Secret Garden – 4 "I plan to visit the Medical Pavilion, so prepare my outing attire." Dokmu Hu informed her servant of her plans to leave, granting her disciple some free time after receiving a letter from her fiancé. "Yes, Dokmu Hu." Recently, Tang Family had faced major turmoil due to an incident involving Dokin. There was no need for someone of anti-Dokin sentiments to wander around and sow new seeds of trouble within the family. Dokmu Hu dressed in her outing clothes and donned a hat called a "mekri," which featured a veil, before stepping out of the secret garden. 'There’s an unusual commotion around here.' Tang Family seemed to be in high spirits. As she exited the garden, Tang Ok-ran sensed the peculiar atmosphere surrounding the family. "Why on earth aren't they releasing volume 3 already?!" "They said there are things to review, so it can’t be distributed immediately." "Of course, Ho-pil the writer must have done a splendid job! Ha! I feel like a cat with a fish just out of reach!" "I totally agree!" Was there a feast scheduled or something? The lively atmosphere continued to follow Dokmu Hu on her way to the Medical Pavilion. Although she was curious about the excitement, Dokmu Hu had no intention of asking anyone about it and revealing her presence. "Is Tang Mu-gi inside?" Upon reaching the intended Medical Pavilion, Tang Ok-ran called out to the head of the pavilion. "Who dares to call out Lord Medical Pavilion's name... D-Dokmu Hu?" A warrior from the pavilion recognized Dokmu Hu and exclaimed in a flustered voice. "Do not make a fuss. Is the head of the pavilion inside?" "Yes, he is. I shall escort you to him at once!" The warrior, worried that he might have made a mistake towards Dokmu Hu, quickly led her to the head of the pavilion, Tang Mu-gi. "Dokmu Hu? What brings you here?" The head of the pavilion, who had been handling medicinal ingredients, greeted Dokmu Hu with surprised eyes. "I’m here because I need some specific herbs." "You could have sent someone to fetch them." "The herbs are not so easily obtainable, so I also came to inquire about your well-being." Dokmu Hu spoke with an expression akin to an elder looking fondly upon a grown nephew. The head of the pavilion is a loyalist to the head of Tang Family, but he was also a friend since childhood. Thus, to Tang Ok-ran, the aunt of the Tang Family head, he was like a friend she had seen grow up since his snotty-nosed days. "I'll check the inventory right away. Please, sit and rest for a moment." With that, the head of the pavilion promptly led Tang Ok-ran to an office to rest. "Very well." "How is that child, Hwarin, doing these days?" "She’s a talented child with dedication. If I guide her properly as a teacher, she will soar high." They say there's no end to parental pride and love for a disciple. Dokmu Hu sipped the prepared tea with a proud smile. "That's good to hear." "I heard you safely brought back my disciple and her fiancé. Thank you." Although it was a matter before she became his disciple, expressing gratitude doesn't require conditions. As Tang Hwa-rin’s teacher, Dokmu Hu thanked the benefactor of her disciple. "I just did what was necessary." "You mean my disciple's fiancé, Kang Yun-ho, was it?" Tang Ok-ran nodded at the pavilion head’s response and introduced another topic. "Yes. He’s a young man with half of Tang Family’s blood flowing through him." "What kind of person does he seem to you?" Today, Dokmu Hu wasn't just visiting the pavilion for herbs. Her one and only disciple had a fiancé who had disrupted the Tang Family. Dokmu Hu stepped out to directly assess this fiancé herself. With a gentle expression but a sharp gaze, she directed her question to Tang Mu-gi. "Speaking personally, you mean?" "As a teacher, I'm curious about this young man who is my disciple's fiancé. I've heard endless praises from my disciple, but praises from a woman in love should be taken with a grain of salt." "I understand he has met with the head of the Tang Family." Kang Yun-ho, an illegitimate child of the head of the family, and fiancé to Dokin. Tang Mu-gi refrained from passing immediate judgment and took a more reserved approach regarding Kang Yun-ho. “Much like a father living in guilt for never