Chapter 6

Episode 6: The Footsteps of Adversity In a past life, there were numerous theories about what caused the witch hunts. Among them, the one I was most vigilant about was the theory that the public vented their anger about wars and natural disasters on witches. It's just hypothetical, but if this theory were to repeat itself in this world, the moment when public dissatisfaction peaked due to some disaster, it would be blamed on witches. If a drought caused a poor harvest, they'd say the witches had sealed away the rain. If a virus led to an epidemic, they'd say the witches had brought the calamity. That's why I had prepared for the possibility of a major disaster in this world. I had stockpiled food. I purchased a large warehouse on the outskirts of Polis, a commercial city, and for about five years, had been privately storing grains like wheat. Fortunately, we four sisters earned more than enough money to secure a substantial amount of grain. Should war or a poor harvest strike and the areas around Polis fall into a scarcity of food, I planned to release these grains into the market. Of course, I had no intention of hoisting up the grain prices. Profit didn't matter; my priority was to mitigate public discontent. Though I couldn't do much about an epidemic, some things were simply out of my hands. The current season was still summer, and it was uncertain whether a poor harvest would come, but I had a feeling that the rain was scarce this year. That's why I was more vigilant than usual. ...On such a summer day. I was working at home as usual when I heard a knock on the front door. When I opened it, a familiar figure appeared. "Madam Ulgir, my apologies for the sudden visit. Do you remember me?" "Of course. What brings you here today?" "Well, it's a matter that is a bit difficult to discuss on the doorstep... May I come in?" "Yes, that's fine." The person who appeared was Efner, the guardsman who had helped us on the day of the tragic incident ten years ago. He had aged a bit, but his face was as gentle as ever. I invited him into the dining room and once seated opposite each other, we began to converse. "To explain without delay, a mass murder occurred recently in a certain mansion in this city. Around twenty bodies were found, and since there were traces of powerful magic used at the scene, we suspect it to be the work of a witch." "And you suspect us?" "No, that's not it. The problem is that this murder site was a hideout for the Theos cult. Further investigation revealed that all the victims were followers of the Theos cult." The Theos cult. They were the cultists who had attacked our village ten years prior. Had their hideout been destroyed by the hand of a witch...? "We're aware that you are not the culprits, based on the type of magic used. Hence, we would like to inquire if you have any information about any witches who might hold a grudge against the Theos cult." "...We don't have much association with other witches. As for the Theos cult, we haven't dealt with them since that incident, so I know very little." "I see... At this point, any information seemingly related to the incident would be helpful." Despite racking my brain, I couldn't recall any useful information. Everything I told Efner was the truth—I knew nothing about this incident. That was precisely why I was so shocked upon hearing this news. "I'm sorry. It seems I can't be of much help regarding this matter." "I understand. My apologies for reviving unpleasant memories. If you do come across any information, please report it to the guards at the garrison. Thank you for your cooperation." With a hint of disappointment, Efner left our home. Afterwards, in the silence of the house, I let my thoughts wander. The obliteration of the Theos cult's hideout was indeed a cause for celebration. However, slaughtering all their followers was clearly excessive. It wouldn't be strange if people, learning of this event, began to fear witches. Nothing had yet happened, but I had an uneasy premonition. The necessary conditions for witches to start being persecuted were slowly starting to align.