Secret Garden – 3 For martial artists, traveling and returning home isn't particularly special. The world is perilous, rife with bandits and dangers, making long-distance travel a rare occurrence for the common folk. However, those armed with martial skills were an exception. Thus, even for the Sichuan Dang Family, crowds welcoming one’s return were rare unless it was a special occasion. Unless it was truly exceptional. "The third volume of the Dang Family Chronicles!" "Give us the third volume of the Dang Family Chronicles!!!" "Show us the sisterly sword maiden!" "Show us! Show us!" Dang Pae and his group returned from Daseogak. And they brought back the coveted third volume of the Dang Family Chronicles. News that everyone had eagerly awaited had reached the masses, who welcomed Dang Pae and his companions. “We must report to the head of the family first.” “Boohoo…” “Boo all you want; it won’t change anything.” “Can’t you release the third volume of the Dang Family Chronicles first?” “We received strict orders not to! Stand aside!” Although the family's martial artists felt like tearing the wagon apart, none dared defy the head's orders. Dag Pae and his companions managed, albeit with difficulty, to push through the somewhat pugnacious crowd and make their way forward. "Dang Pae!" As the crowd gradually dispersed and they neared the family residence, a strikingly beautiful woman suddenly appeared before them. "Lady Hwa Rin! Have you been well?" Dang Hwa Rin, a potential successor of the Dang Family and a clandestine symbol to them, received the respect of a direct family member. Dang Pae, yet unaware, would soon be acknowledged as a disciple of Duk Mu Hu, earning a prominent status in the martial world. As Dang Pae's group halted and paid their respects to her, Dang Hwa Rin greeted familiar faces in return. "Do you have something for me?" Dang Hwa Rin asked, much like a child testing their parents for birthday gifts, avoiding eye contact and dragging her shoes across the dirt. She thought perhaps she might not have something at all or, if she did, wanted it promptly. Seeing her demeanor, Dang Pae chuckled softly and pulled a box from his sleeve. "Young Master Kang left this for Lady Hwa Rin... Ah!" “Thank you!” One might have thought Dang Hwa Rin had the agility of lightning as she swiftly snatched the box. "Let’s hurry along." Dang Pae and his party laughed once more at the happy, vanishing figure of Dang Hwa Rin and proceeded to the main residence. —————— "I'm back!" Dang Hwa Rin entered with a smile more radiant than any flower in their secret garden, exuding pure happiness. "Your smile is about to reach your ears. Prepare yourself, as we should begin training soon." Duk Mu Hu playfully remarked at his disciple who had brought an unfamiliar box. "Oh..." "It was a joke. Go inside and read at your leisure." As his disciple’s expression was about to turn utterly despondent at the thought of not reading her gift, Duk Mu Hu grinned broadly. "Thank you!" "Is it really that delightful?" Sometimes, observing youth in full bloom is more joyful than any grand garden. Duk Mu Hu smiled at his disciple disappearing into her room. ———– “Humming, humm." Dang Hwa Rin involuntarily hummed as she opened the box. Inside was something too thick to be a letter yet too thin to be called a book, and a single book rested there. Its identity, known to thrill anyone in the Sichuan Dang Family, was the new volume of the Dang Family Chronicles. Yet, it wasn’t what mattered to Dang Hwa Rin right now. With a hand more careful than dealing with any precious relic, she unfolded the letter. [To my beloved Hwa Rin.] "Starting off so boldly. What would people think if they saw this?" Her grumbling voice was already tinged with excitement. Could this be what it feels like when one’s heart races at just the first sentence? After a cautious glance around to ensure no one was watching, Dang Hwa Rin resumed reading the letter from her betrothed. [Dang Pae made countless excuses with martial practice to pry it out of me. I forgave him for failing the balance test, but it surely was a personal witch hunt.] “Kook kook.” Dang Hwa Rin imagined Kang Yun Ho diligently training through the journey. He would wear an expression like he was on the brink of exhaustion yet earnestly persevere. That’s just the kind of man he was. The letter chronicled in great detail Kang Yun Ho’s experiences from his beginnings in Yichang to his eventual adventures there, leaving out nothing for Dang Hwa Rin to miss. Of course, some matters seemed difficult to understand through the letter alone. "You gave uniforms to the staff and customer numbers increased?" Dang Hwa Rin tilted her head in puzzlement. Did the tidy dress-up really draw in more customers? Perhaps it was hard to grasp because she wasn’t present there. Though slightly disappointed, she smiled fondly at her betrothed's charitable gesture of providing attire for impoverished employees as she turned the letter to the next page. News about recruiting student workers after the old staff retired, the chairman of the Literati Conference subsidizing wages, providing meals and breaks—the talk of Yichang on the generosity of a good employer—all prompted mischief in Dang Hwa Rin’s