raising a child. I heard you spent some time with this fiancé. …What kind of young man was he?” The head of the pavilion, Tang Mu-gi, pondered at Dokmu Hu's words. Should he speak of Kang Yun-ho's literary talent? His eloquence? Or the passionate chivalry burning within his heart, even though he wasn't raised as a warrior? Or perhaps he should mention the courage that kept him standing until the end on a battlefield where lives were at stake? His unwavering love for one woman? Many thoughts came to mind for the pavilion head, but ironically, this led him to a succinct description. "If he had been raised within Tang Family's embrace, he wouldn't have stood by the former head's side." "…!" Dokmu Hu’s eyes widened momentarily. For a statement like this to come from the head of the pavilion, who was a childhood friend and close confidant of the family head and known for his honest character, was unexpected. "But such a thing did not happen." Tang Mu-gi’s statement carried implications that could shake the family's succession structure. He added a final note to show continued support for the current heir, indicating his previous comment was simply high praise to the greatest extent possible. "A compliment that even makes an old man like me wide-eyed." Dokmu Hu calmed her slightly surprised heart and lifted her teacup. She sipped her tea, hiding her delighted smile behind the cup, pleased to learn her disciple's fiancé was indeed a fine man. ——— While Dokmu Hu sat waiting for the herbs, distant chatter reached her ears. "About Tang Family’s Winds! Tang-pae definitely should have secured it from Medical Pavilion, right?" "How would I know? Last I heard, even the Council of Elders was eagerly waiting. I wonder if our share might be taken away." "This pavilion is lively too." Having been lively all the way here, the Medical Pavilion was no exception. Dokmu Hu subtly broached the topic with the pavilion head. "It’s because a party returned after escorting to and from the Keeper Pavilion." The pavilion head smiled knowingly, as though fully aware of the situation unfolding. "I heard something about a book." "It's because of a book written by Kang Yun-ho under the pen name Ho-pil that the Tang Family was in chaos for a while." "I heard something about it. But isn’t that story over already?" Over two decades ago, a story about a lustful demon caused quite a stir within the Tang Family. Dokmu Hu heard that it had been well resolved thereafter, so why all the fuss now? She was puzzled. “Now that it has ended, people can enjoy it freely.” “...?” “I was also revisiting volumes 1 and 2 upon hearing the news that volume 3 would soon be released.” “You enjoy such leisure reading?” “What do you mean leisure reading?! 'The Tang Family’s Winds' is no ordinary book to be dismissed as such!!!” An unexpected and fervent reaction burst from the head of the pavilion. “...” “Ah… Dokmu Hu, my apologies.” Noticing Dokmu Hu’s frozen expression, the pavilion head quickly apologized for his misstep. “It’s fine. I’m seeing different sides of you today. Is it truly that remarkable a book?” Dokmu Hu had heard that her disciple’s fiancé was a gifted writer. Yet, she had dismissed it as nothing more than a whimsical account. Like the praises of a woman in love, she thought they were likely exaggerated— but the pavilion head's response seemed to indicate otherwise. “It’s a novel that, with a single flutter, astonished the world. If 'The Tang Family’s Winds' spreads throughout Zhongyuan, Ho-pil the author might become the most famous person from the current Tang Family.” With utmost seriousness, the pavilion head held aloft volume 1 of 'The Tang Family’s Winds'. “Is it really that significant?” “When forming the escort to the Keeper Pavilion, warriors jostled to volunteer upon hearing they’d get an early look at volume 3 of 'The Tang Family’s Winds'. Eventually, they were selected based on skill after fierce competition. Just the assembly of those who went could wipe out even a mid-sized martial clan overnight.” “Hoo... So this entire stir really was all for a book?” The pavilion head wasn’t someone who’d speak frivolously, and Dokmu Hu was genuinely amazed. “Head of the Pavilion! I’ve brought the inventory