Chapter 5 Side Story 3

Flashback 3 - The Fourth Sister Hecate's Respect and Trust In the center of us four sisters, there was always our elder sister Ulgir. Both Istos and Demeter, as well as I myself, were greatly helped by her. That's why, above everything else, I trusted her the most—she who was our eldest sister. Unlike my elders, I began working outside only when I turned sixteen. Though it's somewhat embarrassing to admit, I had never particularly desired to work outside and up until the age of sixteen, I was simply enjoying my peaceful days. Nevertheless, it's not that I didn't do anything. I would summon goblins to manage the inventory of goods that sister Ulgir crafted or the plants sister Demeter produced. And I summoned fairies to tidy up the spoils that sister Istos brought back from dungeons. Basically, I was having the summoned creatures do household chores. As for me, I felt happy just being with my sisters, so I had never felt dissatisfied with those days. As I mentioned earlier, it was at the age of sixteen when changes occurred. It started when sister Ulgir suggested, "It's about time for you to start working outside, Hecate. For developing sociability and also for being able to stand on your own." Of course, I had no intention of standing on my own. "So Hecate, is there any job you'd like to do?" "No, I don't particularly have any wishes. If it's a job that can be done by monsters, then anything is fine." "In that case, it should be a job suited for fairies or pegasuses, right?" "Yes, if possible." If it weren’t for my sister's agreement, I could enslave creatures like goblins and orcs for various types of manual labor, but when restricted to only using friendly monsters, it wouldn’t work out. Of the monsters I could summon, the friendly ones, were only fairies and pegasuses. Hearing my response, sister contemplated for a moment before speaking again. "Well then... How about delivery work? Pegasuses are well-suited to carrying loads because they are horses, and fairies, while not strong, are nimble, and in a group, can carry reasonable weights, right?" "That makes sense, but how would we get the delivery jobs?" "That's the problem, isn't it? But I have an idea. Let's go and talk to the Defelos Trading Company tomorrow." So it was decided that the day after our discussion at home, I would go with my sister to the headquarters of the Defelos Trading Company. Apparently, sister often traded with this company, and there was a chance they would entrust us with delivery work. After arriving at the headquarters of the Defelos Trading Company, sister spoke briefly, and we were soon ushered into the drawing room. Urged by an elderly man with white hair who was waiting inside, we sat on a couch opposite him. "It's been a while, Ms. Sinraagi." "The pleasure is mine. Long time no see, Ulgir. Is that your sister?" "Yes, I am the fourth sister, Hecate." Asked by Mr. Sinraagi, I introduced myself. He was a kinder person than I had imagined and I remember it was easy to talk to him. "Thank you for the introduction. So, what brings you here today?" "We've come to discuss a new service. I believe the Defelos Trading Company regularly moves products from the large warehouse to various stores, right?" "Yes, that's correct. Our shops can't hold large stocks due to their size. What about it?" "Well, here's a suggestion. Could we entrust the delivery of those goods to Hecate's summoned monsters? She can summon and command monsters using her magic." "Hmm, monsters...?" Mr. Sinraagi's face visibly soured at sister's words. As expected, to ordinary humans, monsters are the enemy and a difficult presence to accept. But immediately after, sister spoke up again. "Don't worry. For this delivery work, we have no intention of using monsters that are hostile to humans. We're only planning to utilize fairies and pegasuses for the work." "Fairies and pegasuses, I see. Those are monsters that are not hostile to humans. In that case, we may be able to give a favorable reply. Could I see one of the fairies as an example?" "Of course. Just a moment." After responding, I prepared to activate the magic. Shortly afterward, I summoned a fairy into the space before us. "So this is a fairy... They are rare creatures, but to see one so easily is unexpected. With that appearance, the citizens would likely accept them. However, I cannot decide on contracting delivery work alone. I'll take this back with me to consult with others, and let's have another discussion soon." "Yes, I understand." Afterward, sister and Mr. Sinraagi exchanged a few more words of business, shook hands, stood up and we were about to leave the drawing room. I followed suit and exited the room. For the time being, that was the end of today's discussion. After several more meetings between us and the Defelos Trading Company, I was able to start working as a delivery person successfully. Though I was worried about the reception from the city folk, things were going smoothly so far. Nonetheless, my highest priority job was still helping my sisters as always. ...Sister Ulgir always acts for the sake of us younger sisters. But what are her own desires? When I think back, I realize she has never seemed to wish for anything herself. Sister's wishes have always been solely for our sake. Sister Ulgir. Why do you devote so much to us? Why did you tell me to "become independent"? It's as if you're suggesting that one day you won't be with us. No matter what happens, I will never forget the favors I have been granted. I will find out your wishes and will surely return the favor someday. Because in this world, you are the only one I love.