Chapter 164

Nan Yin is feeling completely overwhelmed at the moment, because the first thing Long Yun did upon waking up was to actually bite her! Yes, it's not a metaphor or any coded language, she literally bit her! At this moment, Long Yun, like a vampire, forcefully pressed Nan Yin to the ground and then hungrily buried her head in Nan Yin's neck. Nan Yin could clearly feel two sharp teeth breaking her skin, and she could vividly feel her own blood being sucked by the other. The most desperate part is that she can only watch helplessly! Is there anything more despairing than this? Why say Nan Yin can't do anything? Because the moment Long Yun saw Nan Yin, she immediately used a magical treasure to immobilize her. Honestly! Just two hours ago, Nan Yin was just an ordinary person with no cultivation at all. Even now, she's only just activated her bloodline. How could she possibly resist a taboo powerhouse's magical treasure? In short, at this moment, Nan Yin can only helplessly watch as those silky things wrap tightly around her, making it impossible for her to escape. The only consolation for Nan Yin is that at least she's not completely defenseless now. Maybe it's because Long Yun's magical silk treasure is of high quality, but the white flames that could burn everything just now didn't appear anymore. More accurately, it appeared for a moment and then disappeared, probably suppressed. "Luo Nv! Please save me!" Nan Yin struggled to raise her head and saw Luo Nv enjoying the show nearby. Nan Yin immediately felt furious: "If I'm sucked to death by Long Yun today, you won't be able to live peacefully either!" Upon hearing this, Luo Nv was taken aback for a moment, then shrugged helplessly. "What? Do you think I can beat her?" Nan Yin almost spat out a mouthful of blood after hearing this. Of course, she used Long Yun's seal to bind Luo Nv by her side. Now, facing Long Yun in person, Luo Nv cannot possibly lend a hand because she's clearly no match! "And, she can't suck you to death," Luo Nv suddenly tried to console Nan Yin. "She must have just successfully broken through and urgently needs energy replenishment. And since you've absorbed all the energy around her, she naturally turned her target to you." Luo Nv's comfort didn't have any effect. Instead, it made Nan Yin feel even more frustrated. Up to now, she always felt that the gains from this mission outweighed the losses. She almost sacrificed herself just for a little mission reward, which goes against Nan Yin's values. While Nan Yin was hopelessly pinned down by Long Yun, Luo Nv seemed to suddenly sense something and flew out of the cave. A moment later, she returned with a strange expression. "Nan Yin, I have a piece of bad news and a piece of good news. Which one do you want to hear first?" One piece of good news and one piece of bad news? Nan Yin has always been someone who likes to be prepared, so she chose to hear the bad news first. "Tell me the bad news." "Oh, the bad news is that Di Xin just left," Luo Nv said. Nan Yin: ?? Di Xin? Left? Wait, Nan Yin felt like her brain was not enough. When did Di Xin come? When did he leave? What's going on? "And... the good news is that Di Xin came." Nan Yin: What the heck? Just as Nan Yin was about to curse Luo Nv's ancestors, Long Yun, who had been sucking Nan Yin's blood, suddenly stopped and looked at Nan Yin, waved her hand lightly, and the silk around Nan Yin wrapped into a ball. Feeling unable to escape, Long Yun vanished in a flash. Outside the cave, Di Xin was puzzled by what he had just seen. "Hiss... Did I just see a ghost? And it was someone I know," Di Xin rubbed his chin and suddenly felt a bit awkward. "...I forgot to shave before going out today." Before he could finish lamenting that he was already a middle-aged uncle, a smile gradually appeared on Di Xin's face. He looked back at the woman who had appeared behind him and smiled faintly. "I knew I'd find you here." Then Di Xin glanced at the woman and suddenly his expression became serious. "Wait, you've broken through to the supreme stage?" The supreme stage, commonly known as the tenth rank, the Earth Federation currently only has two tenth rank experts, Di Xin and Menis. Over the thousands of years, countless ninth rank powerhouses attempted to cross this chasm but ended up trapped by their lifespan, or fell halfway. "Yes." Different from her usual enthusiasm when facing Di Xin, this time Long Yun's expression was indifferent and calm. Almost the next moment, Di Xin felt that the temperature around him had become somewhat abnormal. He tried to raise his hand to summon something, but found that the surrounding space had been frozen. "Damn, little girl, just after your breakthrough, you came to give me trouble?" Even though the surrounding space was frozen, Di Xin showed no sign of panic. He sighed and took a step forward. It was just this step that caused the supreme pressure that had just formed around Long Yun to immediately disperse. Long Yun herself couldn't help but step back. "Tenth rank... you've set this boundary for yourself, and I've long expected that your strength is definitely more than just this so-called tenth rank." Long Yun looked at the man in front of her with an eyebrow raised, indicating that it was something she had already anticipated. Who is Di Xin? He is the creator of human destiny, the only pure-blooded human to have lived from ancient times to the present. It was also him who defied fate to usher humanity into the so-called superpower era. The ten ranks of strength were also proposed by Di Xin. Given that it was proposed by Di Xin, he must have reached these realms himself. So, Long Yun should have long expected that Di Xin's strength is definitely more than the publicly known tenth rank. "So what? So what if not? You'll always be that little girl. If you want to surpass me, you might as well pray for the Earth to explode." Even though she had just struck with a force capable of destroying a continent, the next moment this man returned to a carefree attitude. He completely disregarded the gravity of the situation. "Anyway, little girl, it seems that you used the power of the demon realm to make your breakthrough, huh?" Di Xin, having seen through the source of Long Yun's power breakthrough, also saw clearly that Long Yun had just clearly absorbed something. "What were you doing just now?"

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