at the time. Even though I wanted to retire and let go, the situation escalated uncontrollably. There was a rebellion against the Hao Mun-ju, and internal strife aimed at becoming a usurper. I had to make a choice.” “That must have been a difficult decision.” Choosing between the future of the Hao Moon, which he led, and his family’s future — I can’t imagine the dilemma. "I had to get my family out. I personally took action. The Gi-mun was already under surveillance by then. I thought I had devised the most perfect plan of my life. And yet… I lost my wife. Along with an anonymous letter that warned it wasn’t over.” Across Brother Wang's face, a pain not even time or drink could erase flickered momentarily. "……." “Where did it go wrong? Who are the enemies now? The Tu-moon? Do-moon? Gi-moon? I spent nights in tears and drink pondering. I couldn’t gamble with my daughter's only life again. That's why I decided to hide.” “So that's the truth behind why Ha-yeon So-jeo resented her father.” For a child not even ten years old, it would have been a bewildering power struggle to comprehend. Brother Wang nodded with a tortured expression. “No matter the reason, it’s my fault. The fault of a useless father. I lived in seclusion, and one day, I met Cheon Gi-ja.” “When I was there.” “I paid a hefty fee. I asked if I could finally reunite with my daughter. Do you know what they said?” Brother Wang chuckled slightly, as if recalling a humorous story. “What did they say?” “They said, ‘With the only person in this world who can save your daughter right beside you, why are you asking for a way to let her die?’” “Seems like quite the seer.” Predicting So Hee, forecasting Ha-yeon So-jeo. Impressive, indeed. I should ask about my love life if I ever get a chance. Would it be inappropriate to inquire how many parts I’d be split into as a groom? Or better yet, how to live without being divided into several parts? “They muttered something about stars and fate, but there was only one conclusion. It’s impossible now, but if a strong bond is formed, you will be naturally drawn to each other.” A strong bond? No way. I took out the black coin that I carried with me. “That’s why you gave me Heukjeon.” Brother Wang nodded. Come to think of it, even if I wanted to keep Ha-yeon So-jeo by my side after discovering her, our relationship wouldn’t have developed this far without the Heukjeon. It was a true conduit bringing us together. "I’ve heard about your struggles." "Brother Wang?" Why are you kneeling like that? "I'm sorry. I'm so incredibly sorry. I wish I could open my heart and show you how grateful I am." Brother Wang repeatedly apologized, even bowing his head to me. "Brother Wang, there’s no need to kneel." "It's not enough by far." I tried to lift Brother Wang from the floor, but he wouldn’t budge. I understand. Despite ultimately saving Ha-yeon So-jeo, there were countless life-threatening moments. From Brother Wang’s perspective, it seemed like he dragged a benefactor into danger. However... "I saved her by my own choice. And if it weren’t for Brother Wang’s daughter, would I have even thought to help Ha-yeon So-jeo? I just wanted to repay a bit to someone who helped a man like me when I had nothing. Please, it’s burdensome." I saved Ha-yeon So-jeo not because of fate or destiny, but purely out of my own resolve. I did it because I wanted to. "You…" Brother Wang raised his head to look at me with trembling eyes. Those hard days. Brother Wang was indeed one of the few people this black-haired barbarian could rely on. And now, that benefactor was kneeling before me. If I can’t physically raise him, I’ll just have to try another way. "If you're truly thankful, please pour me some wine. My cup is empty." I smiled with no grudge on my face as I shook the empty glass. Brother Wang looked at me for a long moment, then gave a slight chuckle and rose to his feet. "My son-in-law. Ah, I was so caught up in talking that I didn’t notice your empty glass." Did he just refer to me as his son-in-law? "Father-in-law…" Brother Wang lifted the wine bottle. "Son-in-law, thank you. Really, thank you." Thus, for the first time, I received a drink not from Brother Wang, but from my father-in-law. ——– “If my son-in-law is that celestial being…” Once the liquor began to warm our faces, my father-in-law started speaking about my secret. "Hmm?" “Well, it seems like my daughter isn't the only one.” "Hahaha." I didn’t expect that question from him. "The relationship with that Cheonsalseong girl is just an ordinary one, right?" “Oh, So Hee is…” What a dilemma. What son-in-law would openly confess to his father-in-law about having relationships with another woman? Even in a world where polygamy is common, such topics remain tricky to discuss. It’s difficult to deny, though. He surely recalls me sharing a room with So Hee. “Back in your days as a traveling merchant,” Just as I was contemplating how to answer, my father-in-law interrupted my thoughts. "Yes?" “Do you know why no woman dared to approach you after a performance?” “Isn’t it normal to leave once it’s over?” “Tut-tut. If it were just the performance, women wouldn’t have come just to see your face and squeal.” He clicked his tongue as if finding my naivety disappointing. “Were there such women? Then why didn’t anyone flirt with me?” Now that I think about it, there might have been, but perhaps the performance was more engaging, which got the reactions. As I looked at him puzzled, my father-in-law gave an unexpected answer. “Cheonsalseong. That girl took care of them all.” “What?” “She’d sneak behind women showing overt interest in you and warn them without being noticed. And if they tried to approach you, she’d unleash a murderous aura making them rethink. Some women who wouldn’t give up got made unconscious and were taken to a cloth shop. The trouble she went through each time.” “Haha…” Oh, So Hee. You managed things behind the scenes during the performances. I miss the stern face only I recognized when she would deliberately come to me after a show and say, 'Shall we have rice soup today?' Or when we had a good day's earnings and she instantly turned towards the best tteokbokki place saying, 'Shall we add some bulgogi?' I miss those moments. I should write So Hee a letter—it’s been too long. “Even with that expression, you claim to love only my daughter? If you’re going to lie, don’t even start. I’ve heard things about celestial connections and all that.” “There are others than Ha-yeon So-jeo with whom I've formed connections.” It seems my longing for So Hee was too apparent. I nodded quietly. “Don’t be embarrassed. I recognize you as my son-in-law. I will support you no matter what in the future.” Uncle Wang sighed lightly at me, then spoke with a serious expression. “Father-in-law.” “Just like with Ha-yeon, make sure not to hurt the other women. Gather everyone together, have a good talk, and make them understand. That's all I ask.” “I’ll make sure to do so when the opportunity arises.” I could only bow my head in response to a father-in-law who is understanding towards not only his daughter but others too. “Alright. But you know…” Brother Wang looked at me, then glanced away as he spoke. “Hmm?” “Exactly how many are there?” “Well… is it really necessary to count them all?” Even though he said he accepted me, directly naming them seemed a bit awkward. “I have a rough idea. I won’t make a fuss, so just tell me.” Brother Wang patted his chest, indicating it was no issue. Yes. He said he’d accept me as his son-in-law no matter what happens. Might as well come clean. “Well, I’ll start with Ha-yeon So-jeo…” One lover. One wife. I folded down two fingers. “...Two?” My father-in-law’s voice carried a note of surprise. Sorry, but there's more. One childhood friend. I folded three fingers. “Three? Hmm. I see how it is. From what I’ve heard…” There’s one fiancée. “Four?!” And a match... As I was about to fold down the last pinky finger— *Flinch* I locked eyes with Father-in-law, whose expression had frozen. “Uh, are you going to fold that one too?” I quickly nodded. The five fingers that had once been spread out were now tightly clenched into a fist. Sure, a man can take responsibility for five. While I was feeling gratified with myself— “Son-in-law.” A rather bitter voice reached my ears. “Yes.” “Can I take back what I just said?” Father-in-law. A man can’t back down now, can he?