Chapter 124 - Self-Rescue Manual of a Villainess

"Crash!" The water glass on the table was knocked over by the little fox and fell to the ground, shattering with a crisp sound. The white little fox looked at the black-clothed figure in front of it, trembling with fear. "What, Your Highness, the princess, are you not happy to see me, a lowly servant?" The black-clothed figure spoke and suddenly pulled down the hood on his head. To everyone's surprise, underneath the hood were a pair of orange fox ears. "Your Highness, you have no idea how worried we've been during your absence. Prince Fu has been missing you dearly." Despite the man in front of her referring to himself as a lowly servant, Little White felt no sense of security whatsoever. She kept retreating towards the corner, but in such a small room, there was nowhere for her to hide. With a quick motion, the black-clothed figure snatched Little White, the whole fox, in his hand. "!" Feeling the grip on her neck, Little White couldn't help but let out a whimper. However, what seemed like a comical and adorable reaction to her translated to the black-clothed man as a sign of insignificance. As a result, a tinge of mockery flashed in his cold upright pupils. "Who would have thought that the noble Miss Tu Shan would end up in such a plight. Oh well, it's best to hand you over to Prince Fu for disposal." The black-clothed figure, seeing Little White frozen in his hold, paid no attention to whether she was alive or dead and summoned a black mist to prepare to leave. However, at that moment, he suddenly threw the black mist towards the door, and almost simultaneously, the automatic door swung open and six throwing knives flew towards the black-clothed figure at an impossible speed! Unfortunately, the black-clothed figure was clearly not an ordinary person. He effortlessly devoured the six throwing knives with the black mist, followed by a grating sound as the corroded knives were expelled from the mist. Seeing that his poisoned throwing knives did not hit the target, Fube Zhengsi felt a tinge of regret. Those knives were specially made and had enough poison to kill an unguarded level-five esper. Despite his regret, he did not dwell on it. In the next moment, two specially made intelligent submachine guns appeared in Fube Zhengsi's hands. These weapons were part of the measures Nanno Seiran demanded the White Wolf team possess against espers. After obtaining firearms from the Long Qian Group's production line, the White Wolf team immediately researched and selected a batch of electromagnetic weapons tailored for dealing with espers. These weapons enabled ordinary people to confront high-level espers. Fube Zhengsi's hands held these two intelligent firearms, and the White Wolf team even helped him connect them to the network, allowing him to use the dreamt-of intelligent weapons. However, at this moment, the submachine guns, capable of instantly tearing through a level-five esper, failed to penetrate the black mist summoned by the figure! The special alloy bullets, just like the six throwing knives, were corroded, losing their kinetic energy. Seeing that his firearms were ineffective against the enemy, Fube Zhengsi's expression turned solemn. He did not resort to his expertise in close combat either, as even the bullets were being corroded, let alone blades. Fube Zhengsi did not draw his dagger but instead took a step back and pulled out two high-explosive grenades. At this moment, he had no regard for the fact that this was his company's headquarters. Dealing with the enemy in front of him took precedence. However, just as Fube Zhengsi was about to release the safety, he was horrified to find that he couldn't move! In an instant, Fube Zhengsi's heart sank. It was clear to him that the figure in front of him had made him unable to move. Controlling people was common among espers. Was he going to meet his end here today? Fube Zhengsi's mouth twisted bitterly. He regretted not bringing that guy from the White Wolf team along. After all... well, it would have been good to have a scapegoat. Of course, the black-clothed figure was unaware that the marksman in front of him was already contemplating getting someone else involved. He disdainfully glanced at Fube Zhengsi's submachine guns and casually crushed both of them, along with Fube Zhengsi's hand bones. The pain twisted Fube Zhengsi's face, but the black-clothed figure paid it no mind. He seemed to sigh with pity. "Ignorant fool, thinking a mere firearm could triumph over..." He paused. After that, the black-clothed figure showed no interest in conversing with Fube Zhengsi. He looked at his chest—this person's physical skills and constitution were not bad. It made him wonder about the man's heart. Witnessing this, Little White closed her eyes in despair. She even felt a bit resentful towards Fube Zhengsi. What was he doing? He risked his life for what? She truly felt sorry for Fube Zhengsi. The pale fingertips of Little White landed on Fube Zhengsi's chest, and despairingly, she shut her eyes, awaiting the anticipated pain to come... everything seemed to freeze at that moment. However, as Little White waited, she did not witness the envisioned scene of blood splattering due to a stabbing. She couldn't help but open her eyes and found the black-clothed figure inexplicably frozen in place. Even Fube Zhengsi, who was previously incapacitated, was now able to move and had taken a step back, with a bewildered expression. "You...!" The black-clothed figure suddenly moved, but he immediately froze again before he could speak. Your wife's cheating on you, and your child is your brother's. The sudden appearance of this question in the black-clothed figure's mind left him speechless. What's more, he found himself subconsciously contemplating this issue without any apparent reason. His wife is cheating on him? Impossible! She's pretty clueless. Would she even dare to have an affair behind his back? As an advanced esper, this problem was a mere nuisance for him and only troubled him for a few seconds. In the next instant, he snapped back to reality and prepared to pierce Fube Zhengsi's heart. However, for some reason, in an instant, another thought surged in his mind. Your wife's cheating on you, and your child is your brother's. I don't even have a brother! Your wife's cheating on you, and your child is your brother's. I definitely don't have any children! Initially, the black-clothed figure had dismissed the sudden appearance of these questions. But the repeated intrusive thoughts left him at a loss. He tried to take these questions seriously, but he could not, as he found numerous loopholes in them! For one, he had no brother and no children! Yet, these questions kept lingering in his mind! But... He couldn't dwell on this, as the black-clothed figure suddenly lost consciousness.