Chapter 166

"I want... your assistance in my cultivation," said Long Yun. Upon hearing this, Nan Yin became even more puzzled. She was just an ordinary cultivator who had recently achieved the Golden Core stage. In no way could she possibly help Long Yun! "Your bloodline is very special," Long Yun explained impatiently, sensing Nan Yin's confusion. "I have just had a breakthrough, and your bloodline will help me stabilize my cultivation." "My bloodline is special?" Nan Yin had a bad feeling about this. "Then... how do you want me to help you in your cultivation?" "It's quite simple," Long Yun raised an eyebrow. "We shall practice dual cultivation together." Dual cultivation... dual cultivation... The word stunned Nan Yin. Was it what she was imagining? "What if I refuse?" Nan Yin asked cautiously, feeling that refusing Long Yun would not be a good idea. Sure enough, Long Yun sneered the next moment. "In that case, we should discuss why you turned into a cat to spy on me." Nan Yin was shocked to hear this! When did Long Yun find out? "I am sure you want to ask when I found out, right?" Long Yun sneered as if she could read Nan Yin's mind. "First, there is the mark I placed on Xiao Bai, and there are no traces of it being removed. This can only mean that Xiao Bai has been you all along." Hearing this, Nan Yin felt slightly relieved. Long Yun must be referring to Luo Nu. Even though Luo Nu was just a wisp of soul, she had indeed been quite successful in concealing her presence. Even Long Yun, despite her supreme cultivation, could not see through her. "And the second reason," Long Yun looked at Nan Yin and suddenly sneered, "is that I caught you shapeshifting once." Nan Yin: !!! When did Long Yun catch her shapeshifting? Nan Yin felt like dying at that moment. Had she been too careless with Jiang Mi and the others? Had she lost the vigilance that she had been so proud of in her past life? Nan Yin often spent her free time gathering information near Long Yun, as the Kanales Academy where Long Yun resided was not a place for ordinary people. She had indeed been around Long Yun quite a few times, and she couldn't pinpoint exactly when Long Yun had discovered her! It was useless to dwell on this now. Long Yun had the upper hand with this knowledge. Seeing Nan Yin's dejected expression, Long Yun knew she had caught the right person. "When I saw you in the Tianshan Cave, I felt your aura was very familiar. I didn't expect it to really be you, Xiao Bai." Hearing Long Yun call her Xiao Bai, Nan Yin really had the urge to punch her. But she had no choice but to endure, being in such a situation. "Moreover, you know so many of my secrets. Shouldn't you compensate me for that?" This statement left Nan Yin puzzled. What secrets? Although she was often keen on transforming into a cat to gather information about Long Yun, she had hardly received any information about her. After all, this woman was too mysterious. Therefore, the most she had gathered about Long Yun were details related to the Shinkai and Kanales. "Hehe, it seems that a little kitty wants to play dumb," Long Yun commented, seeing Nan Yin's perplexed expression. Of course, unaware that the one who had been with her all the while was a puppet, she naturally assumed Nan Yin remembered the things she said to Xiao Bai in her free time. "If that's the case, then I must make you remember." With that, Long Yun suddenly stood up. Before Nan Yin could react, Long Yun lunged at her and then she felt two sharp fangs pierce her skin. The Philo District had already begun bustling in the early morning. Before, the notorious Philo District would hardly have any pedestrians before noon. Even if there were, they would hurry past, afraid of being targeted by gangs and inviting trouble for themselves by lingering too long. However, since the establishment of Ambrela International in the Philo District, the security department had not only expelled most of the vicious gangs but also taken on a part of the road maintenance work. The previously bumpy road surface had been leveled and repaired due to the company's transportation needs, and the street lights on the roadside had been replaced free of charge. The people of the Philo District could finally walk the streets in well-lit conditions. Simultaneously, due to the increasing scale of Ambrela International, it had brought a large number of job opportunities to the people of the Philo District, not only driving economic development but also reducing the crime rate - after all, compared to the stable wages in the factories, nobody liked the high-risk, low-return business of robbery and extortion. In short, because of the existence of Ambrela International, the Philo District had changed significantly from before. There were even rumors not long ago that Ambrela International was planning to invest in establishing six elementary schools and two high schools in the Philo District, offering free education. Although this news had not been officially confirmed, it undoubtedly garnered more support for Ambrela International from the residents of the Philo District. Now, in the Philo District, you might not know the police department's emergency contact number, but you must know the security patrol code of Ambrela International. You might not know the name of the district mayor, but you must know that the CEO of Ambrela International is called Nan Yin, a beautiful and kind young lady. In any case, unwilling as the official department was, in the Philo District, Ambrela International's words held more sway than the district police department or the district government, and rumors even spread that Nan Yin was going to run for the next district mayor. In short, all of this was the result of Nan Yin's planning. Early in the morning, Nan Yin took a shuttle back to the company. Yes, after being drained of who knows how much blood and enduring who knows how many times Long Yun had taken advantage of her, Nan Yin was finally released by Long Yun the next day. Of course, this didn't mean that Nan Yin was free. Long Yun's talk of dual cultivation was not just empty words. The reason Long Yun had let Nan Yin return was twofold: first, the dual cultivation technique was not yet perfect, and Long Yun didn't want to waste Nan Yin's exceptional bloodline, so she planned to refine the technique with the help of some bigwigs. As for the second reason, well, it was quite simple; Long Yun was confident that no matter where Nan Yin ran, she could always bring her back. In short, Nan Yin was very frustrated and exhausted at the moment. She came to the company not to work, but to have some peace and quiet and rest. However, before she could even sit down, she saw someone rush in. Looking up, Nan Yin recognized the person as one of White Wolf's subordinates. "Miss," the subordinate bowed respectfully to Nan Yin. "Master White Wolf asked me to report to you that he and Master Servo Toshi have successfully activated their abilities." Well... there goes the plan to get some rest. New reader group: 666403941, welcome all readers to have fun and demand more updates!

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