smile. "What?" A peculiar part of the letter caught her eye as she continued. [The offspring of a former benefactor found themselves with nowhere to turn, so I took them as an employee. Fate truly works in mysterious ways.] "The offspring of a sworn brother?" Had Yun Ho ever mentioned he had a sworn brother? She vaguely recalled something about repaying a favor to someone, but... "Something feels off. Is it just my imagination?" A strange sense of discomfort stuck out like a fishbone caught in her throat. There was a peculiar awkwardness she couldn't put her finger on. The nature of this discomfort lay in Kang Yun Ho’s omission, triggering her womanly instincts with a subtle warning, as he not only avoided revealing the gender but obscurely referred to the person as an offspring. Dang Hwa Rin lingered on the mention of the sworn brother's offspring for a while before shaking her head. It must be her nerves playing tricks as this was the first letter she had received from Kang Yun Ho. She resumed reading his letter. The publication of the Dang Family Chronicles and Kang Yun Ho’s ventures to outwit a miscreant were among the tales he recounted right until the departure of the Sichuan Dang Family entourage from Yichang. Never having quenched her thirst for news about Kang Yun Ho, Dang Hwa Rin read rapidly. Before she knew it, her eyes fell upon the final sentence. [Finally, I'm sending you my feelings for you and the fruits of our efforts. It's the first printed copy of the third volume of the Dang Family Chronicles, made with the best printer and paper.] “Ha ha. Ridiculous.” Such a show-off. Dang Hwa Rin gazed at the third volume of the Dang Family Chronicles, her eyes brimming with affection. It was the first copy made with the best paper and printing press Kang Yun Ho could find. As she opened the first page of the Dang Family Chronicles, she couldn't help but catch her breath. [I will be waiting for you at Daseogak. With love, Kang Yun Ho.] “This is against the rules...” With a trembling heart, Dang Hwa Rin hugged the sacred third volume of the Dang Family Chronicles tightly. "Did the letter say he returned safely?" Duk Mu Hu entered the room with a cup of healthy herbal tea just as her heart had calmed down a bit. “Yes...” “Is there any trouble concerning your fiancé?” Certainly, she received a letter from her fiancé, yet Dang Hwa Rin’s expression didn’t seem entirely happy. “He said he's doing well, and while that’s reassuring, I can’t help but feel a little sad.” Dang Hwa Rin revealed her inner feelings with a slightly forlorn expression. “Sad?” “He talked about having a hard time working alone—it makes me think that if I was by his side, it would’ve been better. I feel sorry for not being there, yet proud of him for managing so well without me. But then again, knowing he resolved crises without me makes me feel a bit unneeded. Not that I mean it! It's just... a peculiar feeling.” With a face that was neither purely joyful nor sorrowful, Dang Hwa Rin thought of Kang Yun Ho. She couldn’t quite discern her emotions. Thinking of Yun Ho stirred both her mind and heart. It baffled her how she should express this feeling. “...It is love.” Smiling gently as if seeing a reflection of his younger self, Duk Mu Hu spoke to his young disciple. “Is this not something strange?” “How can one feel at ease with their other half so far away? I often felt like that when I was apart from my husband.” “Ha ha. I guess you’re right.” So this feeling is love. Dang Hwa Rin finally seemed to be reassured as she smiled. She looked at her master with deep respect. An elder who has walked a similar path. Perhaps she was chosen by the most trustworthy and commendable mentor in the world. “What is that book you’re holding?” “It’s a book my fiancé wrote. May I finish reading it before we resume training?” Just seeing the writing on the title page had her so excited that she hadn’t managed to read a single word. Dang Hwa Rin carefully pleaded with her master. “The longer you read, the longer it will take to reunite.” “Let’s go! To training!” Seeing her disciple head to the training yard with no hesitation, Duk Mu Hu couldn’t help but smile as he followed her. — “Your heart is still floating, isn’t it?” “I’m sorry.” Without even thinking of an excuse, Dang Hwa Rin lowered her head heavily. It was hard to concentrate. She kept recalling one man’s face every time she tried a technique, making it impossible to focus. “It’s alright. It’s understandable considering the news you just received about your fiancé. I also have business in Yikang, so let’s end today’s session here.” Nodding with an expression of complete understanding, Duk Mu Hu decided against pushing her further. After all, wasn’t it the day news from the fiancé she eagerly awaited had arrived? There was no need to be overly strict. Normally, she trained hard enough to worry if she was pushing herself too much. Not wanting to be a cold-hearted master, Duk Mu Hu entrusted her with wrapping things up and headed to Yikang. “Ugh... Really. Kang Yun Ho. It’s all your fault.” As Dang Hwa Rin tidied up the training yard, she playfully grumbled toward her distant fiancé. The cleaning finished quickly. It was her fault for not being able to concentrate, but