“Go inside and rest. Tomorrow, let's go out and have some fun.” Once Ha-yeon So-jeo calmed down, I accompanied her to her private quarters. “…….” “Ha-yeon So-jeo?” Why is she silently looking towards my room? “Oh, it's nothing. You should rest too.” I watched as Ha-yeon So-jeo closed the door, and then headed to my own room. Alright. Let's toss everything aside and have fun starting tomorrow. Isn't that why we hired administrative staff? Just thinking about having fun makes me excited. As I opened my room door with a light step, I found a mysterious silhouette sitting and waiting for me on the desk. “What a surprise! Brother Wang?” The person waiting for me was Brother Wang. If he had come, he could have just told me. Then again, with us embracing at the clinic, it was probably awkward to approach. “So, have you talked everything through with my daughter?” “Yes.” Brother Wang nodded with a bitter expression and stood up from the desk, speaking to me. “Shall we go out for another drink?” “Let's go.” — “Lord of the Assembly! You've arrived! Since you mentioned coming over, I laid out a light spread in the office.” In the middle of the night, we headed to the guesthouse I was running. “Make sure to show off your culinary skills to our head chef since he’s the father of your sister-in-law.” I introduced Brother Wang to the people at the association. “What?! So you’re the Lord of the Assembly’s father-in-law?” “Hey! What are you all doing? The Lord of the Assembly’s father-in-law is here!” Upon hearing that Ha-yeon So-jeo's father had arrived, the deliverymen and clerks, who were dozing off late at night, all gathered around. “Hello! You might not know how much we owe the Lord and your daughter!” “When my wife gave birth, she personally brought seaweed soup with beef for us! You truly have a wonderful daughter!” “There isn’t anyone among the Korean association who hasn't been indebted to your daughter! You are truly blessed!” “Hehe.” No parent is displeased with compliments about their child. Though overwhelmed by the sudden crowd, Brother Wang showed a satisfied expression at the continuous praise for his daughter. “We’ll head up as we don’t have much time.” “Yes, Lord of the Assembly! We’ll prepare everything with sincerity!” After dispersing the association members, I headed to my office in the guesthouse with Brother Wang. “You’ve really made something of yourself.” Brother Wang remarked with admiration, sitting down for a drink. The person Brother Wang remembered was one who lived day-to-day as a peddler. Naturally, it was surprising to see me leading people, running a guesthouse and a bookstore. “Living diligently and a bit of luck worked in my favor.” In truth, I had planned this, but it's a good opportunity to show off my skills to my father-in-law. “Your daughter is loved like family by everyone here.” “She has a very deep and understanding heart.” “...Have a drink with me.” Brother Wang raised the liquor bottle. “Let me pour first.” I took hold of the bottle Brother Wang was holding and poured a drink for my father-in-law. — “How long have you been learning the Muyeong Shin-beop?” After a silent exchange of drinks, Brother Wang asked. “I started learning it from Ha-yeon So-jeo since the beginning of the year.” “Since the beginning of the year? You seem to be at about the second level. You have a talent.” Brother Wang raised his eyebrows slightly, as if surprised. “I only learned it desperately because I had to keep running away. I had the best teacher by my side too.” Having the top talent in this world as a close instructor, there was no way I wouldn't improve. I refilled Brother Wang’s empty glass with modesty. For a moment, Brother Wang quietly looked at his refilled glass, then drained it and started speaking. “...I had a talent too. Though it was not a good one.” “I never imagined you were someone famous in the central plains.” “In my thieving days, I clung to odd pursuits. There’s no thief more famous than me in the central plains, but in hindsight, it's nothing more than a hollow reputation.” Brother Wang spoke with a self-deprecating expression. “…….” Such statements can only be made by those who have reached the pinnacle of a field, and to hear them from a legend himself felt quite remarkable. “One day, as I felt a void in my life, I met my wife. She was the first woman to make my heart flutter. Soon after, our daughter came along. Can you imagine what it feels like to have a child?” “I can’t say I know yet.” “When a child who didn’t exist until just moments ago cries out for you... Ah! You think to yourself, I must live for this child. I must live for my family! It feels like being reborn. It’s the moment