1098 - I Became a Villainess and Was Pestered by Beautiful Girls

# Chapter 1098: Breaking the Cycle A stark disconnection in time and space emerged. Tang Xin, or rather, Xue, clearly sensed a distortion in the time-space continuum upon passing through the gateway. It bore a resemblance to the temporal echo that took her back to the battle of good and evil a millennium ago, yet there was a subtle difference this time. The events within the temporal echo were genuine occurrences in the past—real fragments sealed away. The current scene, however, seemed veiled in a haze. While one could discern what transpired, it somehow lacked authenticity. It was a location on the Jiuzhou continent, engulfed in darkness, where the land and its creatures suffered unprecedented devastation from a war that left most people utterly scarred. The White-haired Witch sat upon her obsidian throne, gazing indifferently at the chaos below. "So boring..." she muttered to herself. Tang Xin sighed gently, realizing that, as an observer, she had gained the ability to move freely. "Where is this?" she inquired. [**The original ending.**] The System Girl succinctly provided her the answer. Senior Sister looked towards the White-haired Witch. This was the true "destructive villain." Approaching, she waved a hand in front of the witch, who emanated an aura of annihilation, yet there was no response. It seemed different from the temporal echo; here, she could only be a spectator, unable to participate. "I have destroyed nearly eighty percent of the void's beings," the White-haired Witch said again, "This should be enough to maintain balance, right?" She stood and waved her hand, summoning several loyal subordinates from the void, who knelt on one knee before her. "Proceed with the final battle as planned," she commanded, "I will return before then." "Yes, my lady," one subordinate replied, head bowed, "May we know where you are headed?" "There," the White-haired Witch pointed with a shake, "to the end of the heavens." As her words finished, another intense time-space disruption occurred. When Tang Xin came to, she found herself in a white, boundless realm. The White-haired Witch stood not far ahead, suspended in air, as if the entire world revolved around her. "I have completed my task," she said flatly, "and I now know of your existence. If you have even a shred of awareness, make the right choice." "Free me." The pure white space offered no response. The White-haired Witch waited, in this place void of time, for an epoch. Finally, she accepted the reality. "Hah, hahaha..." Her laughter was wild and mournful. "Is there truly no trace of awareness left? The guiding force behind the existence and operation of the void's realms is nothing but cold, unfeeling rules!" "What hope remains for this world? To march towards destruction in endless cycles and torment?" "False roles, false destinies, false worlds... If it is destined to perish one day, might as well be by my hand!" At this moment, it felt as if the White-haired Witch had undergone a transformation. Acknowledging the truth of the world, her eyes lost their light, replaced by an aura of "chaos" bursting forth. She tore space apart and stepped to the edge of the void. Tang Xin followed, with drifting debris beside her and endless darkness ahead. "Eternal Darkness," the White-haired Witch murmured, "the place you use to deceive everyone. There is no path beyond this world here. It's the deepest layer of the entire universe." "After the original world shattered, a large amount of chaotic disorder was produced. Without control, survival, let alone sustaining form, in the myriad realms was tremendously difficult. Thus, you had to sacrifice most of the space to seal away the chaos and disorder." "There has never been an exit beyond the world, has there?" "We live inside a completely enclosed prison." "You fooled people into thinking there was hope in finding an exit. Yet all who entered were inevitably consumed by chaos." "I won't fall for it." "If I'm to be the villain, then I will play the role to its fullest." The White-haired Witch turned to where Tang Xin was. "This time, I will break the cycle." Shoo! ... Tang Xin felt a sharp pain in her head. When she opened her eyes, she wasn't surrounded by void but rather a series of familiar anti-magic monuments. "Xue," Xiao Zhou supported her shoulder, “What happened? I saw you zoning out there for a while.” "I discovered some things I needed to know," Tang Xin replied without further explanation. The ending? She internally questioned. Wasn't I supposed to see the original end? "The remaining parts..." Dots of starlight appeared from thin air, forming a girl who looked exactly like Tang Xin, with a veil covering half her face. She pointed in a direction. "Over there." "What the heck!" Xiao Zhou exclaimed, pointing at the girl, "Who are you?" "You know who I am," the girl smiled faintly, "I am it." "...Are you," Xiao Zhou hesitated incredulously, "the System Girl?" The girl nodded. "No way, the System Girl really exists," Xiao Zhou swallowed, still in disbelief, "I thought it was a joke... But why can you appear this way in the Yin-Yang Forbidden Magic formation here?" "This anti-magic force only affects the living," the System Girl patiently explained. "Then why didn't you show up before?" Xiao Zhou asked. "Because only here can I truly meet with you," she answered, "This lifeless realm, unfettered by time or space constraints—a place even He doesn't wish to glance at." "Who are you?" Tang Xin asked gravely, "And who am I?” The System Girl smiled but did not answer, only pointing in that direction again. The three walked side by side, the atmosphere silent and somewhat awkward. "Odd," Xiao Zhou tried to ease the tension, "Why do I feel a strange sense of affinity towards you? Like some impulsive urge to... lick you." "You inherited part of my power," the System Girl explained, "Thus, in a way, our relationship is akin to..." "You thought I'd be a threshold and yet want to be my mother?" This anti-magic formation was identical to another, consisting of ten thousand anti-magic monuments with ten thousand anti-magic tokens each. The difference here was that it lacked any overseer or chaotic configurations. The essence of the curse was concealed well enough that nothing additional was needed. As they continued walking, they reached the formation's core. A deep, world-absorbing "black hole" loomed directly ahead. "The remaining parts of the ending," the System Girl said slowly, "are here..."