Chapter 5 Side Story 1

Flashback ① Admiration for My Second Sister, Istos Ever since I was young, my sister Ulgir was what you would call an adult. She never cried out of dissatisfaction, nor did she indulge in unrestricted play; she was an unusual child, unchildlike in her demeanor. Standing before us as an exemplary sister, I deeply admired her from the bottom of my heart. I still clearly remember the time when our parents were killed and we started living in the orphanage. We were shrouded in grief back then, but we were never in despair. Because sister was alive. We trusted that sister would somehow overcome any difficulty, a belief firm within us. Reflecting on those times, I feel apologetic for having relied so heavily on her. Though I also began working as soon as I could, I could only do so because of sister. Had she not earned the money and arranged a master for me, I can confidently say I wouldn't be who I am now. Had I worked as an adventurer without any preparation, I would have been easily killed by monsters. The master sister hired for me was a middle-aged adventurer named Kirios. With black hair laced with strands of white and an unkempt beard, he didn't look particularly strong at first glance, but his abilities and character were genuine. On the first day of training, Kirios addressed me: "Listen, young lady. As your master, I'm going to teach you the ways of an adventurer and the art of combat... but do you know how much your sister paid me?" "I don't. I did ask once, but she evaded the question, saying she didn't want to worry me with money issues." "Well, as much as it pains me to say this without your sister's consent, I'll tell you. It was ten gold coins. It's less than what's normally paid to hire a first-class adventurer like me, but it's a large sum for a twelve-year-old kid." Hearing Kirios' words, I was tremendously shocked. As a child, I was ignorant of the value of money and only understood its general worth, but even then, I knew that ten gold coins was a significant amount. Sister's dedication was far beyond my imagination. "These ten gold coins your sister must've scraped together with great effort, I don't regard them just as ten gold coins. At the very least, I'm here, feeling as though I've received a hundred gold coins. Do you have the resolve to match their worth?" "...Yes, I do. I fully understand that I've always been helped by sister. I'd do anything if it can be a way to repay her favor." "Well said. That's the spirit." With those words, the master cracked a sly smile. Thus began my month-long period of rigorous training. In the beginning, the main focus of my training was physical conditioning. I was made to run predetermined courses within the city repeatedly and practice sword swings. Needless to say, there was no use of body-enhancing magic. Back then, I remember training while gasping for breath, but the master training beside me didn't even change his expression. After a week of such training, I finally began to learn how to handle a sword and how to fight. On a vacant lot on the outskirts of the city, the master gave me instructions one after another, teaching me moves with a slightly smaller one-handed sword. Toward the end of the day's training, we used body-enhancing magic and had a full-force mock battle. And then, one day after another two weeks had passed, I was taken to actual combat. The first day of practical experience ended with just a small excursion to a nearby forest to defeat weak monsters, but the next day I was taken to a dungeon, and the day after that, I witnessed the master's full strength against a formidable monster. I learned my own strength and the gap between the master's capabilities and mine. Looking back, I believe this was the most valuable experience for me. Knowing my own limits helped me learn to distinguish between opponents I should and shouldn't face. Finally, came the last day of instruction. As usual, I did physical exercises, had the master review my sword techniques, and ended with a mock battle with him. In the end, I never managed to beat the master, but I believe the content of the training was the best yet, and I found that satisfying. I knew that no matter how hard I trained for a month, I wouldn't be strong enough to defeat the master. "Well, as per our agreement, this will be the last time I teach you various things. However, I'm not a cold-hearted man. If I have the time, I'm willing to be your sparring partner anytime, so feel free to come see me whenever you like." "Is that okay?" "Yeah. An old man like me finds joy in seeing a cute disciple's growth. And you, you've shown me more progress than I ever imagined. That alone makes the reward more than sufficient." At the very end, the master said these words with a slight smile. And so, even after the month of training was over, my relationship with the master continued. Now, he's the second greatest benefactor in my life after sister. Ten years have passed, and as the master grew even more aged, I became one of the strongest adventurers in the Polis Commercial City. I hate to say it about myself, but not many can defeat me—enhanced with a tremendous amount of magical power and wielding the sword techniques taught by the master. The helpless girl who always depended on sister had grown strong and tough. ...Since the beginning, sister Ulgir was always what you might call an adult. No matter the difficulty, she was someone who would prevent her sisters from worrying. Someone who would take on problems by herself and resolve them on her own. And that person, I love her from the bottom of my heart. So, the next time sister faces an insurmountable difficulty, I'll take it upon myself to help her out, no matter what.