Chapter 159

In front of Nan Yin, what could have made her so amazed? Having just followed the cat puppet into the cave, what captivated Nan Yin at first was not Long Yun, but the environment she was in. Before Nan Yin’s eyes was a huge dragon skeleton. A rough estimate suggested that the skeleton covered an area the size of four football fields. What was more striking was that, even after who knows how many years of being dead, the skeleton still occasionally flashed dark golden runes! Perhaps because of these runes or the inherent pressure of the skeleton, although it was an icy and snowy environment outside, the cave's surroundings had generated dark red magma. And from the magma, dark golden vines grew, covering the entire cave and blotting out the sky. “Hiss... what is this?” Nan Yin was certainly shocked by the sight of the skeleton, as she had never encountered such legendary creatures since she crossed over. Even high-level cultivators and supernatural beings were rarely seen by her. This was akin to an ordinary person suddenly finding themselves in the world of a grand myth. It was easy to imagine how astonished Nan Yin was. However, compared to Nan Yin's astonishment, Luo Nu remained relatively calm. "This skeleton seems to be an alchemical creation from the Bazelus side, and the inscriptions on it are also in Bazelus script. This might have been left behind by the Bazelus people who unwisely encroached on the territory of the Divine Dynasty." In the era in which Luo Nu lived, she had certainly witnessed those mythical creatures. After hearing Luo Nu's words, Nan Yin also calmed down a bit and started looking around for Long Yun's figure. Sure enough, not long after, Nan Yin found Long Yun sitting cross-legged directly under the skeleton. At this moment, this elegantly dressed beauty had her eyes closed and occasionally emitted red ripples, which clashed with the golden surroundings. "Do you see her? That's Long Yun," Nan Yin suddenly said to Luo Nu. "According to the records, about five thousand years ago, human traitors from Bazelus, in league with the Gate of Demons, invaded the Divine Dynasty. At that time, the three major camps of the Divine Dynasty suffered heavy losses, but under the intervention of the Divine Emperor Xin, Bazelus was ultimately defeated." "At that time, with a cultivation level of only the eighth rank, Long Yun, with the help of her senior martial brothers, killed the magical dragon Alystan on the battlefield at Tianshan. So, this skeleton is likely that of Alystan." Nan Yin casually educated Luo Nu on the matter, then slid down the adjacent stone wall. As soon as she reached the bottom of the cave, Nan Yin suddenly retracted her steps. "Luo Nu, has Long Yun set up any formations? Will I disturb her if I approach like this?" Surprisingly, Luo Nu's tone was indifferent. "Take a good look at her current situation. It is obvious that her consciousness is lost somewhere. Even if you stabbed her with a knife right now, she probably wouldn’t even feel a thing." Of course, Nan Yin had no intention of stabbing Long Yun. After all, Long Yun was the target of her mission. Thinking for a moment, she took off her thick clothes and approached Long Yun lightly. "Long Yun? Senior Long? Master Long?" Nan Yin tentatively called out a couple of times, and even resorted to shouting at the end. As expected, Long Yun just sat there, as composed as a dead person. "Phew..." Nan Yin breathed a sigh of relief. At least she wouldn't be discovered. However, she couldn't bring herself to be happy—after all, her mission required her to save Long Yun, but she had no idea how to save her! "Luo Nu, what is the Dark Yin Body? Why did Long Yun end up like this?" Nan Yin hurriedly sought guidance from Luo Nu, as Luo Nu would definitely know about such cultivation-related matters. However, Nan Yin had overestimated Luo Nu. Although Luo Nu had an extremely high cultivation level before being sealed, she was only in her fifties. She decisively shook her head. "I don't know." This left Nan Yin at a loss. If one doesn't know the ailment, how can one cure it? Even if the divine physician were to come, it would be of no use. Thankfully, Can Yin immediately explained what the Dark Yin Body was. "In simple terms, it means that the world is about to enter the end times, but the mysterious Divine Emperor Xin chose not to let the world decline. He introduced the power system behind the Gate of Demons." "Other than Emperor Xin, no one knew about this. This led those advanced cultivators to continue their cultivation unknowingly, which resulted in some problems with the Eastern cultivators' techniques. Legitimate techniques turned into cults, and the bodies of these cultivators began to have issues." The more Nan Yin listened, the more bewildered she became. "Alright, alright, I don't understand any of this. Just tell me how to save Long Yun." Can Yin hesitated for a moment, then continued slowly, "Actually, saving Long Yun is quite simple.” "In this cave, she had originally planned to break through to the Supreme, which is also known as the legendary Tenth Rank. However, due to the problems with her cultivation, she lost control over the threshold she was supposed to reach, which has now caused her to lose consciousness." Lost control? Nan Yin suddenly realized. It meant that Long Yun was overwhelmed with energy, causing her to faint on the spot. “Overwhelmed with energy? What should I do now?” Nan Yin asked. "That's easy," Can Yin said matter-of-factly. "You just have to absorb the excess energy from her body." Nan Yin: ?? Easy...easy my foot! Nan Yin was speechless. Who was Long Yun? She was close to being a Tenth-Rank expert. Who knows how much energy of such an expert would overflow? How could she absorb it? Use a vacuum cleaner? Or mouth-to-mouth? No longer entangled with Can Yin, Nan Yin, with the ring that contained Luo Nu, approached Long Yun and prepared to observe and come up with a solution. "Um...As she approached Long Yun, Nan Yin could take a close look at this beauty, but she had no interest in admiring her at the moment. She squatted down and examined the formation under Long Yun's feet. "Luo Nu, is this the formation Long Yun is practicing? Can I destroy it?" Nan Yin asked after some thought. “Ah? Destroy the cultivating formation?” After some thought, Luo Nu gave Nan Yin a thumbs up. "Practically the living Yanwang*! You actually want to kill this girl in such a malicious way." Nan Yin: ?? After hearing that destroying the formation would kill Long Yun on the spot, Nan Yin immediately dropped the subject. She began to ponder how she could absorb the excess energy overflowing from Long Yun. “Then, Luo Nu, do I have any way to absorb this excess energy?” "Absorb it?" Luo Nu stroked her chin. "There aren't many methods for that. You would need an artifact capable of containing the energy, or your body would have to be able to withstand such a large amount of energy." Nan Yin was instantly at a loss. There was no difference between saying it and not saying it. Nan Yin was just an ordinary person without any special abilities. How could she possibly contain... Wait a minute? Didn't Luo Nu mention earlier that, to grow her bloodline, she needed to absorb a large amount of high-quality energy? Thinking that, Nan Yin rolled up her sleeves and revealed the white scales. *Yanwang: Literally "the king of Hell" in Chinese mythology, often associated with judgement and punishment in the afterlife.

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