1097 - I Became a Villainess and Was Pestered by Beautiful Girls

## Chapter 1097: The Truth of the Antagonist In the cursed land, all who defy "Him" are exiled to this place. After pondering for a moment, Senior Xue sighed softly. "Fate..." She had come to some realizations. "It seems our observations and speculations were correct," she said. "This world inevitably experiences turmoil every so often. The perpetrator behind the scenes is 'Him', isn't it?" "Indeed," the exotic woman nodded. "When the number of cultivators in the world reaches a certain threshold, someone must step in to reduce it and maintain balance. That person is the 'antagonist'." Those who are destined to become antagonists possess immense power, similar to saviors. However, contrary to saviors, their mission is not to save the world, but to destroy it. More precisely, to destroy the living beings within this world. "This..." Xiao Zhou was both shocked and confused. "Why would 'He' do that? What benefit does harming the living beings of this world over and over again bring to 'Him'?" "He has no concept of 'benefit'," the exotic woman said in a low voice. "All his actions operate under a certain set of rules. We don't understand why he does this; we can only speculate that it might be related to the shattering of the original world..." When the number of cultivators reaches a certain level, it triggers the emergence of the "world-ending role," who brings chaos to restore the numbers to a normal level. From this perspective... Is this world perhaps struggling to bear an ever-increasing number of cultivators? Or perhaps... She recalled a theory mentioned by Vice Palace Master Fei Yao. A big fish devours smaller fish, willing to destroy others of its kind to complete its evolution. Only by evolving does the big fish leap out of the "pond," leading the group to a true future. Is all of this a game to 'Him,' or is it a "scheme" he's set up for some higher purpose? "It seems you've been pondering these questions as well," the exotic woman noticed the white-haired witch deep in thought and continued speaking. "No one can arrive at an answer because 'He' isn't like the heavenly law, capable of direct communication. All we can do is speculate about His actions." "You oppose 'Him' because you don't want to hurt others?" Xiao Zhou asked. "Hehe," the exotic woman chuckled bitterly. "Perhaps some people think that way, but for most of us, it's not so noble. We oppose 'Him' simply because... we don't want to die. After all, justice will eventually prevail over evil." No matter what kind of apocalyptic antagonist, in the end, they must be vanquished by a savior—that is the fate issued by 'Him.' No one wants to die; survival is a fundamental instinct for all living beings, even for those labeled as "antagonists." "This is terrifying..." the spirit maiden said, still shaken. "Are all the people detained here those who opposed and failed?" "Truly defeated ones were directly annihilated," the exotic woman shook her head. "In a way, we succeeded, just not thoroughly enough... Human, the fact that you made it here indicates you too are an apocalyptic antagonist. Do you know the end of your destined path?" "I know," the white-haired witch whispered. "On the Mount of the Ten Thousand Immortals, a sword through the heart, the seven stars—that's the calamity destined for me." "You seem different from us," the exotic woman gave her a deep look. "I hope you can go further... release me, and then check the next cell." "Alright." Using the same method, Senior Xue also released the exotic woman from endless torment. She left behind a pair of wings that transformed into a spatial gate, sending the trio to their next destination. This time, the environment improved slightly—it was a simple hilltop. There was a wooden house, fertile fields, stone tables and chairs, and a man with a refined aura sitting there, as if waiting for them. "They've already told you what needed saying," the man invited her to sit down, speaking with the demeanor of an old friend. "The apocalyptic powers are indeed stored here, and protected by the great formation of Yin-yang magic suppression. I've sensed the same aura on you. Has another apocalyptic power already surfaced?" Senior Xue nodded slowly. "Sword and magic blade," the refined man said with a mix of emotion. "We antagonists have tried to find and use these two powers. Rumor has it they are inextricably linked to the breaking of the original world, perhaps capable of altering destiny itself." "And the result?" "The result, naturally, was nothing," replied the refined man. "True world-ending power would never fall into the hands of antagonists like us." "Obtaining the sword and magic blade," the white-haired witch frowned, "does that guarantee a change in destiny?" "Not necessarily," he shook his head. "Don't forget, our greatest enemies as antagonists are who?" "Saviors..." Xiao Zhou glanced at the white-haired witch. "I have a question. If the antagonist's fate is so grim, why didn't you refuse from the start?" "Do you think we have the right to refuse?" the refined man chuckled bitterly. "Fate isn't something you choose; it lands upon you. Only when I glimpsed the heavenly law, fate, and 'Him' did I realize that everything I'd experienced was under His arrangement." That's the most despairing aspect. Antagonists don’t realize they’re antagonists at first; they believe they control everything. "It sounds..." after a moment of silence, the white-haired witch spoke up, "disgusting." "And despairing," the refined man stood up and nodded at the white-haired witch. "But seeing you arrive here, we've come to understand something." "No matter how hopeless the situation, there are those who never give up. Go on, meet your fate, and then try to break it!" This time, Senior Xue didn't need to act. The refined man dissolved into particles of light, leaving behind a gateway leading to the core of the cursed land. *[In a world far from perfect, under the void of multiple realms after the age of the original world, we have been perpetually caught in this brutal cycle.]* *[It's a type of order, a rule, and it gradually brews some form of upheaval.]* *[Piece by piece, bit by bit, until the turmoil finally erupts at some moment...]* When the narrative reached this point, the white-haired witch seemed to hear a distant sigh. *[Are you ready, Tang Xin?]* "So all along, I was still called Tang Xin..." The white-haired witch murmured softly. "I thought you were Tang Xin." With that, she stepped through the spatial gateway... --- A note regarding something... It's quite evident, as each mystery unfolds, that this book is nearing its conclusion. Everyone is welcome to remind me via comments or threads if there are any hints or gaps I've overlooked, given that it's a long story and even authors of great talent frequently make such mistakes... Additionally, I've been insanely busy lately, having to prepare for my next book, so the updates have become erratic... I can't promise punctual two updates every day moving forward, but I'll do my best. Sometimes there may only be one update in a day... In any case, I apologize here! Thank you sincerely to everyone who's made it this far. For a formal thank you, I'll write a proper note when the book concludes! Thank you all once more!