Chapter 122 - Self-Rescue Manual of a Villainess

The psychic examination was coming to a swift end, but before that happened, Nan Yin found herself in deep trouble. It was widely known that Nan Yin's disguise was extremely sophisticated, sophisticated enough that even Long Yun, a top witch, couldn't see through it. In this situation, Long Yun gradually let down her guard towards Nan Yin and really treated her like a beloved little cat. Specifically, Long Yun would occasionally finish her practice and then enjoy holding Nan Yin while talking about all sorts of things. Nan Yin was all too familiar with this phenomenon, reminding her of those young girls who kept pets. They completely treated their pets as emotional outlets and confidants, confessing everything to the little cat. What Nan Yin didn't expect was that the ancient Long Yun actually had this flaw! In just a few days, Nan Yin had heard countless earth-shattering secrets! The venerable Dean Smith unexpectedly fancied Elder Miya, who was centuries younger! This renowned man is known for his adoration of young girls, isn't he a lolicon?! Long Yun's top disciple had actually confessed to Long Yun! This kind of thing was completely unheard of in the original work! It seemed that Su Xiaoyu had a potential rival! Long Yun's first love was actually Di Xin! Nan Yin's prior speculation seems to have been correct. This witch truly had something going on with the Divine Emperor, but she didn't know whether it had further developed. Oh... Su Xiaoyu wouldn't become a scapegoat, would she? In any case, during this period, Nan Yin had indeed heard many secrets that others couldn't possibly know, some of which even subverted her worldview! However, the satisfaction of learning these secrets was accompanied by Nan Yin's uncontrollable panic. After hearing so many secrets today, would Long Yun destroy her without mercy if she discovered Nan Yin's true identity someday in the future? There were many things that Nan Yin hadn't completed yet and she certainly didn't want to be destroyed without mercy. In this situation, Nan Yin had to prepare her escape plan in advance. However, on the day before the psychic examination ended, Long Yun did something that Nan Yin had never imagined! "Alright, this way, I won't have to worry about you running around." On the morning before the end of the psychic examination, Nan Yin, just waking up from her slumber, still groggy, suddenly felt something placed around her neck. This jolted Nan Yin to full wakefulness. As she came to her senses, she caught sight of Long Yun, who had a satisfied look on her face, withdrawing her hand and going to practice, leaving Nan Yin in disarray. Lingeringly watching Long Yun leave, Nan Yin lowered her head and discovered an additional collar around her neck. If it were merely an ordinary collar, it wouldn't have been an issue since it would come off when she transformed into her human form. However, Nan Yin soon sensed that something was amiss with this collar because she actually felt... a hint of destruction emanating from it! It wasn't just a metaphorical sensation, but a genuine feeling of destruction! Nan Yin scratched at the collar with her claws and a voice within her hinted that taking off the collar rashly would lead to horrifying consequences! Unbelieving, Nan Yin stubbornly attempted to remove the collar, and something strange happened—a string of orange runes suddenly flew out from the collar and directly struck Nan Yin's forehead! "Meow-!!" The piercing meow echoed through the sky, while Long Yun, who was practicing in another room, merely smiled faintly, completely unconcerned, and resumed her practice. The scene shifted, and our pitiful Nan Yin had collapsed on the ground, the pain evident in her meowing. After finally coming to her senses, Nan Yin hurriedly asked what this thing was to the Systems Voice, as anything involving psychic powers had already exceeded her endurance. Disappointingly, after scanning the collar, Systems Voice only provided Nan Yin with bad news. 【This is a specially made domestication collar with an enchantment that will gradually make you rely on Long Yun. It also includes a sealing technique. As long as your power doesn't exceed one-tenth of Long Yun's, attempting to remove the collar will result in a sensation of intense pain.】 Systems Voice rambled on, leaving Nan Yin to barely latch onto the key points. What's the situation?! Does this mean she can't leave? Nan Yin couldn't help but feel despair. If only she had known it would come to this, she wouldn't have sought out Jiang Mi and Xia Yiyi in the first place. What should she do now? Would she really have to be Long Yun's pet for the rest of her life? The focal point wasn't just that; the critical issue was that she would be forced to transform into her human form twenty-four hours later. Wouldn't Long Yun discover her at that time? Thinking of this, Nan Yin felt even more distressed. However, as soon as Systems Voice adopted its usual detached tone, Nan Yin grew angry. "Systems Voice! You'd better find a solution for me! If I get destroyed by Long Yun, you won't have it easy either!" Initially, Nan Yin thought Systems Voice was simply teasing her, but she didn't expect that Systems Voice really had a solution! 