**Biik Yeonli (Connected Wings and Branches) – Chapter 4** "Are you saying you're going to the Hao Moon headquarters?" Early morning. She informed Jegal Hyang about her extended trip away. "It might take a few years. Before I go, I want to have him all to myself for just a few days. I'm really sorry." With a polite bow, nearly bending at the waist, she apologized to Jegal Sojeo, as if feeling guilty for monopolizing me even after the mission at Do Moon was over. "Not a problem at all. Ah, well, then..." Jegal Sojeo approached her and whispered something. "It's not... I mean, it's not not, but still!" Why is she so flustered? The moment Jegal Sojeo whispered to her, she jumped up, her face turned crimson, and she cast a side glance at me. "What's the matter?" "Sister, it's about that thing we do, right?" Jegal Sojeo asked with an air of confirmation to the flustered woman. "Ah, yes, I know." She lowered her head, looking like she carried the weight of sin. "Ugh, I don't think it's what you think..." Jegal Sojeo watched us with a deeply unsettled expression. "Don't worry, I'll be back!" What's going on here? Before I could ask, she took my hand and led me outside. "What did she say to you?" "Ugh, it's nothing you need to know!" Suspicious. --- "This place is said to be delicious. They say people line up to eat here." "A line, really?" "When I'm with you, I never get bored, so it's nice." "..." Looking at me with that expression is cheating. Throwing all my worries away, we explored famous eateries and scenic spots, mingling in crowded places while holding hands. We made no efforts to hide or hold back, and strolling around as lovers turned out to be surprisingly delightful. "Oof." "Are you alright?" As I clutched my stomach while headed to our next destination in the carriage, she asked with a worried look. "It's nothing. I just drank a bit too much with the master last night." After insisting on being honest, I confessed; it felt like being slowly poisoned by alcohol. "Well then, let's call it a day." "Are you sure?" With time together running short, I asked in surprise. "I'm sure. Drop me off at the Infinite Gyobang on the way." "The Gyobang? What's going on?" "I have some matters to attend to. Something to learn, too. It'll take a while, so you go ahead." "I need to meet Gihyangju as well, so let's go together then." --- "You want to take a few bright children to train Gi O Su Gu?" "Yes. Even in my absence, his food delivery business needs to continue." Meeting with Gihyangju, she brought up an unexpectedly novel idea. Originally, Gi O Su Gu, a mystical creature under Mu Yeong Sin Tu's control, was used for clandestinely transferring information or transporting small valuables. Her absence would indeed pose a significant setback to the business. "Did you come here for Gi O Su Gu? Couldn't you use the people of Tumoon or the members of the Joseon Associates?" "I think the same." Gihyangju nodded in agreement. Since the secrets of Mu Yeong Sin Tu are tough to reveal to outsiders or thieves, perhaps that's why. As we watched, she seemed to carefully choose her words before speaking. "I heard about the injured 기녀 from the recent Do Moon attacks." "Yes, some were wounded severely enough to limp for life or unable to continue their 청기 work." "Gi Nyeo who can't do 청기 work, their fate tends not to be favorable. I'll take charge of them." "Those girls?" Gihyangju looked at her in surprise. Gi Nyeo are largely divided into two categories: 청기, who sell their artistic talents, and 홍기, who sell their bodies. If a Gi Nyeo can no longer perform as 청기, they might become a concubine to a wealthy man if lucky; otherwise, they'd end up as 홍기 or discarded. "If you select the bright ones, not only Gi O Su Gu, but they could also help with his business in my absence. They could even become my aides upon return." Is this her way of resolving the aftermath of the Do Moon incident as a leader? If she employs Gi Nyeo who would've otherwise been discarded, their loyalty would indeed be high. It seems like a smart move. "Hmm..." Gihyangju appeared contemplative, deeply inhaling the smoke from his pipe at her words. "I can provide the money if needed. I have the wealth I inherited as a leader. Could it be... not possible?" She elongated her words slightly as she asked. 