when one becomes not just a man, but a father.” When Brother Wang spoke of being the most renowned thief in the central plains, his smile was different—it was a smile filled with fulfillment and contentment. “I can’t quite imagine it.” “You'll know one day. As soon as my wife became pregnant, I wanted to buy her freedom. But damn, the former Gimong Hyang-joo found out and started interfering. That’s where all the problems began.” Im Ha-yeon’s mother remained a courtesan until her death. I had blamed her father for not buying her freedom, but it seemed political power struggles were to blame. “I’ve heard bits about the rebellion.” “Yes. By that time, I was already the Two-moon Hyang-joo. Even if I wanted to relinquish what I had and step down, things escalated beyond control. There was a rebellion against the Hao Mun-ju, and an internal war over becoming a new leader. I had to choose.” “You must have faced difficult choices.” Choosing between the future of the faction he led and his family’s future was an unimaginable conflict. “I had to get my family out. I moved personally. Since the Gimong of Usan was already under surveillance. I thought it was the most perfect plan I ever devised in my life. And the result... I lost my wife. Along with an anonymous letter telling me it wasn’t over yet.” Across Brother Wang’s face swept a pain neither alcohol nor time could erase. “…….” "Where did it all go wrong? Who are our enemies now? The Two-Moon? The Do-Moon? The Gi-Moon? Lost in tears and drink throughout the nights, I realized I couldn't gamble with my daughter's life any longer. That's when I decided to go into hiding." "So that's the backstory of why Ha-yeon So-jeo felt resentment towards her father." For a child not even ten years old, the power struggles must have been too complex to understand. With a pained expression, Brother Wang nodded. "No matter the reason, it was my fault. A failure as a father. While living in seclusion, one day, I met a fortune teller." "When I was around, you mean." "I paid a hefty fee. I asked, 'Can I finally meet my daughter now?' And do you know what he said?" Brother Wang chuckled as if reminiscing about an amusing story. "What did he say?" "He said, 'With the only person in the entire central plains capable of saving your daughter right beside you, why are you asking about a way to end her life?'" "He must be quite the gifted fortune teller." To predict So Hee’s fate and that of Ha-yeon So-jeo—it’s impressive. I should ask for a reading on my love life someday. Excuse me, how many pieces will my heart break into in the future? Or better yet, how can I live without it breaking at all? "It was all cryptic talk about stardust and fate, but in essence, he said that while it may be impossible now, if a strong connection was formed, they would naturally be drawn to each other." A strong connection? I reached for the black coin that I had been keeping. "So that's why you gave me the Black Coin." Brother Wang nodded. Indeed, even if I discovered Ha-yeon So-jeo and wanted to keep her close, without the Black Coin, our relationship might not have come this far. The Black Coin indeed served as a link drawing us together. "I heard about all the hardships you've been through." "Brother Wang?" Why is he suddenly kneeling on the floor? "I'm sorry. Truly sorry. If only I could open up my heart for you to see how grateful I am." Brother Wang bowed deeply, apologizing profusely to me. "Brother Wang. There's no need to kneel." "No. This is the least I can do." I tried to help Brother Wang up, but he remained steadfast. I understood. Even though I ultimately saved Ha-yeon So-jeo, there were many life-threatening moments. Brother Wang must feel as though he had thrown a benefactor into peril. But you know. "I chose to save her of my own accord. If she hadn't been your daughter, would I have even thought of helping Ha-yeon So-jeo? I merely wanted to repay, even in the slightest, the person who helped me when I had nothing. Please stand. It's burdensome." Saving Ha-yeon So-jeo wasn't due to fate or destiny. It was entirely my choice. I saved her because I wanted to. "You…" Brother Wang looked up, his eyes trembling as he gazed at me. In those difficult days, Brother Wang was one of the few benefactors whom even a black-haired foreigner like me could rely on. And now, that very benefactor was kneeling before me. If my strength alone couldn't lift Brother Wang, perhaps another way could. "If you're truly grateful, pour me a drink. My cup is empty." I shook my empty glass, smiling warmly without a hint of ill feeling. Brother Wang looked at me for a long while before chuckling and rising to his feet. "My