【Host, have you forgotten how you've been avoiding Long Yun's control every night? The system space is completely isolated from the outside world. Even if you take off the collar, nothing will happen.】 Systems Voice explained the solution it had already prepared in great detail. Upon hearing this, Nan Yin smacked her forehead. Why did she feel like her IQ had declined recently? She didn't even think of this solution... Could it be that she had really become foolish from all this time as a cat? However, now wasn't the time to ponder whether her mind had malfunctioned. After accepting the call with Systems Voice, Nan Yin quickly entered the system space while Long Yun was still practicing, and promptly removed the collar, turning into her human form. After confirming the feasibility of the experiment, Nan Yin breathed a sigh of relief. Thank goodness, she finally had a way to escape, and she didn't have to be this witch's pet for the rest of her life. But... previously, when she left, she could attribute it to Long Yun's carelessness, but now that she escaped with this collar on, Long Yun would definitely suspect something. Maybe she would pull some tricks... But there was nothing Nan Yin could do about it, so she could only escape first. With the collar in place, Long Yun no longer held her constantly as before, so Nan Yin took the opportunity to venture outside. As expected, the first group of candidates who finished the examination had already started to leave. In this way, Nan Yin endured her suffering under Long Yun's vigilance, until nightfall. Eventually, she took advantage of Long Yun's meditation to enter the system space and then replicated her previous method. Finally, under the cover of darkness, she straightaway left the examination site. As Nan Yin rushed back home in a state of anxiety, in the Chairman's Office, Ambrella International Headquarters, it was midnight. Fube Zhengsi, with a plate of food in hand, entered the office, seemingly oblivious to the emptiness of the Chairman's Office. In fact, Nan Yin's temporary departure and whereabouts were unknown, but Fube Zhengsi and Shirou had no intentions of prying. They could only continue with their plans as previously arranged. Fube Zhengsi walked to a small door on the left side of the office and, upon opening it, revealed an exquisite bedroom. Just as he opened the door, a white figure pounced at Fube Zhengsi. "Come here, little one," he said to the fox, placing the food on the ground. "Sorry, we had to deal with some trouble today with Shirou, so I'm late." Fube Zhengsi crouched down, speaking to himself. Indeed, Fube Zhengsi had come to take care of the little white fox. Since Ambrella International had gotten on the right track, Nan Yin had become increasingly busy. She had set up a small bedroom in the Chairman's Office to rest whenever needed. Before Nan Yin left this time, foreseeing that she might be gone for a while, she had already entrusted Fube Zhengsi to bring her fox here, providing good magical beast meat every day. Observing the now ravenous fox and the rapidly vanishing magical beast meat, Fube Zhengsi couldn't help but stroke his chin. He couldn't understand the breed of Nan Yin's fox. Despite being so small, it had an enormous appetite and had recently increased its consumption significantly. He wasn't sure how such a small body could contain so much. Fube Zhengsi merely entertained a brief curiosity. His nature meant he wouldn't overthink things or overreact, especially since the meat had already been purchased a while ago, so it didn't matter. Seeing that the fox had finished eating, Fube Zhengsi swiftly left, as the newly established company still had many clandestine matters that he and Shirou needed to handle. As Fube Zhengsi left, the little white fox uncannily shook her head, yearning for the young girl from before, the one that smelled so good, and yes, her blood was also so fragrant... Oh, it's just that the girl hasn't been around lately, and she hadn't tasted such delicious blood for a long time. Thinking this, the little white fox began to feel a bit bored. She leapt onto the sofa and used her tail to wield the TV remote, intending to find a show to pass the time. However, just as she was about to press the remote, the fox's fur stood on end, and she focused on a dark corner of the room. One second... Thirty seconds... The little white fox stared intently for a whole minute before a faint, whispery voice filled the room: "The little princess of Tushan really has some skills. You've found me, haven't you? -------- Note: There doesn't actually appear to be a chapter 123