청기 are like idols, meticulously selected and trained from a young age by the guild. Despite their injuries, saying "Oh, these former idols can't perform anymore, so we'll hire them into our company" would be a tough decision for the agency's head to make. "There's no need for money, My Lord." Gihyangju set down his pipe, stood from his seat, and knelt before her. "Gihyangju?" "As Gihyangju, I thank My Lord for your grace. Your thoughtfulness for the guild's displaced children will be a great asset to Hao Moon in the future." "I'm simply doing what's necessary. Please, rise." "I'll summon the person in charge, so you can select whichever child you prefer." At Gihyangju's gesture towards the door, someone looking like an executive appeared. "Once you finish everything, you head off first. I'll come home once I'm done." She excused herself to me and went with the executive to see the injured Gi Nyeo. --- "A great person." Gihyangju watched the direction she disappeared to with a satisfied expression. "I know." "She's an excellent wife candidate and would be a magnificent mother. She's even reached mastery as a warrior. If she had become a Gi Nyeo, she would have succeeded me." "As a disciple of the leader and master, she will become a cornerstone for Hao Moon." "It seems the conversation is over." Gihyangju spoke to me with a sympathetic look. "Her expression gives her away." "Your heart must be heavy." "I'm merely stepping away temporarily to resolve a troublesome issue. She is a woman returning to my side, so how could my heart be burdened." I shrugged as if it was nothing. "...A true man." Gihyangju watched me with an approving smile, taking a puff from his pipe. “Honestly, I’m feeling quite uneasy inside.” Feigning vulnerability, I clutched my stomach, squinting with one eye as if admitting weakness. “Fufufu. Don’t worry too much. The Hao Moon leader can't dismiss the first Malik born with both the Hyangju’s support and agreement. He’ll want to win her favor somehow.” “I hope she returns without any trouble.” Behind her stands the entirety of Hao Moon of Hubei Province. To treat her poorly would imply the same treatment for future leaders. Gihyangju reassured me that the Hao Moon leader would remember the recent rebellion barely pacified by the Moji Accord and that I need not worry overmuch. With the Hao Moon leader being a master, there should be much to learn. It would be preferable if she could immediately return after offering the formal 구배지례 of becoming his disciple. As I sipped tea, tormented by the thought of parting from my lover, Gihyangju eyed me significantly. “Have you shared a bed?” “Pfft! What?” I quickly brushed off the tea that had splashed onto my clothes in surprise. “I guess not yet.” Gihyangju chuckled, sounding amused. “Well, no...” “You need not feel bashful. Sit her in a kiyeo right now, and there would be a clamor for the most talented Gi Nyeo of Hubei. It would be strange if a man felt no desire.” “…I won’t deny it.” I had restrained my affection until she shed her status as a Gi Nyeo. But now that time had come. Her alluring silhouette and indescribable scent had been a challenge. Even yesterday, sitting her on my knee was a near-breaking point. Gihyangju seemed to have gathered a lot from my expression and then unexpectedly advised: “While a man might want to pluck a blooming flower, resist this time.” “What?” “She’s about to embark on a long journey. Traveling with a growing belly won't do, will it?” “Ah…” “Do not rely on the misguided notion that it'll be alright. Even among seasoned couples certain of their timing, children arise. For young lovers just beginning, do you think restraint is plausible? Unless, perhaps, you’ve already indulged and diminish that with repetitions, one might say.” “Haha.” More than three times would hardly suffice. “She’s heading to unknown lands. Though not hostile, anything might happen unexpectedly. If you love her, spare yourselves momentary indulgence.” “I understand.” I nodded slightly. “Hmph. Though a woman might be uneasy, simple understanding might not suffice.” Gihyangju’s distrust seemed to fill the room as he exhaled his smoke thoughtfully. “Is she uneasy?” I was resolute about waiting; didn't she trust my assurances yesterday? “Of course, she worries. Her counterparts are the future leaders of Szechuan’s Tang