Chapter 163

Crash... As the golden core forms, the power of blood vessels within Nan Yin's body instantly reaches its peak. In that instant, her body is immediately taken over by densely packed silver scales. From an onlooker's perspective, it looks like Nan Yin has instantly put on a layer of armor. Beside her, Luo Nü hadn't even thought of a word to describe the current Nan Yin, and then, in the next moment, those scales on Nan Yin's body immediately meld into her skin and vanish, as if they had never appeared. Not only do the scales suddenly disappear, but Nan Yin herself has undergone a great change. Her once shoulder-length snow-white hair has grown to reach her waist in this moment, and there's even a slight change in color. Instead of pure white, it's now gradually transforming from the tips of her strands into a beautiful gleaming blue. At the same time, perhaps it's just Luo Nü's imagination, but Nan Yin's skin also seems to have improved a lot. Despite Nan Yin being beautiful before, she occasionally had some small acne on her face and her body was not flawless. But now, in front of Luo Nü, there's only a flawless body that's simply mesmerizing. "Nan Yin... your head?" Raising her gaze slightly, Luo Nü notices another unusual feature about Nan Yin. She has two delicate and cute little dragon horns on her head. Now, Luo Nü is no longer composed. "Your bloodline is actually from the dragon race!?" If there were only scales before, Luo Nü could have teased Nan Yin about having a bloodline from some snake species. But now, with the emergence of dragon horns, Nan Yin's bloodline being from the dragon race becomes an indisputable fact. A characteristic like a dragon horn is only present in a few mythological creatures. Coupled with the scales, Nan Yin is undoubtedly of dragon blood. "I told you I'm a dragon, but you didn't believe me." Nan Yin looks at her renewed body and feels happy about obtaining an advanced bloodline. However, just as Nan Yin wants to test what abilities her bloodline possesses, she suddenly feels an inexplicable urge in her body. She then realizes something seems to be about to emerge from her body and hastily looks to Luo Nü for help. "Huh? What's with that look in your eyes?" However, before Luo Nü understands what Nan Yin means, the next scene astonishes her. The snow-haired girl in front suddenly squats in pain, as if she has been attacked, and then Luo Nü sees four bloody scars appear on the girl's back, followed by a muffled sound. With that sound, two pairs of pristine white wings suddenly appear on the girl's back, instantly enveloping her whole body. "Wow... could this be the legendary Yinglong bloodline!?" Perhaps she couldn't recognize Nan Yin's bloodline just now, but now Luo Nü recognizes it. This appearance, this isn't it the Yinglong that appeared in ancient texts? "Yinglong...?" By this time, Nan Yin has come back to her senses from the pain of growing wings on her back. After hearing Luo Nü's exclamation, she is also unsure. After all, in her previous life, she had very little knowledge about these mythological creatures, let alone coming to this new world. It's worth noting that these things really exist in this world. However, Luo Nü is already too preoccupied to answer Nan Yin's question. She suddenly stares straight at Nan Yin's back and swallows hard. "That... Yin? Look behind you." "Huh? Behind me?" Puzzled, Nan Yin turns around, only to find that the usually sitting Luo Nü has already woken up at some point, but something seems off about her state. At this moment, Luo Nü's eyes reveal a crazed look, and she firmly fixes her gaze on Nan Yin, who can see the longing in her eyes. But... longing? Why would Luo Nü long for her? "Wait... what are you doing?" "What's the truth of the world?" The man looks at the void in front of him, frowning, and suddenly asks himself. "I often ask myself, what is the truth of the world?" "Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I ultimately heading?" Can you answer me? The elegant woman in a white dress next to him looks impatiently at her husband, her tone full of helplessness. "I say, can you move aside? I can't clean up here." "Oh." The man nodded and then obediently walked to the side. Eventually, he watched his beloved pack those obviously valuable plastic figurines into a sack. "I often ask myself, what is the truth of the world... [cough]" Seeing how rough his beloved is handling the figurines, the man can't help but speak up, "Hey, Daji, that's the platinum edition of Hatsune Miku. Can you please not be so rough?" "That's an out-of-production First Unit from ten years ago. And that's a limited edition Akagi Hong. Only sixteen exist in the whole Shenzao!" Hearing her husband still reciting these things, Su Daji couldn't hold it in and, without even looking back, fiercely whipped Di Xin with her tail. "Smack." Such an attack naturally couldn't hurt Di Xin, even if he was hit, it wouldn't matter. Di Xin finally stopped pretending to be solemn and smiled as he hugged Su Daji's tail in an attempt to please her. "Dear, can you not be so cruel? I haven't seen you tidy up Yuan'er's room either. There are quite a few figurines in her room." "Ugh." Su Daji looked at the out-of-tune Di Xin and helplessly waved her hand over her forehead. "If it weren't for the fact that the various families are coming to the palace for a meeting soon, I wouldn't bother with what you're displaying in your room." "And!" Upon saying this, Su Daji gets angry. "Limited edition, limited edition. As the ruler of a country, is it proper for you to play with this... whatever '2D' stuff every day?" "Alright, if you say it's limited edition, then why not order the factories to produce a hundred or a thousand for you?" Hearing Su Daji's words, Di Xin couldn't help but mumble to himself, "I've waited for this day for thousands of years. If you don't let me play, then I won't play." Then hearing the rest of Su Daji's words, Di Xin immediately put on a serious expression, looking like something had happened. "I'll be back in a second." Without waiting for Su Daji's response, Di Xin's figure vanished. New readers' group: 666403941, welcome readers to join and remind me to update!

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