Chapter 155

For someone at Li Yitian's level, the daily schedule was already filled to the brim, sometimes even leaving no time for basic grooming. Breakfast was generally taken care of by his secretary. In such situations, Li Yitian often found himself lamenting that life as a mid-level executive in the company ten years ago was better. Back then, he had more freedom and much less office politics... After his daily Versailles routine, Li Yitian suddenly remembered that there was a client waiting to see him today. He promptly cancelled a small meeting and hurried to his mansion in New York. However, just before entering the estate, he received an unexpected phone call which instantly shattered his previously decent mood. "Mr. Li Yitian, greetings." The voice on the other end sounded cool and ominous. Li Yitian could already picture the two ominous figures behind the voice, the same ones he deeply despised. He took a deep breath and asked, "What do you want? When will you give me the antidote for my wife?" "It seems Mr. Li Yitian has forgotten our deal," the person on the other end lightly chuckled. "We know what we want, and Mr. Li Yitian should understand that." "We know that thing might be very important to you, and we won't force you to hand it over, but... we cannot predict what might happen to your wife's illness." After saying these words, the person on the other end hung up before Li Yitian could react. He quickly looked at his secretary in the driver's seat, who could only shake her head helplessly. Since Li Yitian answered the call, the secretary had begun using technology to trace the location of the caller. But there was some high-level hacker on the other end, and even with Dragon Qian Group's top-notch tracking technology, they couldn't locate the caller within that minute. "Damn it!" Li Yitian fiercely pounded his fist on the car window. He was so enraged that he didn't even realize his hand was injured, and drops of crimson blood stained his black suit. "Master!" The housekeeper next to him reacted quickly, taking out a handkerchief from the medical kit in the car and swiftly wrapping up Li Yitian's injured hand. Then, he used a healing device to cover Li Yitian's hand in a green light, and the wound visibly started to heal at a rapid pace. "Sigh... I'm fine," seeing that they had reached the mansion's entrance, Li Yitian didn't want to dwell on these issues at the moment. He instructed the housekeeper to fetch a new jacket from the trunk, changed into it, and then composed himself before entering the mansion. Upon entering the mansion, it was time for the lunch. Li Yitian saw the chef carrying freshly cooked meals towards the dining hall. Upon seeing Li Yitian, the chef quickly bowed with the tray in hand. "No need, Asha. Are Ameng and Nan Yin here?" Li Yitian waved his hand and asked. "Master, Miss Ameng and Miss Nan Yin are both here. Miss Lanyu had something to attend to this morning and left early. This is the braised pork she instructed me to make... I'll go add it to your menu now." The chef quickly explained. There was no need to change the menu. Li Yitian wasn't particular about it, so he shook his head to indicate no need and followed the chef into the dining hall. Upon entering the dining hall, Li Yitian saw Ameng and Nan Yin playfully entwined with each other. At first, Li Yitian was alarmed, thinking they were fighting, but upon closer listening, he heard the laughter of the girls. He relaxed and realized that it was just their playful banter. It was only at this moment that he remembered how Nan Yin was the same age as his second daughter. To be honest, this girl gave the impression of being too mature, even for someone like Li Yitian. He dared not treat her as a simple junior, especially after observing her methods in Ambrera International. In any case, Nan Yin was not ordinary. After a casual sigh, when Li Yitian came to his senses, he noticed that the two girls had already sat properly at the dining table, as it wasn't suitable to continue fooling around in the presence of elders. "Dad, why are you here so early today? Haven't eaten lunch yet? Have it with us." Seeing Li Yitian, Ameng spoke first. After some thought, Li Yitian shook his head and declined. Because of what had just happened, he wasn't in the mood for eating. He looked at Nan Yin and said, "Miss Nan Yin, please come to the study after your meal." With that, Li Yitian didn't want to be ceremonious and went straight to the study. Seeing this, Ameng and Nan Yin couldn't help but exchange glances. They could tell that Li Yitian wasn't in a good mood. After seeing this, the two girls didn't inquire further and quickly finished their meal. After dinner, Ameng turned on the TV, intending to find a movie to watch. Meanwhile, Nan Yin remembered Li Yitian's earlier words. She made her way to Li Yitian's study door and knocked. After a while, she finally received a response and pushed the door open. At that moment, Li Yitian was standing by the window looking outside. The cigarette in his hand had already been lit and extinguished, indicating just how distracted he was at the moment. After Nan Yin entered, Li Yitian turned around. He casually tossed the already extinguished cigarette into the ashtray, then quickly composed himself and looked at Nan Yin with a smile. "Nan Yin... Can I call you Xiaoyin? After all, your father and I are of the same generation. Is it okay for me to call you that?" Li Yitian was almost fifty years old this year, and calling himself that wasn't an issue. Nan Yin nodded gently, as the term 'Xiaoyin' was more about closeness than just a formal seniority. It was a sentiment she appreciated. "Please feel free to call me Li Uncle. Ameng is my close friend, so that makes you my elder," Nan Yin said humbly. Li Yitian nodded without showing any emotion. "You've saved Ameng twice; to be honest, if it wasn't for you, Ameng might have..." He shook his head. "In any case, from now on, Ambrera International will be the business partner of my Dragon Qian Group, and you will always be a friend of my Li family." Nan Yin's heart skipped a beat at Li Yitian's words. His emphasis on Ambrera International signified the potential return she had been waiting for. Sure enough, Li Yitian's next words lifted Nan Yin's spirits. After a moment of contemplation, he found a link on his terminal and transmitted it to Nan Yin. "I've looked into the specific details of Ambrera International," Li Yitian said to Nan Yin. "Ambrera International currently has no shortcomings in small arms. The federal government recently ordered major groups to develop a single-person recoilless electromagnetic cannon for space combat. Unfortunately, due to some mishap, our Dragon Qian's development plan was delayed, causing us to miss the bid." "I'd like to gift the blueprints of this weapon to Ambrera International, to enhance your market competitiveness."

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