Chapter 5 Side Story 2

Flashback ② The Youngest Sister Demeter's Admiration As a child, I thought my sister Ulgir was a perfect person. I considered her someone standing in a place far removed, incomparable to ordinary people. Efficient in all she did, protecting us, I secretly held an admiration for my sister. When I turned twelve years old. Having seen Ulgir and Istos start working around this time, I declared that I wanted to work as well now that I was twelve. Then, Ulgir said: "If you truly wish to work, there's no problem with that. So, do you have any specific job in mind?" "Hmm... I'd really like to work with plants. My magic is plant-related too. So, it might be best to sell plants I've created with magic, right?" "Well, that's true. In that case, why don't we visit the Defelos Trading Company together next time?" "The Defelos Trading Company?" "Yes. It's a company I frequently do business with. I have some connections there, so we could go and discuss it. They should be able to tell us what kind of plants sell well." Thus, I ended up going to the headquarters of the Defelos Trading Company with my sister. It had been a while since I went out with her, and I remember feeling excited about it. "The Defelos Trading Company is the second-largest in the Polis commercial city. They handle a variety of products, and they sell my handmade daily necessities and accessories to customers on my behalf." "Why not the largest company?" "Well, you see, the largest company, the Prota Trading Company, has a chairman who seems to dislike witches. So, I don't think we could have a favorable deal with them." As we talked like this, my sister and I walked through the city. After a while, we reached the headquarters of the Defelos Trading Company. It was a sizable mansion with stone brick walls and a reddish-brown tile roof. When my sister knocked on the door, it opened, and a person who appeared to be a servant welcomed us. "Ah, Miss Ulgir, is it? It seems that today's visit isn't about delivering goods, so may I ask the nature of your business?" "My sister is looking to start working, and we came to discuss that. We’d like to speak with those in charge of product management. Is anyone available now?" "Understood. Please wait for a moment; I will check." With that, the servant-looking person walked towards the back of the mansion. He quickly returned with a gentleman in a tailcoat, a white-haired old man who seemed rather vigorous for his age. "Nice to meet you. My name is Sinragi, and I oversee product management at the Defelos Trading Company. Did I hear correctly that you're here for a consultation?" "Yes." "Then, I shall guide you to the reception room. We can talk there." Sinragi led us to the reception room. We sat opposite one another on long benches, with a rectangular table between us. Since entering the interior of the Defelos Trading Company, the atmosphere felt solemn, and I was constantly on edge. Unlike my sister, I wasn't good with formal behavior, and I was extremely worried about being rude. Witnessing this, Sinragi addressed me. "You needn't be so nervous, young lady. There's no need for meticulous manners with a tradesman like myself, unless you're dealing with nobility. All the more so with children." "Is that so?" "Yes, indeed it is." "Of course, it depends on the person, but this is a relief to hear." Hearing Sinragi’s words, I was finally able to relax. Honestly, the tension had been such that I could hardly focus on the consultation, so I truly felt relieved. "Let's get down to business then. You wished to discuss your sister's job prospects?" "That's right. Demeter can use plant-related magic, so she's thinking of starting a business selling plants. We would like to know if there are any high-value plants or particular ones you’d wish to source." "I see. In that case, I recommend Magiweed at the moment. It's an aquatic plant that restores magical power when eaten, and it's in high demand despite being precious." "How about the price of the seeds?" "Magiweed seeds, you say... Please wait a moment. Let me retrieve some documentation." Saying this, Sinragi stood up and left the reception room. He soon returned, holding several parchments. "The price of the seeds is indeed high. Would you prefer cheaper seeds?" "Yes, we would. Generating plants from nothing consumes too much magical power, so we'd prefer to avoid that if possible. It's better to get the seeds cheaply. Right, Demeter?" "Y-yes." "How about Chronoplants then? They are a type of plant that take time to grow—" That's the kind of complicated discussion that my sister and Sinragi had. Back then, I didn't fully understand difficult terms like supply and demand, price fluctuation, or price undercutting, so I didn't add anything to the conversation. After the discussion, my sister received several samples of plants that could be sold from Sinragi and we left the Defelos Trading Company. "...Can I really work like my sister does? I'm a little less confident now." "Take your time learning. I'll accompany you in negotiations with the company for a while; there's no need to rush to do it immediately." "But you were able to handle it right away, weren't you?" "Hardly, I've had my share of blunders when I started working too. I've sold things too cheaply because I thought I could make them easily with magic and suffered losses that way." While walking back, my sister said this with a self-deprecating laugh. That's the short story of how I started working. Six years have passed since then, and I think it's fair to say I can work alone now. While I still consult my sister on important matters, I've become able to handle most things by myself. ...Having spent these long years growing up with Ulgir, I've come to realize one thing. She has a secret she's hiding. I'm not quite sure what it is yet, but I've found a few clues. When I'm dressed lightly at home, she averts her eyes as if embarrassed. Like a man, she occasionally gets distracted by our chests or legs. Since childhood, she's behaved maturely, like an adult. Occasionally, she talks about information with an unclear source. What I know now is limited to this much. I don't have conclusive evidence, so I'm not inclined to directly ask about it, but I'd be happy if she ever felt ready to tell me her secret. Whatever that secret may be, I am prepared to accept it. Because the person I once looked up to with awe is now the one I love most in the world.