Chapter 4

Chapter Four: The Witch's Work From the day after I had begun my life at the orphanage, I found work and started earning a living. Fortunately, the magic I could use was related to transformation. Magic is a convenient tool, allowing me to reshape most materials into the form I envision. The magical power consumption is insignificant according to a witch's standards. Thanks to this, I quickly began working as a craftsman. With the five gold coins I had received from Efnol, I bought raw materials, transformed them into various tools, and sold them. That was the simplicity of the work. At first, I started crafting everyday items from iron and wood, and gradually, I began dealing with more valuable materials. When I say valuable materials, I mean specifically precious metals and gemstones. There’s a higher risk with higher material costs, but the profit margin upon a successful sale is considerable. When I polished gemstones with my magic and set them into platinum rings, the finished products sold at surpisingly high prices. About a month after I had begun working, a turning point came for Istos. "Sister, I have something I want to discuss with you." "Hmm? What might that be?" "I want to work and contribute to everyone's well-being too, but I don't know what I should do... Is there any job that suits me?" "Let's see..." I paused my work at the desk in the orphanage's living quarters to listen to Istos. In the previous world’s terms, being eleven years old is too young to work, but in this world, it is not unusual to start as an apprentice at that age. Eventually, she would have to work, and I had no intentions of stopping her since she wanted to. As a witch, it’s best to find a job that leverages her magic. Considering a profession that could capitalize on Istos’s enhancement magic... it might be somewhat dangerous, but that job could be a good fit. It would also be good if someone other than me in the sisters could become capable of fighting. "How about becoming an adventurer or a guard? It’s physically demanding, but your enhancement magic would be incredibly effective in battle. Of course, if you don’t like it, we should consider other jobs." After some thought, that was what I proposed to Istos. I’ll explain at this point that this world contains fantasy creatures and dungeons, much like what you’d expect in a fantasy setting. In this world, adventurers are those whose main work involves eliminating such creatures and conquering dungeons. It’s an unstable profession, but reaching the pinnacle is an object of admiration. "No, I don’t have any particular attachment, and I don’t mind. If I had to choose, I’d prefer the less stuffy life of an adventurer than that of a guard." "Well then, give me a little time. I need to prepare." Upon hearing Istos's answer, I began counting the coins in my leather pouch. It was to arrange a request for guidance from a veteran adventurer. After all, it wouldn’t be wise to send an inexperienced Istos into a dangerous job straight away. "Does it take money to become an adventurer?" "Not necessarily. But to become a good adventurer, you'll need a master. I plan to hire an active adventurer to give you lessons." "Is that okay?" "There’s no issue. Don’t worry about the money, if that’s what you're concerned about. My business is getting on track, and my income has stabilized." I lied a little. The truth was my income remained unstable since I had yet to establish a steady trading partner for accessories involving gemstones. However, I didn’t want my sisters to feel hindered by money matters. Afterward, I followed through with the intended request at the adventurer's guild. The term would be one month as Istos would receive instruction three days a week. I wanted to hire the best possible adventurer, so I prepared as much money as I could afford at that point. The adventurer who appeared before me after I submitted the request looked to be in his fifties. According to the guild’s receptionist, he was once a quite famous adventurer. Though he seemed slightly past his prime, his experience made him more than adequate for the role of mentor. After some discussion and judging his personality and accomplishments to be suitable, I decided to entrust him with the task. "How’s it going?" "It’s getting kind of tough. But, I’m still keeping up." Two weeks after training had begun, Istos responded with those words when I inquired about her progress. The veteran adventurer was putting her through rigorous training, and she always returned to the orphanage utterly spent. I was a bit worried whether this was right, but without gaining these skills now, future regrets would be inevitable. So, I silently watched over Istos as she returned to the orphanage covered in scratches. It was all for the sake of her future. As a month passed and Istos completed her training, she had become a full-fledged adventurer with an aura no longer girl-like. From there on, the financial burden was greatly alleviated with both Istos and myself working. She proved to be truly excellent, effortlessly completing more tasks than the average adventurer. Certainly due to witch’s power, but her efforts were unbelievable for someone who was only eleven. Two years passed by as Istos and I worked tirelessly to save money, and we bought a house in the Polis Merchant City. It wasn't a mansion, but it was spacious enough for the four of us sisters to continue living into adulthood. Thus, we transitioned from living at the orphanage to a stable lifestyle, and another eight years passed. Amidst various ups and downs, we had grown from girls to adults.