Chapter 167

Ever since Bai Lang's security team expanded from dozens to hundreds and was reorganized into the security department of Ambrella International, they have had their own training base. Now, Nan Yin has come to this place, where Fuhu Zhengsi and Bai Lang have been waiting for her. "Miss." Seeing Nan Yin getting off the car, Bai Lang and Fuhu Zhengsi both saluted. While the outside world now refers to Nan Yin as the president, Bai Lang and Fuhu Zhengsi, being very close to Nan Yin, always address her as "Miss." This mannerism has also spread throughout the entire security department under Bai Lang's management. After all, under Bai Lang's operation, the security department is actually equivalent to Nan Yin's private army. "We shouldn't talk much here. Let's go inside first." Nan Yin didn't want to waste time. She led Fuhu Zhengsi and Bai Lang into the base. On the way, she ran into Zhuoya. However, Nan Yin was not in the mood for catching up. She greeted Zhuoya and then headed to the top floor of the base with Fuhu Zhengsi. "Have the two of you activated your abilities?" Nan Yin looked at Fuhu Zhengsi and Bai Lang, going straight to the point without beating around the bush. "Yes, Miss. We have both activated our abilities. I have a speed type, while Bai Lang has a bloodline type," Fuhu Zhengsi replied. Although this society offers universal abilities, Bai Lang and Fuhu Zhengsi are special cases. Fuhu Zhengsi had been undergoing inhuman experiments, and he himself didn't even know if he had an ability. As for Bai Lang, due to his profession as a security officer in Baseles, he hadn't even activated his ability for work-related reasons. This was also the reason why Nan Yin granted them advanced crystal cores, which allowed them to activate their abilities. "A speed type? Good." Nan Yin anticipated Fuhu Zhengsi's ability, as in the original text, Fuhu Zhengsi's ability had actually been modified, being a speed type. However, the organization's laboratory had kept it in an unactivated state. Thus, the crystal core Nan Yin gave him wasn't meant for activating his ability, but merely to unlock it. On the other hand, Bai Lang's ability came as a surprise to Nan Yin. It turned out to be a bloodline type? The abilities in this world are not the familiar post-apocalyptic elemental abilities. In this world, abilities encompass various forms of energy such as magic, witchcraft, Eastern cultivation, and even necromancy. The type of ability Nan Yin activated yesterday, an inherent bloodline, also falls under the category of abilities. "Bloodline? Bai Lang, what is your bloodline?" Nan Yin couldn't help but show her curiosity. Bai Lang seemed quite pleased at this moment. Normally composed, he now had a smile on his face. "Miss, I have to start from the beginning to explain this." It turned out that Bai Lang's family belonged to a bloodline family in Baseles, stemming from the legacy of the Baseles deity from a thousand years ago - the Wildsand Wolf Lord. However, a thousand years later, due to various reasons, his family had declined. In honor of the family, Bai Lang's mother named him "Wolf" with the hope to revitalize the family's bloodline. It was because of the family's decline that despite his role as a security officer, Bai Lang had never possessed an ability. What Bai Lang hadn't expected was that after Nan Yin bestowed the advanced crystal core upon him, he unexpectedly activated the bloodline that had been dormant within him for hundreds of years! Upon hearing Bai Lang's story, Nan Yin couldn't help but sigh in amazement. In the original work, the character Bai Lang never appeared, so Nan Yin never had any expectations for his ability. To her surprise, compared to Fuhu Zhengsi's advanced speed ability, Bai Lang turned out to be the biggest surprise. "How is your ability training going? Can you both fight normally now?" Nan Yin immediately asked eagerly. "Both Bai Lang and I are now ready. We can demonstrate for you now," Fuhu Zhengsi replied, giving Nan Yin a satisfactory answer. Since they were ready to demonstrate, Nan Yin had no reason to refuse. The three of them directly opened the training system in the weapons training room, and several robotic training opponents wielding arms emerged from the room. "Fuhu Zhengsi, you go first," Nan Yin decided after a moment of consideration. After all, Fuhu Zhengsi had combat prowess shown in the original work, so Nan Yin wanted to see how he compared to his original depiction. Fuhu Zhengsi nodded and stepped into the training room, while Nan Yin went to the control panel to adjust the configuration of the robotic opponents. In an instant, eight robotic opponents armed with various firearms appeared in front of Fuhu Zhengsi. This was the standard set-up for an infantry squad. After adjusting the set-up, Nan Yin kept a close watch on Fuhu Zhengsi's figure. However, as the training commenced, Fuhu Zhengsi's figure suddenly blurred in an instant. "What's this..." Before Nan Yin could adapt to Fuhu Zhengsi's sudden change, he was already in action. In the time it took for the nearest rifleman to react, Fuhu Zhengsi had instantly appeared in front of him, swiftly striking him down with a knife! The time was so short that the other members of the infantry squad had not even raised their guns. Then, Fuhu Zhengsi's figure appeared in front of the next target... Like completing an eighth-level hurdle template, Fuhu Zhengsi took down each person in almost less than a second. In just thirteen seconds, a standard infantry squad had been rendered dysfunctional in front of Nan Yin's astounded gaze. It was important to note that the robotic opponents in the training room were far superior to humans in terms of performance. After all, they didn't experience fear or react slowly due to pain. This meant that if Fuhu Zhengsi encountered a real infantry squad, he would neutralize them even faster! "Excellent! Really excellent!" Nan Yin did not spare any words in praising Fuhu Zhengsi, who had awakened such formidable combat power. Now, she was eager to commence his mission to rescue the declining agency. With Fuhu Zhengsi awakening such incredible fighting capabilities, there was reason to be happy. Nan Yin continued to have Fuhu Zhengsi engage in several battles in the training room. She discovered that Fuhu Zhengsi's speed after awakening his ability was far beyond that of an ordinary person. Even those who were labeled as body cultivation practitioners, who hadn't formed a martial foundation, might not be able to keep up with Fuhu Zhengsi's speed. Nan Yin adjusted the training set-up to that of a tactical squad containing thirty-two people. However, Fuhu Zhengsi effortlessly handled them just as he had dealt with the infantry squad before. Whether it was thirty-two people or eight, they were all like wheat beneath his scythe! Nan Yin tested various team set-ups, including a standard explosive ordinance disposal team and a terrorist suppression squad equipped with suppression firearms. However, Fuhu Zhengsi easily took them all down, as their shooting speed could not match his movements. Finally, when Nan Yin had Fuhu Zhengsi encounter an armored unit in an open area, Fuhu Zhengsi, lacking the means to deal with the armored unit, eventually opted out of the fight. Seeing this, Nan Yin rubbed her chin, realizing that she would have to equip Fuhu Zhengsi with a weapon that could penetrate armor. New reader community: 666403941, welcome to all readers to join and encourage updates!

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