son-in-law. Indeed, I was so caught up in talking I didn’t notice your glass was empty." My son-in-law? Did Brother Wang just refer to me as his son-in-law? "Father-in-law…" Brother Wang lifted the bottle. "Son-in-law, thank you. Truly, thank you." And so, for the first time, I received a drink not from Brother Wang but from my father-in-law. ——– "If my son-in-law is that Heavenly Traitor, then…” As the alcohol buzz rose between us, Father-in-law broached a topic regarding my secret. “Yes?” “Well... as far as I know, it’s not just my daughter involved.” “Hahaha.” I hadn’t expected that question. “With that young one from Heavenly Star Sect, there's something going on?” “Well, with So Hee, we’re…” This is problematic. What son-in-law could confess to his father-in-law about having such a relationship with another woman, even in a world where polygamy is the norm? It’s also hard to deny since he surely remembers So Hee and I staying in the same room. “When you were a traveling performer…” As I pondered how to respond, Father-in-law cut in. “Yes?” "Do you know why there weren’t any women throwing themselves at you after performances?" “Well, wasn’t it natural to just head home after the show?” “Tsk tsk. If that were the case, women wouldn’t have been screaming while coming to see your face instead of the show.” Father-in-law clicked his tongue as if he found me somewhat pitiful. “Were there truly such women? Then why weren’t any hitting on me?” As I recalled it, there seemed to be some. But wasn’t the reaction because the performances were more entertaining? Seeing my curious expression, Father-in-law provided an unexpected answer. “The Heavenly Star Sect girl. She blocked them all.” “What?” “She snuck up behind the women who showed obvious interest in you and warned them without a sound. The moment they tried to approach, she emitted such a menacing aura that they couldn’t come near. And as for the persistent ones, she knocked them out ahead of time and took them to the fabric shop. It was quite the task each time.” “Haha…” So Hee, you were doing all that during performances without me knowing. I miss the days when you would walk up to me with a blunt face after a show, and grumble about having only rice soup, then show a face that only I could understand. I miss how you’d turn straight to our favorite rose tteokbokki shop as soon as I suggested our business had been good enough to add some extra fish cakes. I should write to So Hee after so long. "Making a face like that and claiming my daughter is your only love is a lie. Let’s not even talk about it. I’ve heard the rumors about the Heavenly Traitor." "There are women I’ve formed ties with other than Ha-yeon So-jeo." Lost in thoughts about So Hee, I must have shown a longing expression. I nodded quietly, acknowledging the sentiment. “Don’t be embarrassed. I’ve accepted you as my son-in-law. Whatever happens, I will support you from now on.” Uncle Wang looked at me, let out a small sigh, and spoke with a serious tone. “Father-in-law.” “Take care not to hurt Ha-yeon and the others. Gather them together when you can, have a good talk, and make sure they understand. That should do the trick.” “When the time comes, I will certainly do so.” What could I say to a father-in-law who was understanding even about the other women besides his daughter? I could only bow my head in response. “Alright. But, you know…” Brother Wang looked at me, then averted his gaze. “Yes?” “Just how many are there, exactly?” “Do you really need to know all the details?” Even though he said he accepted me, directly mentioning it is a bit awkward. “I have a rough idea. Just tell me, I won’t make a big deal out of it.” He thumped his chest as if to assure me it wasn’t a problem. Alright, he said he’d accept me as his son-in-law no matter what, so honesty it is. “Well, starting with Ha-yeon So-jeo…” One lover. One wife. I folded two fingers on my palm. “...Two?” Father-in-law’s voice sounded surprisingly taken aback. Sorry, this is just the beginning. One childhood friend. I folded a third finger. “Three? Well, that makes sense. Just from what I’ve heard…” Then there’s my fiancée. “Four?!” A match… But just as I was about to fold my pinky finger— I flinched. I met eyes with my father-in-law, whose expression had suddenly turned stern. “Are you... really going to fold it?” I nodded quickly. The five fingers that had been outstretched became a firmly clenched fist. Yes, a man can take responsibility for about five. I was feeling somewhat satisfied with myself when— “Son-in-law.” A very bitter voice reached my ears. “Yes.” “Would it be possible to retract what I just said?” Father-in-law, a man should stick to his word.