Chapter 157

Just as she stepped into the house, Nan Yin saw Xia Yi Yi wearing an apron and cleaning. She always felt like this scene was familiar... After all, every time she came back home, she could always see Xia Yi Yi doing housework. She would either be cooking or cleaning, resembling the appearance of a housewife. But what did it matter? It certainly did not dampen Xia Yi Yi's surprise upon seeing Nan Yin. After seeing Nan Yin, she was initially startled, then she immediately set aside the mop in her hand. Without waiting for Nan Yin's reaction, she ran over and gave Nan Yin a big hug. "Nan Yin!" Xia Yi Yi kept hugging and rubbing against Nan Yin until Xiao Bai suddenly ran over. This little one perhaps just woke up. In any case, when it ran over upon catching the scent of its owner, it was in a daze and ended up running right to Nan Yin's feet. As Nan Yin caught a glimpse of the little critter dodging, she realized that Xia Yi Yi was mopping the floor just now, but it was too late. Nan Yin had to quickly position herself under Xia Yi Yi at the precise moment she slipped and fell. "Yi-ay-yay!" When Xiao Bai, concerned, crouched down after reacting, it saw its two owners now piled together. Xia Yi Yi was not hurt from the fall, and for Nan Yin, the pain was inconsequential. Xia Yi Yi leaned down and gently kissed the corner of Nan Yin's mouth, a moment that happened to be observed by Jiang Mi who had just left the house. "Oh... Did I come at a bad time?" Jiang Mi raised her eyebrows slightly, crossing her arms upon witnessing this scene. Embarrassed, Nan Yin glanced at Jiang Mi for a moment, feeling a bit awkward. For an instant, she almost said the famous line: "No, you came at just the right time." Thankfully, Nan Yin didn't speak those words, she simply pulled Xia Yi Yi up and smiled faintly at Jiang Mi, "Jiang Mi, I'm back." Hearing Nan Yin's seemingly coquettish tone, Jiang Mi didn't dwell on it. But Xia Yi Yi next to her gave Jiang Mi a proud yet coquettish look, clearly indicating that she had come out on top this time. Jiang Mi, seeing Xia Yi Yi's coquettish expression, couldn't help but chuckle inwardly. At the same time, she felt a bit sad. Xia Yi Yi was actually still focused on these tiny moments of closeness, unaware that she, Jiang Mi, had already won. They were simply not on the same level. At night, it was still Jiang Mi and Nan Yin sharing a bed, after all, Nan Yin once admitted that she was a grown-up. Just after the two were intimate, Nan Yin rested with her eyes closed while Jiang Mi, beside her, still looked lively, propping her arm and staring at the ceiling, lost in thought. Suddenly, Jiang Mi turned over and hugged Nan Yin, just as Nan Yin, about to drift off, was jolted awake by this motion. She thought Jiang Mi wanted another round. She opened her weary eyes and gazed at Jiang Mi, whispering, "Darling... I'm a bit tired." But then Jiang Mi's next words instantly brought Nan Yin to full alert. Jiang Mi leaned in close to Nan Yin's ear and softly said, "Sis, aren't you going to explain about Li Meng to me?" Well, once Jiang Mi said that, Nan Yin immediately snapped out of her drowsiness. She sat up abruptly, the quilt sliding down, leaving her exposed. But Nan Yin didn't have time to think about that. She stared blankly at Jiang Mi for a moment, then suddenly ruffled her own hair in agitation. It wasn't until her lovely snowy hair turned into a mess that Nan Yin managed to calm down somewhat. She looked pitifully at Jiang Mi, "When did you find out?" "I found out two days ago," Jiang Mi looked at Nan Yin with a sly smile. Two days ago? Nan Yin furrowed her brow slightly. She was in New York two days ago. How did Jiang Mi... Seeing Nan Yin's confusion, Jiang Mi leaned over and whispered softly, "Li Meng called me herself." Nan Yin was suddenly taken aback. It was only now that she realized Li Meng had mentioned giving Jiang Mi an explanation. Could it be that Li Meng's idea of giving an explanation was to actively call and confess? "Sis..." Just as Nan Yin grappled with how to explain things to Jiang Mi, Jiang Mi suddenly embraced her again. "Sis, I really don't mind at all." "Huh?" Nan Yin was stunned. In that instant, she had pondered countless possible responses from Jiang Mi, but she hadn't expected her to say that. "When you brought Xia Yi Yi home, I had already anticipated this day," said Jiang Mi from behind, holding Nan Yin. She spoke softly, "So when Li Meng called, I wasn't surprised at all. After all, that girl's feelings for you have been so blatant." Nan Yin: ??? Really? It was so obvious? Then why hadn't she noticed? "And a long time ago, I said one thing to you, I don't know if you still remember it," Jiang Mi suddenly blew a warm breath into Nan Yin's ear, making the latter's ears instantly turn red. "I said, no matter how many people like you in the future, I will always be the first... Do you remember? And... Since so many people like you, doesn't that mean the person I like is exceptional? So what's there for me to be discontent about?" Since Jiang Mi had brought up this point, Nan Yin couldn't say anything else. She gently caressed Jiang Mi's cheek, her wine-colored eyes full of tenderness. "Jiang Mi..." But to Nan Yin's surprise, in this sentimental moment, Jiang Mi pressed her down onto the bed. "By the way, sis, now that I've done so much, don't you think you owe me a little compensation?" "What... What compensation?" Nan Yin looked at Jiang Mi, suddenly getting a bad feeling. "I learned a new position a couple of days ago, but it might be a bit demanding for you. Do you want to try it?" Jiang Mi smirked mischievously. "Um..." Back in Tianzhou City, Nan Yin's life hadn't changed much from before. She still shuttled between the office and home every day. The only difference was that Li Meng visited her more often than before. Initially, Jiang Mi and Xia Yi Yi were a bit wary of Li Meng, after all, this young lady frequently stayed at Nan Yin's apartment to eat, and occasionally showed bold affection toward Nan Yin in front of them. This was no ordinary young lady! Her boldness was evident even in public; they didn't dare imagine how indulgent she was behind closed doors... In any case, they had to find a way to address this! However, after Li Meng separately spoke with Jiang Mi and Xia Yi Yi, their attitudes toward Li Meng improved significantly, and they even referred to each other as sisters on many occasions. This was something that had puzzled Nan Yin for a long time, as no one knew what Li Meng had said to Xia Yi Yi and Jiang Mi that day. However, Nan Yin soon lost interest in pondering the sudden harmony in her harem. There was an unexpected problem that arose with Long Yun.

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