list.” A warrior from the pavilion entered the room and handed documents to the pavilion head. “It seems the herbs you’re looking for are currently unavailable. I’ll arrange for their procurement by tomorrow.” “Then send someone to the secret garden tomorrow to deliver them.” With her business concluded, Dokmu Hu rose from her seat. “I would feel remiss letting you leave empty-handed. Would you care to take 'The Tang Family’s Winds' with you?” The pavilion head extended volumes 1 and 2 with an apologetic expression. “I have no interest in leisure reading. Thanks, but I’ll pass…” Just as Dokmu Hu gestured her refusal with a dismissive wave, “What...?” The warrior who had come to report looked at Dokmu Hu as if he couldn’t believe what he’d heard, his face shocked. 'What kind of book incites such a reaction?' Seeing the warrior's response, Dokmu Hu hesitated. “Haha. It’s the book that recently shook the Sichuan Tang Family. Given that it’s authored by your disciple’s fiancé, I recommend you read it.” Seizing the opportunity, the pavilion head handed volumes 1 and 2 of 'The Tang Family’s Winds' to Dokmu Hu. “Alright. I’ll have a look. I’ll return them through the person bringing the herbs tomorrow.” Dokmu Hu nodded with lukewarm politeness. She had no fondness for leisure reading. She wasn’t one to sway amorphously with passing trends. Yet, given that her disciple’s fiancé had authored it, she thought it worth at least one read. With lingering doubts, Dokmu Hu departed the pavilion with 'The Tang Family’s Winds' in hand. **** “Ugh, Kang Yun-hoooo.” The next day, Tang Hwa-rin sat in her room, her face still reflecting her unresolved feelings. She had heard from Tang-pae about the uniforms that Kang Yun-ho had provided the employees. “What’s with the qi pao and maid uniforms?” Providing neat uniforms to the male staff was commendable, even if she was right beside him. But the issue lay with the female staff. Clothes that revealed one’s figure— and only for the beautiful female staff at that. Had she been there, she would have immediately grabbed Yun-ho by the ear and reprimanded him. There was more to the reason for her upset. “Well, I could have worn something like that too...” As long as the clothes revealed her figure but not her skin, she could have worn them. Tang Hwa-rin mumbled to herself in an embarrassed voice, worried that someone might overhear. She recalled wearing a provocative outfit showing her upper chest—something she had never worn before—in front of Kang Yun-ho before they parted. “Eep!” Tang Hwa-rin’s face flushed a bright red in an instant. The way the man she loved looked at her in awe was such a pleasurable experience. And what followed thereafter… Yun-ho’s touch had been rough, yet his lips were gentle. Their faces flushed to the point of losing all restraint before they barely managed to part. “Was it my fault?” Maybe the incident had crossed a line for Yun-ho, causing him to act out of character at the Keeper Pavilion. Tang Hwa-rin tried hard to rationalize Kang Yun-ho’s eccentric actions. “I could even wear something more stimulating if he wants.” Standing half-dressed in front of the mirror, Tang Hwa-rin gathered and shook the parts of her body that remained firm and resilient thanks to her inner strength, staging a scene that would have left her fiancé overcome with awe. “What are you doing?” Of course, there was someone who looked upon that scene with disdain. “Master?!” “I wondered why you hadn’t come out for training in your gear…” “I’ll get changed quickly!” In a hurry, Tang Hwa-rin began to change into her training uniform. “Yes, do that. Also… never mind.” Dokmu Hu cast an odd glance around her disciple’s room, then shook her head. “Master?” “Hmm. It’s nothing…” Dokmu Hu seemed to have something to say to Tang Hwa-rin but hesitated before averting her gaze. “Do you have some other business with me?” It was the first time her master hesitated to speak. Tang Hwa-rin addressed her with a worried tone. “It’s nothing important.” “If it’s nothing, you can tell me all the more.” Dokmu Hu looked at Tang Hwa-rin, who was watching her with concern, then asked with an awkward expression, “Um… have you read volume 3 of 'The Tang Family’s Winds'?” “What?”