Chapter 165

When He laid eyes on the towering pink cocoon, he sensed Nan Yin's presence within. Without hesitation, even based on the knowledge accumulated over thousands of years, He could guess what Long Yun had done. "Did you just...?" He found it somewhat difficult to handle the situation for a moment, looking at Long Yun with a complex expression. "Tell me the truth. Did you just have a breakthrough, but the demonic aura hasn't receded, which led you to do something this absurd?" Long Yun remained silent as He sighed to himself. "How should I even begin to talk to you about this? I understand that you need vital energy after a breakthrough, but you can't just randomly grab one of the Winged clans and start absorbing!" The Winged clans were what Eastern cultivators called avian demon races, mainly because most avian demons had a pair of wings. At first glance, He hadn't scrutinized Nan Yin and assumed she was just another innocent member of the Winged clan. "She is not a Winged clan member." Long Yun suddenly spoke, her tone indifferent. Her words caught He off guard. "Not a Winged clan member?" He casually glanced at Nan Yin, but it was obvious his attention hadn't shifted. "It doesn't matter. Regardless of whether she is a Winged clan member, you shouldn't do this. What if you accidentally grabbed a noble's descendant? What then? Are you going to fight them when they come looking for retribution?" At this point, Long Yun spoke again, and her tone contained a trace of disdain towards He. "So, may I ask, Your Majesty, is there anyone stronger than me on this earth besides you?" He was taken aback by Long Yun's words. He realized, indeed, who could possibly challenge Long Yun? "However, even if they can't beat you, they could still gang up on you, right? Moreover, you directly abducted someone's descendant to do this..." "Alright, enough." Long Yun finally couldn't stand He's incoherence. She waved her hand, interrupting He. "Are you so certain this girl is from one of those major families? Besides, you haven't seen her bloodline, are you not curious?" He awkwardly scratched his nose. Didn't this girl like him? How did her attitude suddenly become so bad? Did she happen to meet a relative today, of all days? No! It was at this moment that He belatedly remembered Long Yun's words. How could this be possible? Were there bloodlines in this world that he hadn't seen? With such doubt in mind, He stopped his idle chatter. He waved his hand and broke the cocoon magical treasure set by Long Yun, causing Nan Yin to fall to the ground. However, He, being considerate, ensured that as Nan Yin tumbled out, the shattered silk immediately enveloped her naked body, concealing her from His sight. "." Suddenly being released, Nan Yin instinctively scanned her surroundings, but the next moment a piercing pain shot through her head, and she lost consciousness. It was Long Yun who caused Nan Yin to lose consciousness, and He... well, he was about to do something. He glared at Long Yun helplessly and walked over to the unconscious Nan Yin. "Hiss... Two pairs of wings?" It was only at this moment that He noticed that Nan Yin actually had two pairs of pure white wings on her back. However, this might not necessarily imply anything. Perhaps it was just a mutation? But when He felt Nan Yin's bloodline through her appearance, his expression immediately turned grave. "This girl is actually a descendant of dragons! What's more, there are subtle spacetime fluctuations all around her." He furrowed his brow. What did spacetime fluctuations imply? It meant that the girl controlled the power of spacetime, which was extraordinary. Of course, if this power was inherent to her bloodline, it was even more remarkable. "This girl..." He stood up and looked at Long Yun beside him, making his intention clear. He wanted to ask where Long Yun had abducted this girl from. Nan Yin had no idea what He and Long Yun had said. In fact, she didn't even know that the middle-aged man in a white shirt who had just come in was He. As for Luo Nu, she had hidden herself the moment He came in and couldn't possibly know what the two of them had discussed. All Nan Yin knew was that when she woke up again, she was no longer in that cave. Instead, she found herself in an ancient-looking room. Without guessing, Nan Yin knew exactly where she was. Most likely, it was Long Yun's boudoir. "Ugh... Ugh!" Nan Yin had just sat up when she realized she was feeling a bit weak, and she was still in the same naked state. Honestly, she couldn't help but wonder whether Long Yun had done something to her while she was unconscious. "Awake?" Suddenly, a slightly chilly voice came from the side, startling Nan Yin because it was clearly Long Yun's voice. "You..." Nan Yin turned her head and saw Long Yun standing in front of the bed holding a steaming bowl. From the look of it, it was clearly meant for Nan Yin. "Drink it." Nan Yin was momentarily stunned as Long Yun's tone left no room for refusal. She looked at Long Yun, silently took the bowl from her, and downed it in one go. She wasn't sure what was in the bowl, but Nan Yin felt that it was somewhat similar to the loquat syrup she had drunk as a child. After drinking it, she could feel an inexplicable energy circulating within her body. "What is this?" Nan Yin asked subconsciously. "This is a spirit medicine that can further stimulate and enhance your bloodline. I just picked it from Tian Shan this morning." Perhaps, out of concern that Nan Yin might suspect her intentions, Long Yun explained. "Um..." Nan Yin didn't understand why Long Yun would help raise her bloodline. However, since it was in her favor... "Thank you..." "No need to thank me yet," Long Yun coldly took the bowl from Nan Yin's hand. "I enhanced your bloodline so that you can help me." Looking at the aloof Long Yun, Nan Yin found her demeanor somewhat unaccustomed. In the original work, she might not have been approachable, but she certainly didn't have this icy demeanor. It must have been caused by the demonic aura. However, as Nan Yin pondered, she was perplexed. Help her? She was just a newly formed Foundation Establishment cultivator; how could she possibly help Long Yun? This left Nan Yin utterly puzzled. "Me? Help you?" Nan Yin looked at Long Yun in confusion. "Yes, you will help me." With that, Long Yun suddenly reached out and grabbed Nan Yin's chin, forcing her to meet her gaze. "Ugh...!" One couldn't deny that Long Yun wasn't one to handle things delicately. Her grip on Nan Yin made the latter's eyes well up with tears from the pain. Looking at the tears in the girl's gem-like eyes, Long Yun inexplicably felt a surge of sadistic pleasure. "I want you to... aid me in cultivating." New reader group: 666403941, welcome to all readers to come and urge updates!

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