Chapter 162

Since that white flame comes from her own bloodline, Nan Yin is naturally curious about her own bloodline. However, she currently has no way to accurately determine what her bloodline is. "Nv Luo, can you tell what my bloodline is now?" Nan Yin pinned her hopes on the person with the highest knowledge beside her. But Luo Nv still disappointed her, shaking her head slightly. "I'm not sure." If Luo Nv isn't sure, then Nan Yin can only try to guess. She caressed the scales on her body, feeling a warm touch. Nan Yin lightly probed with her fingernail, but of course, she couldn't detect anything, only feeling the hardness. "If it's scales," Nan Yin pondered, stroking her chin, "could I be of the dragon lineage?" After all, when it comes to creatures with scales, Nan Yin's first thought was of the dragon lineage. However, Luo Nv immediately poured cold water on her idea. "Don't think too much. Dragon lineage is a very advanced bloodline that ordinary people can't obtain." "Moreover, the dragon bloodline usually attracts the attention of advanced cultivators. And the family is unlikely to let the bloodline fall into the hands of outsiders. You? I think it's unlikely." "And, there are many creatures with scales, such as a bunch of snakes. So, you'd better sleep on it." In short, Luo Nv didn't think Nan Yin's bloodline is that of a dragon. However, Nan Yin wasn't dismayed. She turned to look at Long Yun again. At this moment, the supreme sorceress was still emitting energy continuously. "Let's make a bet. What if I am of the dragon lineage?" Nan Yin suggested. Luo Nv was momentarily stunned and did not respond. She was most afraid of being taken advantage of. Seeing that Luo Nv didn't answer, Nan Yin didn't mind and went back to Long Yun's side. "Anyway, it's easy now. I just need to continue absorbing energy to stimulate my bloodline." Indeed, Nan Yin only needs to fully stimulate her bloodline, and then everything will become clear, right? "But wait, you almost fainted from just absorbing a bit of energy earlier. How much more do you want to absorb now?" Luo Nv, curious, said, "I think you need to rest for a while." However, facing Luo Nv's question, Nan Yin smiled slightly. "No need. You may not believe it, but actually, when I fainted earlier, I obtained a cultivation technique." "What? Something like a cultivation technique?" Luo Nv was taken aback. "How is it possible? How could you mysteriously faint after activating your bloodline and then obtain a cultivation technique?" "Unless you have a bloodline that comes with a primordial cultivation technique, but how... Well," Luo Nv's confidence wavered as she thought, given the many surprises Nan Yin had given her. Perhaps, just as Nan Yin said, she is of the dragon lineage? The dragon lineage had long been bestowed with a primordial cultivation technique by the Dragon Ancestor. While Luo Nv was feeling unsure, Nan Yin paid no attention to her. In fact, she did inexplicably gain a cultivation technique in her mind. It has nothing to do with the remnants of sound or the system. She guessed that the cultivation technique might have been given to her by that mysterious woman just before she left, as the touch on her forehead by that woman was still fresh in her memory. "Anyway... I'll give it a try. This cultivation technique is called the 'Holy Spirit Scripture of the Torrential Source.'" With that, Nan Yin sat cross-legged according to the instructions in the scripture, closed her eyes, and began to sense the so-called divine knowledge mentioned in the scripture and tried to perceive the surrounding energy. "Where elements have spirits. Find a point..." Nan Yin quickly entered what was termed a state of meditation. Her divine knowledge entered a crimson space, the entirety of the energy surrounding her at that moment. Once she had found that point, the cultivation technique began to operate within Nan Yin's body, much like a program inputting code. Nan Yin could feel the energy throughout her body starting to boil inexplicably. The flow of energy throughout her body surged dozens of times faster, and all the energy began to cleanse Nan Yin's body with full force. At the same time, in her trance, Nan Yin also felt a chaotic external force converging toward her, but with the help of the cultivation technique, that energy was purified by the system the moment it approached Nan Yin's body, turning into pure external energy pouring into her body. Back in Nan Yin's body, as the energy surged through her, she sensed the essence gathering within her, eventually converging within her dantian. For cultivators, reaching the foundation establishment phase inaugurates the path of cultivation, referred to as the first level in this world of the East. In this stage, the cultivator's dantian forms a spiritual spring, which can be used to absorb and control the surrounding energy. But to reach the next level, the foundational establishment, the cultivator must break this spiritual spring and use its pure energy to create an energy bridge. The number of bridges at this stage determines the power. Three bridges constitute the lower foundation, six bridges the middle foundation, and nine bridges the upper foundation. Twelve bridges characterize superior foundation, while eighteen bridges symbolize perfect foundation. Meanwhile, twenty-four bridges describe the legendary flawless foundation. "Boom!" Once those essential substances gathered within Nan Yin's body, the spiritual spring at her dantian was abruptly shattered, prompting Nan Yin to quickly employ the techniques from the Holy Spirit Scripture of the Torrential Source to stabilize the remaining essential substances and weave them into the bridges. Initially, adding a bridge only took Nan Yin four or five seconds, but as she continued, it took more than forty seconds for her to construct the fifteenth bridge. When she attempted to construct the sixteenth bridge, the last line of the three-runed symbol almost shattered! Even with all her latent potential unlocked, she could only reach the high-level foundational establishment phase and was still two bridges short of the perfect foundational establishment. Nan Yin continued to build the bridges, but this time, it was much more difficult. The substances and external forces were unruly. Just when she was about to give up—sensing that if she continued, the destabilization would spread to the other bridges, costing more than it offered— "Buzz!" Just as Nan Yin was about to give up, she felt an even more powerful sense of immortal energy surging into her body! "Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!" Before Nan Yin could react, the bridges started to form themselves. Seventeen... Eighteen... Perfect foundation! Nineteen... Twenty-one... Twenty-four! Flawless foundational establishment achieved! Nan Yin quickly enacted the Holy Spirit Scripture of the Torrential Source to stabilize the bridges. After a period of time, all twenty-four bridges were stabilized. Following the scripture's instructions, Nan Yin infused the remaining immortal energy into the bridges, giving them a hint of celestial color. Looking back, Nan Yin saw Luo Nv hastily withdrawing her hand. "Cough, cough, I just didn't want to see a genius go to waste." Nan Yin now had battle capabilities, but it was like putting a round peg in a square hole.

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