Chapter 160

Since I have come up with a solution, it's time to put it into practice. Nan Yin rolled up her sleeves, revealing the small white scale that appeared when her blood was stimulated. She slowly approached Long Yun. To Nan Yin's surprise, the dark substance floating near Long Yun did not obstruct her in any way. She smoothly extended her arm in front of Long Yun. Since the anticipated crisis did not erupt, Nan Yin naturally sighed in relief. However, she faced another dilemma. Even though she brought the scale close to Long Yun, there was no discernible reaction around them. "What's going on?" Nan Yin withdrew her arm, furrowing her brows in confusion. "Why is nothing happening?" At this moment, Luo Nv began to make sarcastic remarks again. "Of course nothing can happen. You have no cultivation at all. What can you do with these energy birds? If you want to absorb them, you have to operate the energy inside your body, understand?" Nan Yin was utterly bewildered. As an ordinary person without any special abilities, she had no knowledge of cultivation methods. In that case, wasn't the method mentioned by Can Yin useless? Can Yin certainly would not propose an ineffective method to Nan Yin. She reluctantly directed Nan Yin, "Just ask Luo Nv for help!" Nan Yin was taken aback for a moment, then quickly looked at Luo Nv. "Luo Nv, could you please help me?" Luo Nv watched Nan Yin's slightly anxious expression and, for some reason, felt a pang in her heart. She hurriedly used her actions to conceal her fluster. "Alright, alright. I can't do anything with you. Come on, I'll assist you." "Thank you. I will treat you to something delicious once this is successful." Nan Yin found out that Luo Nv was willing to help and showed a happy smile. For some unknown reason, upon seeing Nan Yin's radiant smile, Luo Nv experienced another pang in her heart. She quickly used her actions to mask her uneasiness. "Alright, let's get started. Aren't you trying to save her?" With that, Luo Nv placed her hand on Nan Yin's shoulder. Certainly, saving Long Yun was the top priority. Nan Yin was completely focused on the task at hand and did not pay attention to Luo Nv's odd behavior. She approached Long Yun and once again extended her wrist in front of her. "Let's begin." As Nan Yin spoke, she immediately felt a surge of energy from Luo Nv transferring into her body, gradually spreading throughout her entire being. Eventually, this energy converged towards the scale on her wrist, causing Nan Yin to feel a gradual rise in temperature, which eventually became scorching hot. "Alright, now try to absorb the surrounding energy." Upon hearing Luo Nv's words, Nan Yin did not dare to delay. She quickly focused her mind, and as expected, with Nan Yin's gradually stable state of mind, the surrounding energy began to gather around her. "Wait... umm." However, the energy that poured into Nan Yin's body was unexpectedly turbulent. Unlike the one Luo Nv had input, this energy was violent and terrifying, rudely rushing into Nan Yin's body as soon as it entered. Intense pain struck Nan Yin, and she barely had time to react before fainting. "Nan Yin!" Before passing out, someone was calling out to Nan Yin. While Nan Yin's fate was uncertain, tumultuous events were also unfolding in another part of Tianzhou City. "Mr. Qin Jiu, here is the wine you requested." The bartender placed a glass of Qin Jiu in front of the man in black, and at the same time, he placed another glass of vodka next to him. Members of the organization who had designated aliases would order their respective drinks when they visited this bar, and this had become an unwritten rule within the organization. Normally, Qin Jiu, who would usually drain his glass in one gulp, did not even remember to drink this time. He was clearly waiting for someone. The bartender did not interfere with Qin Jiu's task. Instead, he would come over at intervals to replace the tepid drinks with cold ones. However, even after the bartender had replaced the drinks three times, the fourth time he did not have to, as a mysterious figure cloaked in brown, completely concealed from head to toe, entered the bar. Upon seeing this person, Qin Jiu wasted no time and immediately downed the drink next to him. It was clear that this mysterious person had come to find Qin Jiu. As soon as he entered, he had a clear target and sat down next to Qin Jiu. Without waiting for him to speak, Qin Jiu banged on the table and said to the bartender, "Serve this gentleman a White Angel." The mysterious person did not show any reaction to Qin Jiu's arbitrary behavior. He simply smiled faintly and then spoke, "White Angel? Qin Jiu, you seem to have overestimated the place of that woman in my heart." In response, Qin Jiu sneered, "Then, there is no suitable drink for you." The mysterious person paused for a moment and then casually said, "Well, how about I have a glass of Qin Jiu instead?" At these words, Qin Jiu instantly emanated a chilling pressure. His gaze pierced through the figure in front of him. The people here all knew a rule, that in this bar, if you ordered a drink that did not correspond to your designated alias, it meant that you were challenging the owner of that alias and that it was a fight to the death. "Alright, Stone-Faced Ghost, there's no need to get angry over this. I do not belong to your foolish rules." The mysterious person smiled, picked up the just-served White Angel, took a sip, and then turned to Qin Jiu. "So, what does he want you to do this time?" The "he" mentioned by the mysterious person referred to the person constantly on Qin Jiu's lips, and unlike Qin Jiu and others who regarded this "he" as a deity, Nan Shan looked down on this person, showing no trace of respect. Qin Jiu was not disturbed by Nan Shan's attitude because he knew that the person in front of him had a close relationship with "he." "The boss wants me to tell you that the auction is about to start, and this is your last chance to agree to our cooperation." Nan Shan thought it was something and immediately turned sour when he heard what it was. "He really thinks highly of himself and wants to use a trade to kidnap me?" After saying this, Nan Shan suddenly smiled. "But, to think that your Greedy Wolf would use an auction item to trap guests. I wonder how much impact this matter will have on your organization after it is revealed?" Qin Jiu did not know what to say in response to Nan Shan's words. It was clearly a joke, as an organization that had been around for thousands of years could not collapse because of a single statement. However, Qin Jiu suddenly remembered something, namely that Nan Shan was the one who could accurately ascertain the location of the organization's mothership. However formidable Greedy Wolf might be, it was just an underground organization, not able to operate openly. If Nan Shan were to disclose the coordinates to those major powers, such as Shenhui or the United Kingdom, Greedy Wolf would be facing annihilation. "Speaking of which, you actually consider that woman precious." Nan Shan suddenly made this irrelevant remark, and he looked at Qin Jiu with a sneer. "You went crazy just because of a so-called top-tier healing ability. If the truth of the world were before you, the so-called deity would probably kneel before that, wouldn't he?" With that, Nan Shan left without waiting for a response from the stunned Qin Jiu. New reader group: 666403941. Welcome, readers, to engage and encourage more updates!

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