Chapter 156

Nan Yin looked at the so-called electromagnetic recoilless cannon displayed on the terminal and was momentarily stunned. She could imagine that Li Yitian's reward would be very generous, but she didn't expect that when Li Yitian made his move, it would be such a surprising one! An innovative weapon that had never appeared before, developed by a top-notch product of an old company, was now in front of Nan Yin and was about to belong to her! You see, for a weapons company, the most difficult thing is not the research and development, or the production of materials and facilities. The most difficult thing is actually opening up the market! Since when did humans start operating weapons? Five thousand years ago or ten thousand years ago? When did systematic arms dealers appear in the world? Five hundred years ago or three hundred years ago? None of this matters. Nan Yin only needed to know that now, the various fields of weapons in the world are dominated by several major operating companies - no one would choose a newly established and unremarkable weapon company over those with established reputations. But now, with the innovative weapon provided by Li Yitian, Nan Yin could completely open up a gap in the market. As long as she maintained enough credibility and after-sales service, then Ambrella International's development relying on this recoilless cannon was definitely not a pipe dream. "Uncle Li, this is too precious," Nan Yin subconsciously refused. It's not that she didn't want it, but she thought that taking it would mean being indebted to the other party. Because this weapon might mean a market worth several billion, or even tens of billions. "Hehe, Xiao Yin, there's no need to rush to refuse," Li Yitian smiled and shook his head. "The gate of the Yao world is about to open. Our Longqian Group has already received a huge number of weapon orders. There are no longer any factories producing new weapons, so instead of letting this blueprint sit idle in our database, I might as well give it to you young ones and give you a hand." Since Li Yitian had spoken to this extent, Nan Yin found it difficult to refuse. She nodded and no longer mentioned refusing, accepting the blueprint with pleasure. Perhaps Li Yitian's reason was not sufficient. After all, this was potentially a market worth several billion. But Nan Yin understood Li Yitian's attitude. She must accept this blueprint today, to have a chance at bargaining for more in the future. Seeing Nan Yin accept the blueprint, Li Yitian nodded in satisfaction and continued, "We have already produced three fully automated production lines for this recoilless cannon. We don't need them now. I will have them all delivered to Ambrella International." This time, Nan Yin's face remained unchanged. Compared to the blueprint, these three production lines did not surprise her. After all, if this recoilless cannon really could open up the market, she would be able to earn enough to make up for the three production lines if need be. "Xiao Yin," at the end, Li Yitian said meaningfully, "you are a very capable person. I do this just in the hope that if Meng encounters any difficulties in the future, you will still treat her as a friend." Pondering Li Yitian's words, Nan Yin slowly descended the stairs. Li Meng, who had been bored enough to watch a movie, saw her crush coming downstairs and naturally stopped watching the movie. She resorted to her usual move - pouncing into Nan Yin's embrace. "Xiao Yin, what did Dad tell you?" Li Meng asked as she hugged Nan Yin, while also raising her head to rub against Nan Yin's cheek. "It’s just some company matters," Nan Yin lightly touched Li Meng's golden fluffy head, then suddenly whispered, "Li Meng, I might have to go back to Tianzhou City first." "Ah?" Hearing that Nan Yin was about to leave, Li Meng immediately felt a bit lost. But the next moment, she became happy, "It's okay, I'm also returning to Tianzhou City in two days!" Yes, it's not a tragic life-and-death separation anyway. Li Meng was also going back to Tianzhou City in a few days, so it didn't matter if Nan Yin left a couple of days earlier. Suddenly, Li Meng blushed and said to Nan Yin, "Um... during this time, I will learn, so it won't be like last night…" Upon hearing this, Nan Yin couldn't help but blush. She also thought of last night's incident. Yes, the end of the previous chapter described a night of silence. It was truly a night of silence! To be honest, for normal couples, the things between the sheets are basically self-evident, but last night, facing each other, Nan Yin and Li Meng both felt at a loss. First of all, Nan Yin, perhaps due to her personality, or perhaps because of the circumstances, she completely belonged to the passive side after lying down. The words "attack" or "initiative" were not in her dictionary. So, facing Li Meng, she had no idea what to do. As for Li Meng, as a sheltered girl, she was even less likely to know about these things, so last night was truly a night of silence. However, although it was a night of silence, Li Meng had also made a preliminary judgment of Nan Yin's character. Well... in short, she had to take the initiative, right? That's what Li Meng understood. Nan Yin didn't know what Li Meng had figured out. Of course, if she knew in the future, she would definitely correct Li Meng's understanding today. The plane tickets from New York to Tianzhou City were easy to book. Nan Yin returned to Tianzhou City with her subordinates that same afternoon. She first went to the company because she needed to summarize this operation and also arrange the next mission. After all, she hadn't forgotten about Xiao Wuluo's matter. In half a month, there would be an extremely grand auction. "Miss, this is the list of the deceased team members from this operation." In the office, Bai Lang handed Nan Yin a list. It contained the names of the six people who had been lost during this mission, along with the reasons for their deaths. Of the six people, five were shot and killed in a gunfight with those men in black. As for the remaining one, he was just unlucky. He was driving carelessly and caused the motorcycle to crash, resulting in a fatal accident. "Six people," Nan Yin tapped the table. "Follow the scheduled compensation plan. If their families need it, they can be recruited into the company. You are responsible for arranging a suitable job for them." This arrangement was already very good. The compensation for Ambrella International's armed personnel was formulated by Nan Yin according to the standard of a former defense officer from her previous life. The compensation itself was very generous, and the average salary at Ambrella International was not low. So in the end, the families of the deceased not only received a substantial amount of compensation, but they also had a secure job to ensure their family income. To be honest, from a military perspective, Bai Lang considered this to be very good welfare. "Well, that's it then." After finishing her work at the company, Nan Yin was ready to return home. But looking at the door, she suddenly felt a bit uneasy—how was she going to explain things to Jiang Mi?

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