it did give her plenty of time. What should she do? How should she fill this day that had been so distracting? Should she read the Dang Family Chronicles or re-read the letter? “That’s right. There’s that option!” After pondering for a while, a brilliant idea struck her. ** “Did the head say anything? Surely, he must’ve ordered the immediate release of the third volume of the Dang Family Chronicles?!” As Dang Pae and his group exited the main residence, several martial artists of the Dang Family, their faces filled with hopeful anticipation, followed them. "He is currently away. He’ll be back this evening." "Then at least give us the third volume!!!" "The decision lies with the head, so there’s nothing we can do." The Dang Family Chronicles were entangled with the incidents surrounding the infamous Heaven Demons. Even the family members couldn’t touch it lightly. It served as a perfect excuse. Despite essentially being the head’s pretense of wanting to see his son’s novel first, it was an agreement they had made to clear up all suspicions in the third volume. "Well, then. How was Daseogak?" "Ah, let me tell you, everyone was incredibly enthusiastic when they heard we came from the Sichuan Dang Family." "What?! Is that true?" The martial artists all retracted in surprise, demanding confirmation from Dang Pae. Remembering the experience of being admired at Daseogak, one of his guards spoke with a pleasant expression. "When they hear we’re from the Dang family, they usually say, ‘What, those devious poison users?’ and avoid us. But Daseogak was different!" "When we talked about the Dang Family Chronicles, crowds gathered like bees, hanging onto our every word... What a feeling." Recalling being admired by the people at Daseogak, one of the escorts trembled with excitement. "Please, tell us more!" There’s a saying that martial artists thrive on fame and respect. Just how incredible an experience did they have to make them wear such expressions? The martial artists swallowed hard with anticipation, urging him to continue. “Even the beautiful female staff, dressed in uniforms, gave us looks of respect. Even knowing it wasn’t serious, just receiving those looks made my heart race.” "Yes, it was extremely thrilling." "Uniforms? What’s that about?" “Ha ha. Young Master Kang introduced them—a style of clothing worn by northern women; it fits the body like silk, so much so that...” With expressions that resembled adolescent boys describing a mature woman, Dang Pae and his companions continued speaking with mischievous looks. “Even thinking back on it is good. Really good.” One of the joys of travel is recounting it to those yet inexperienced, is it not? Their hearts raced with the thrill of fame and respect, not to mention the glances from beautiful women. Truly, Daseogak was like a utopia for the martial artists of the Dang Family. Their mouths were already hanging wide open. Caught up in their sense of superiority from visiting Daseogak, Dang Pae and his group animatedly gestured, explaining the advancements they had witnessed. "It must not be a mere rumor that northern women have many children. Their waistline gracefully curves down to their hips, and as you watch from behind—huh?" They were oblivious to the looming problem standing right behind Dang Pae. "Dang Pae, go on." "Lady Hwa Rin? How come you're here?!" Why was Lady Hwa Rin, who should have been in the secret garden reading Kang Gongja's letter, standing here? "That's not what's important, is it?" Her primary concern wasn't hearing eyewitness accounts of what Kang Yun Ho was doing at Daseogak. "It's nothing major. Let me tell you a different story!" "Hurry up. I'm about to lose my composure." Though smiling, she wasn't truly smiling. Dang Hwa Rin’s expression resembled an icy bloom, despite being adorned with a facade of warmth. “I can’t! It’s a secret!” Darn it. Kang Gongja had insisted on secrecy. Unconsciously, Dang Pae took a step back. “Speak.” “......” “In detail.” It was then that Dang Pae realized just what kind of martial artist Dang Hwa Rin could become when arriving at an unwanted destination. The pressure emanating from her defied her young age, enveloping him. Dang Pae tightly shut his eyes. They say the mouth is the door to hell. Perhaps he had just opened that gate. Should he speak or remain silent? After deep contemplation, an idea dawned upon Dang Pae. ‘Come to think of it, I’m not the one going to hell, am I?’ “Well, here’s the thing...” In the grand scheme, it was deserved. A misunderstanding on his part opened hell’s gates for him, so why not let Kang Gongja suffer a little scolding from his fiancée? What had never been a tightly closed mouth now opened. Finally, Dang Hwa Rin grasped the true nature of the work outfits Kang Yun Ho mentioned. The garment was a qipao, specifically a variant known as a ‘Maidou,’ which provided a peculiar allure. It was an admirable foreign culture. Something to be embraced. Once Dang Pae started explaining, he couldn’t seem to stop, and Dang Hwa Rin’s icy smile creaked and cracked under its weight. Ultimately. “KANG YUN HOOOOOOOO!” Dang Hwa Rin’s shout of indignant rage echoed throughout the Sichuan Dang Family. It was a peaceful spring day, with warm winds gently blowing.