Chapter 158

“What did you say?” One morning, Nan Yin was awakened from her slumber by the voice of Can Yin in her mind. It was a public holiday in the Ambrella International, and she shouldn’t have been up this early. She had been sleeping in until now, but unexpectedly, Can Yin had disturbed her at this moment. “Wake up, wake up! An emergency task has been issued!” Can Yin didn’t care how irritable Nan Yin was from being roused from sleep but promptly thrust a task sheet in front of her. “Longyun is about to be in trouble. You can’t afford to ignore this.” Upon hearing this, Nan Yin was momentarily taken aback. Longyun was about to be in trouble? After confirming with Can Yin that there was no mistake, she was instantly wide awake and began to get dressed in a hurry. At that moment, Luo Nv, who had been meditating inside the ring, was also disturbed. She curiously looked at Nan Yin and asked, “Who were you just talking to?” Nan Yin paused at this and realized that due to being in a hurry, she had spoken directly instead of replying in her mind as usual when answering Can Yin. She waved a hand and did not respond to Luo Nv's question, as Can Yin's presence had to be kept hidden. “By the way, Luo Nv, do you know Longyun?” Nan Yin asked another question instead of addressing Luo Nv's query. "Longyun?" Luo Nv pondered for a moment. "Let me think. I remember she was an apprentice by Emperor Xin's side, right? Why do you ask about her?" Luo Nv recalled and questioned Nan Yin with confusion. Nan Yin nodded at this, as a few thousand years ago, Emperor Xin's righteous execution was in progress, and at that time, Longyun was indeed an apprentice. Luo Nv's statement was consistent with this. However, Nan Yin's expression became somewhat strange thereafter. This was because the apprentice that Luo Nv mentioned was currently sealed by the same seal that trapped Luo Nv, as revealed. Things in the world were truly unpredictable. Nan Yin no longer paid attention to this misunderstanding and instead earnestly examined the task at hand. 【Task: Save Longyun from falling into the demonic state Task Description: In the era of the apocalypse, with wear and tear already upon us, Longyun, who has been practicing alone, is on the verge of falling into the demonic state due to an array issue. Please intervene and prevent the tragedy from happening. Task completion time limit: Two hours Task completion reward: Randomly strengthen two of the host's system items. Task failure penalty: Randomly eliminate one of the host's system items.】 Upon seeing the task's rewards and penalties, Nan Yin heaved a sigh of relief, despite knowing the urgency of the situation. It seemed that Can Yin's task had finally become more serious. Frankly, if the penalty still involved turning into some kind of little loli with animal ears, Nan Yin would have been exasperated. However, Nan Yin glanced at the task description. What was a 'demonic state'? Was it something like a demonic potato or a demonic state? Nan Yin was a bit perplexed for a moment. Did the original work have this plotline? Nan Yin recalled that it did not. Longyun's character made her debut at her peak in the original work. After all, she was one of the few top combat powers in the original work, and as a romance game, it was unlikely that major efforts would be spent on depicting battle plotlines. Therefore, there was no mention of Longyun's practice, let alone this demonic state. Furthermore, this was Earth, not an immortal boat. Was the author's mind addled? They even wrote about a demonic state. Shaking her head to dispel these bizarre thoughts, Nan Yin turned to Luo Nv once again: “Luo Nv, can you perform teleportation?” “Teleport you where?” Luo Nv retorted sarcastically. “If my strength were restored enough to teleport, what would you need me for? I would have left on my own.” Nan Yin pursed her lips and decided to drop the question. She then recalled that the headquarters of the Longan Group had a teleportation array set up by the Li family. Despite its convenience, it required coordinates. Nevertheless, this didn't faze Nan Yin, as she remembered that she had placed her cat puppet by Longyun's side as a substitute. This meant that the cat puppet could provide Longyun's coordinates. After all, based on Nan Yin's few visits, Longyun was always accompanied by the cat puppet. “Whoosh!” Although it wasn't the first time she had used a teleportation array, the dizziness from the teleportation left Nan Yin disoriented for a while. When she came to her senses and surveyed her surroundings, she found herself in a white space. Careful observation revealed that this wasn't an alternate space, but the summit of a snow-capped mountain. Looking down, the entire vicinity was surrounded by endless snow-capped mountains, and she had no idea where Longyun had landed. “Phew, it's so cold…” It dawned on Nan Yin belatedly that she was still wearing autumn clothes. She quickly retrieved a high-priced fire elemental crystal from her spatial storage and hugged it for warmth. Nan Yin finally felt a little relief. “Where on earth is this?” Nan Yin gazed at the expanse of white snow around her in bewilderment. At that moment, the voice of Luo Nv sounded in her mind: “We have entered the territory of Shenchuang.” "Territory of Shenchuang?" Nan Yin was momentarily stunned. Then she guessed that this was probably the site of Tian Mountain, considering that it was the only place in Huaxia with such a large snow-capped mountain range. "Never mind, this is not important." Nan Yin shook her head, then called her cat puppet to mind. Soon, a black figure ran towards her from a distance and leapt into her arms. Initially, she hadn’t looked closely, but upon doing so, Nan Yin was surprised to find that her cat puppet was adorned with an extraordinary-looking cat garment and emitted a hint of warmth as she hugged it. Surely, it was some kind of treasure. Nan Yin felt embarrassed at once. Was Longyun really treating this cat puppet so well? She was adorning it with treasures and to think that the little fellow wasn’t even afraid of the cold in this environment. “All right, take me to Longyun,” Nan Yin exclaimed after her musings. She patted the small creature's head and then put it back on the ground as she still hadn't forgotten the main task. For the cat puppet, Nan Yin was its true master. The little creature bounced about before heading off with Nan Yin. The snow on this mountain was truly thick, and it continued to fall heavily. Advancing against what seemed like a gale of wind, Nan Yin finally arrived at a seemingly ordinary cave. At this point, her clothes were almost entirely covered in snow, and her bottom half had become completely soaked. Nan Yin had no choice but to change into a new set of thick clothing at the cave entrance before continuing after the cat puppet. Perhaps due to Longyun's special arrangement, the cave hadn't been covered by the raging storm outside. Once inside, Nan Yin even felt a warm ambience. The cave was quite long. Following the cat puppet through several twists and turns, Nan Yin finally arrived at Longyun's location. However, what caught Nan Yin's attention at first wasn't Longyun but the environment in which she was located. “Oh my god… where is this?”

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