Family and Jegal Family’s youngest daughter. She longs for more certainties.” “Oh.” So that's what it was about. “You haven’t spoken to that child from Tang yet?” “I didn’t want to worry her, so I didn't elaborate.” Shrinking under Gihyangju’s questioning, I slumped a little. “Afraid she’d rip your hair out.” “Ha ha ha.” Too true, indeed. “If you’ve resolved to take responsibility, begin by introducing and explaining to your future wives.” “Yes, I’ll keep it in mind.” I could only nod, as his wisdom was indisputable. “Very well. I’ve said my piece. What was it you intended to discuss with me?” “Well, you see...” I began to lay out the purpose of my visit to Gihyangju. “You want that?” Yes, I do need it. ——– “Jegal Sojeo?” Upon arriving home and opening the door to my room, I was met with the sight of Jegal Sojeo’s backside. “Puhaha! Young Master Kang?!” Curled under the bed, doing who knows what, Jegal Sojeo greeted me with a startled expression. “What business do you have in my quarters?” “Oh, well, I was looking for something…” Perhaps she was searching for the inevitably hidden racy books that people assume exist at this age. Searching under the bed is an amateur move. My secret cache is in the third drawer of the bookshelf. Especially with the people in this house, there's a dual-bottom structure, requiring a brush to lift the drawer to access the hidden compartment. “Is it the scroll of the heroic ‘Fengyun Xiakezhuan’ you're seeking?” I mentioned something she might be looking for, though it could be unrelated. “Huh? Yes, yes! I was looking for the scroll.” Jegal Sojeo nodded her head enthusiastically. She was indeed looking for the racy books. Surely it’s not easy for a woman to acquire purely male-oriented materials. Her character makes it even harder. “I’ve placed it in Dasogeok as a prize for the next raffle drawing. Is there something wrong with the painting?” “Oh, not so much an issue. I just needed to check something.” “I haven’t displayed it yet, so I’ll have someone bring it over tomorrow.” Sometimes, even knowing someone’s true intentions, one must feign ignorance. I acted oblivious in response to Jegal Sojeo’s blatant lie. “Ah, well, then…” Jegal Sojeo glanced around my room. “Are you looking for something else?” “No, no. I’m fine. I'll be going now.” Seeming content, Jegal Sojeo nodded and made her exit. Perhaps I should assign someone to secretly design a private library to safeguard personal tastes. ——- “I need to say it eventually, but how?” I must inform both Ha Yeon Sojeo and Jegal Sojeo of the situation. Despite the advice from my master and Gihyangju, faced with a blank paper, I found myself unable to fill it. Sohi’s situation can be put on hold. Mishandling it could lead to the ultimate disaster, birthing a villain with immense enmity because of me. I need to devise a way to lessen the impact. The problem remains with Hwarin. “How do I tell her I have a lover within less than a year?” I cradled my head in my hands, resting it on the desk. Closing my eyes, the image of me shrinking back while kneeling before Hwarin plays out vividly in my mind. "When did you meet?" "On the way back to Yichang." "You're saying you didn't scheme at Yichang, but on your way back?" I could almost hear the news of an angry 독인 (Dok-In) making her escape from the Sichuan Tang family reaching my ears soon. Overwhelmed by the difficult situation, I tossed aside the brush I was holding. *Thud!* “What was that?” The sound was much louder than just a brush being thrown. “Huh? Why isn't this opening?” “Hmm?” A familiar voice came from outside the window. I quickly got up and approached the window. “It shouldn't be stuck…” I reached out towards the window and felt as if I was touching a thick fog. It's usually open—why is it locked? As I opened the window, I said, “Ha Yeon Sojeo?” “Oh, you’re still awake?” Ha Yeon Sojeo looked at me with a flustered expression from the other side. “What brings you here at this time of night?” “Well... it's...” Why is she looking down? “What is it?” Her face was a canvas of overwhelming contemplation, and then as if making a resolute decision, she nodded. "Meow." “Meow?” With her face flushed, she curled her hands like paws and slightly tilted her hips back, proclaiming to me. “I am the Mu Yeong Sin Tu here to steal your heart... meow.”