313 - I Don’t Want to Be Turned Into the Female Protagonist by the System

Chapter 313: Successfully Becoming the Homeroom Teacher (Part 3) Su Qi hadn't even imagined that her idea about livestreaming would actually get approved. It felt a bit magical, especially since she had already prepared for the possibility of failure. She soon handed out two new forms. The first form was drafted by Su Wei Yi for her to send to the parents. After all, Su Qi could now be considered quite the notable figure, unlike regular teachers, so people would undoubtedly take an interest in her. If it were discovered that she was teaching without certification, it would be troublesome for both her and the school. Thus, Su Wei Yi created a "Temporary Homeroom Teacher Agreement for Class 212." The parents, seeing that the terms only pertained to Su Qi's lack of a teaching qualification, signed their names without much thought. The second form was not only for the parents but also had versions for all the students of Class 212. The content was simple: if anyone felt uncomfortable with livestreaming, they could cancel the format right away. The students of Class 212 felt it was possibly the most 'human-rights-focused' parent-teacher meeting they had ever attended. Their gazes towards Teacher Su were filled with gratitude. After Su Qi collected the two forms, the parent-teacher meeting finally concluded with a perfect ending. She chatted with the parents and students for a few moments, and then the school bell rung to signal the end of the day. Seeing off the many parents, Su Qi finally let out a long sigh of relief. After standing in high heels for two hours, her calves were aching slightly. Her physical strength had dropped to 75, making Su Qi feel like her fitness level was truly weak. At this moment, the System Girl's voice spoke up: "Congratulations to the host for completing Homeroom Teacher Task 1. Since there is surveillance in your current location, please move to a location without surveillance to claim your reward!" Listening to the System Girl, Su Qi glanced at the camera above the podium. She figured she'd have to study how to set up a livestream in a few days and wondered if the surveillance footage could be uploaded to the internet. Then, the System Girl's voice came again: "Ding, since the host has completed the first part of the chained Homeroom Teacher Task, would you like to continue with the next part?" Su Qi was momentarily taken aback, then proceeded to check the task—Homeroom Teacher Task 2. Task Description: The host has successfully taken on the role of homeroom teacher. However, Class 212 is far from being an ideal or successful class. This transformation can't happen without the guidance of the homeroom teacher. The host needs to use her means to foster a class spirit of unity, discipline, liveliness, and the eagerness to learn. Task Reward: One accessory gift voucher. Failure Penalty: None. Seeing that the task reward wasn’t related to her concern regarding Xiao Xiao’s medical condition, Su Qi felt a bit disappointed. However, knowing that the illness was a difficult condition requiring rare items, she let go of her concerns. It was unlikely to be rewarded so early; it would probably come at the final round. With that thought, Su Qi accepted the task. At this moment, Su Qi's concentration aura passively dropped by 1.3 again since she hadn't been studying due to the lack of schoolwork. After the intense parent-teacher meeting and losing physical strength from standing for two hours, Su Qi didn’t want to read; she only wanted to close her eyes and sleep. But she felt that it would be dangerous given her weak physique. If a man were to see her completely off guard, Su Qi feared he might do something inappropriate. Looking at the clock on the wall, it was twenty past ten. Su Qi felt that relying on her brother for rides every day was really inconvenient. In the morning, she had to get up at six because of her brother. At night, she wouldn’t get home until eleven thirty or even twelve. Without the jade seal's quick recovery and the high-quality sleep from her silk pajamas, Su Qi thought her frail body wouldn’t be able to take it. However, not having her brother pick her up and only using ride-sharing seemed dangerous to Su Qi. Ride-sharing drivers were generally men supplementing their family income. She thought of her gorgeous passive buff and charm, coupled with her beauty score of eight, and felt it would be like a lamb to the slaughter. But having her parents pick her up wouldn’t work either since they were getting older. Just yesterday, when they just returned home, her father, Su Lu Jun, had dozed off. Su Qi believed that if he drove, it would definitely be fatigue driving and too dangerous—not feasible at all. As for why Su Qi didn’t drive herself, it was simply because she didn’t know how. During university, she was always busy with plans, using her time for drawing instead of learning to drive or affording a license. Just as Su Qi was dwelling on this dilemma, Liu Zi Xuan, the English teacher, happened to pass by Class 212 and saw Teacher Su. She opened the door and came in. Upon hearing from Su Qi that she was waiting for someone, Liu Zi Xuan nudged her with an elbow and gave her a knowing look. Su Qi could only think: I'm really not waiting for a boyfriend; I'm waiting for my brother! However, through Liu Zi Xuan, Su Qi learned that their international high school, Said, actually had teacher dormitories. Su Qi thought she should really discuss applying for one of those with her brother later. If not, far too much time would be wasted on the commute each day. Considering her current situation, time literally equated to money. Actually, the yet-to-experience-the-harsh-reality Su Qi didn’t know she was relatively fortunate with her short commute. Plus, she didn't have to squeeze into buses or subways. Knowing some people in Kyoto had to rent further out in Hebei simply to save on rent, riding a train before switching to subways for work, one could say that was the real struggle. Liu Zi Xuan stayed and chatted with Su Qi for ten minutes before yawning and leaving. Su Qi hadn’t found it unsettling when Liu was there, but after she left, the large classroom was only occupied by her, and the opposite classroom's lights were off. This sight left Su Qi slightly uneasy, leading her to call her dear "Mrs. Zijing" to report her big victorious news today. But just then, her phone vibrated unexpectedly. She checked and saw it was a call from none other than her rarely-seen sister Bai Miao. Bai Miao had been incredibly busy lately, for reasons known to everyone: Green City, known for thriving in real estate. In recent years, due to the controversial high housing prices, few young people could afford to buy houses. This year alone, the city’s real estate planning bureau repeatedly invited personnel from Green City Group to discuss the housing price issue. Maybe 'invited' isn't the right word; 'notified' works better. The so-called discussions about house prices turned into "big discounts." Thus, everyone in the Bai family had been running around dealing with various issues. Actually, Bai Chang Shan had made his stance clear; after all, Green City had shown signs of transitioning into the service industry in the past two years. Prices could be lowered as much as possible, but however, things weren't that simple. If they made concessions, how would other real estate businesses perceive this? Consequently, it required long-term negotiation, with no one wanting to be the first to stick their neck out, resulting in them constantly running around. Bai Miao’s trip this time coincidentally landed her in Zhejiang City, where she knew the little one was based. She thought to take the opportunity to meet her. She truly missed her ideal "little sister" Su Qi a lot. When Bai Miao looked at the sleep bracelet on her wrist, her heart filled with warmth. Hearing about Bai Miao coming to Zhejiang City, Su Qi felt very happy. After all, it had been over a month since they last met. Through this call, she finally understood why Bai Miao had been so busy—it was due to the highly controversial issue of housing prices. As a former man, Su Qi didn't know which viewpoint to support. She genuinely felt bad for how busy Bai Miao was, yet when she thought about how the towering housing prices made young people's scalps tingle, Su Qi felt a price drop was indeed necessary. On the other end of the call, Bai Miao listened to the silent Su Qi and found her unbearably adorable. She figured Su Qi must be pondering over this significant issue. Since Bai Miao herself didn’t have an answer, how could this little one solve it? Afraid Su Qi would waste too many brain cells, Bai Miao changed the subject, saying, "Little Qi, do you have time this weekend? Big sister brought you a gift!" A Gentle Reminder: For convenience in selecting books, the "Rankings" page of our website has been optimized, feel free to check it out!