Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Dawn As I opened my heavy eyelids to awaken, an unfamiliar ceiling came into view. It seems that after what happened, I had been carried somewhere and laid in a bed. Judging by the brightness outside, it might be around noon. I tried to speak, but my throat was so dry that no proper sound would come out. Instead, a groaning sound escaped me as a silhouette moved above the bed. "Sister? If you're awake, please respond, my sister. Otherwise—" "*cough* *cough* You don't need to be so worried. I'm perfectly alive." The person above the bed was my younger sister, Istos. Once she confirmed that I had awakened, she climbed on top of the futon to embrace me. "! Are you alright... Is your body okay?" "Yes, I think I looked dreadful, but I'm not injured. However, I'm a bit thirsty. Could I have some water?" "Okay, understood." Istos left the room and soon returned with a glass of water. Sitting up in bed, I took it and slowly drank. My parched throat felt marginally better. "Thank you. So, where are we?" "We're in the guest room of the orphanage in Polis, the commercial city. The city guards who came to our aid brought us here. They said we could stay for a while." "I see. Well, it makes sense." Hearing Istos's words, I murmured. The two of us, having lost our parents, were now genuine orphans. It wouldn't do to have us taken back to the barracks, so placing us in an orphanage was indeed the natural course of action. "Just to confirm, the other two are here as well, right?" "Yeah. Demeter and Hecate are here too. By the way, a member of the city guard came by earlier. He said he had something to talk to you about." "Understood. Then, could you bring them here? I need to show them my face so they can be reassured." "...Couldn't we just be alone together a little longer?" "That's not an option now. Once things calm down, I'll pay more attention to you." "Okay." Istos left the room with a disappointed look, and after taking a deep breath, I clutched at my head. I wouldn't show such weakness in front of my sisters, but in truth, my heart was filled with anxiety about the future. Magic might solve many issues, but living without a reliable support is not easy. Furthermore, if I let my guard down, memories of last night threatened to overwhelm me, making me feel nauseous again. Nevertheless, no amount of lamenting would bring our parents back, so I had no choice but to face reality. There were a multitude of problems to be solved. Once this raid situation was handled, I would have to tackle each issue one by one. As I was mulling over this, Istos returned with Demeter and Hecate. I immediately composed my expression and greeted the three with a smile. "Sister!" "Are you really alright? Do you have any pain?" "I'm fine. I'm still the sister you've always known, right?" Saying that, I stroked the heads of the two who had jumped at me, one by one. Seemingly comforted, their expressions softened. Being human, I am glad to receive such responses. I was aware that my sisters were fond of me, and this wasn't the first time they had charged at me like this. After a little while of attending to my sisters, there was a knock on the door. "I am the guard, Efhnorl. I have come with a matter for Miss Ulgir; is she present?" "That must be the guard mentioned by Istos." "Probably." "If so, Istos, please open the door. Demeter and Hecate, please step back for a moment." As I said that, Demeter and Hecate obediently distanced themselves, looking satisfied. Following my instructions, Istos opened the door, and a man clad in the armor of a guard entered. He had a gentle face and seemed to be in his thirties. "I apologize for intruding on your time. There are a few matters I'd like to convey." "That's alright. What is it that you need?" I thought to myself that he was rather polite. There are not many who would treat a child of twelve with such respect. Perhaps this was his natural demeanor, or maybe he feared the power of a witch. "Firstly, we need to confirm something. Based on the traces left at the scene, we have concluded that you repelled the attackers. Is there any mistake in this?" "Indeed, that's correct." "If that's the case, I would like to extend my gratitude on behalf of the guards. Lives were lost, but thanks to you, the lives of the village children were saved. A reward has also been allocated, albeit modest, so please accept it." With that, Efhnorl presented a leather pouch containing five gold coins. In terms of value, it might be about a month's living expenses for the four of us sisters. Not a substantial amount, but not meager either. "Next, let me speak about the future. For the time being, you are welcome to live in this orphanage until you reach the age of fifteen. The minimum housing and meals are guaranteed, though, to be blunt, it won't be a comfortable life. I would advise you, personally, to find work as quickly as possible." His advice was appreciated. Even without his suggestion, I had already planned to find work quickly to start earning money. To regain our previous way of life. As the eldest sister, I couldn't let my siblings suffer through a harsh life. "Thank you for your valuable advice. Is there anything else?" "Lastly, I have some information regarding the attackers of your village. This may be shocking, but are you all prepared for it?" Hearing Efhnorl's words, I glanced at my sisters. Hecate's eyes quivered ever so slightly. "Demeter, could you and Hecate please wait outside for a moment? I'll call you as soon as we're done." "Understood. Let's go." "Okay..." With that, Demeter led Hecate out of the room. Now we could talk comfortably. Istos was no longer the fragile child she used to be, so she could handle being present for the conversation. "Let me continue. Our investigation reveals that the assailants of your village are part of a cult called the Theos Order. Its followers believe witches to be harbinger of misfortune and are beyond reason. We are doing our best to control them, but have not been able to eradicate them entirely. I'm sorry, but I would advise you to remain vigilant in the future." "I understand. Is that all?" "Yes. Thank you for your time and cooperation." "Likewise, thank you for coming all this way to share this with me." As I said this, Efhnorl bowed respectfully and exited the room. From beginning to end, he remained thoroughly courteous. Now, I can't afford to stay in bed forever. With that thought, I tried to stand up but my legs wobbled, lacking strength. Seeing this, Istos, who was beside me, hurriedly supported my body. "! You shouldn't overdo it yet." "It's simply a bit of carelessness. I'm fine." I resisted Istos's attempt to return me to the bed and stood up properly this time. The immediate danger had passed, but life was still ahead of us. My modest struggle began, determined to use my second chance at life for the sake of my sisters.