314 - I Don’t Want to Be Turned Into the Female Protagonist by the System

**Chapter 314: The Art of Love, Su Wei Yi** Su Qi had arranged to meet with Jiemiao Jie over the weekend. Hanging up the phone, Su Qi felt a sense of dread about entering the busy workplace. According to Jiemiao Jie, she had been working for 17 consecutive days, tirelessly on the go. This revelation drastically changed Su Qi's impression of her; she wasn't just a "wealthy young lady," but rather a workaholic. After ending the call, Su Qi looked out the pitch-black window and glanced at the wall clock; it was already 11:20 p.m. She listened for the familiar footsteps of her brother outside Classroom 212 but heard nothing. Increasingly, Su Qi felt she should move to the teacher's dormitory. Waiting for her brother every day was surely costing her sleep. Actually, Su Qi didn't realize that her brother was thinking along the same lines. Su Wei Yi was currently in the principal's office, watching the surveillance of Dormitory 212. In fact, Su Wei Yi, despite having no obligations today, intentionally delayed picking up Su Qi so that she might propose moving to the dormitory sooner. After all, she needed more exposure to the school for it to leave a lasting impression. As long as he arranged a comfortable dormitory for her, his sister wouldn't be able to escape his grasp! Su Wei Yi didn't see this as overly cunning. Given his sister's capabilities, it was indeed worthwhile. Of course, he wouldn't underpay her in the future. Unaware of the scheme against her, Su Qi returned home at half-past midnight. Not only was her father Su Lu Jun fast asleep, but even her mother Lu Ran had dozed off on the sofa, which pained Su Qi's heart. After waking them and helping them to bed, Su Qi retreated to her room to claim the task rewards from that "Underachiever's Guide to Success." Fortunately, it wasn't as thick as a stock market manual; it resembled a regular textbook, with just the right amount of text, which relieved Su Qi. Eyeing the book's thickness, she estimated that she could finish it in under an hour. Knowing her first class tomorrow was third period, she gritted her teeth and embarked on a late-night reading session. Eager to devise a strategy for teaching Class 212, especially since her students looked attentive yet confused, their plight had troubled Su Qi as their homeroom teacher for days. By 2 a.m., she finally finished the book. The system’s output was genuinely quality—a comprehensive guide on boosting the confidence of underachievers and progressively engaging them in learning. It wasn’t a simplistic formula; as the guide suggested, building confidence meant doing more exercises, but selectively. Su Qi, the homeroom teacher, needed to curate problems. Public test papers often jumped from point A to F with little cohesion. Su Qi needed to streamline their learning path, writing relevant formulas on the board and crafting problems that built sequentially. This structure could ease their frustration and foster a sense of accomplishment. Guided step by step, students would realize learning wasn't as daunting, kindling their interest for new challenges. Aside from teaching strategies, the guide also proposed numerous class activities. It inspired Su Qi with fresh ideas, prompting her to consider assigning class roles—once neglected due to her introverted nature—like class president, vice-president, and study monitor. According to the guide, this was vital for fostering a thriving academic environment. Eager to enhance class cohesion, and with just 24 students, she planned to assign everyone a role. After gaining insights on students’ aptitudes over the past days, Su Qi felt confident assigning roles appropriately. Putting the guide down, Su Qi considered praising the system, but found it asleep, having neglected to let it use a phone earlier. Amused, Su Qi thought how ironic it was that while she studied diligently, her supportive system slept. It reminded her of a little girl needing rest. She decided against waking it, as rest was beneficial. Exchanging her uniform for silky pajamas, Su Qi lay down and promptly drifted into sleep, softly snoring. However, sleep's joy was fleeting. Four hours later, she was awoken by her brother's call. Seeing it was already 6:10 a.m., she briefly contemplated calling in sick. Though refreshed after four hours, she still loathed leaving her comfort zone. Freshening up with cold water, she donned her uniform and stepped out. Her parents hadn't stirred due to waiting for her, further affirming Su Qi's desire for dorm life. With live broadcasts available, her parents could watch her and she’d visit home weekly, likely gaining their consent. Grabbing bread and milk from the fridge, Su Qi rode with her brother. Su Wei Yi watched her nod off while nibbling on her breakfast, seeing her sleepy state as adorably endearing. “Little Qi, can you manage this daily commute? Should I arrange dorm accommodations so you don’t have to wait for me every day?” he suggested. Her spirits lifted, Su Qi had intended to mention this but was overcome with sleepiness after getting in the car. Noticing her bright expression, Su Wei Yi knew she was hooked. In fact, he had already arranged her dorm room—the best-lit, coziest one, fully furnished, with a luxurious bed and pink mattress to ensure she treasured their school. Su Wei Yi planned to gradually lure his sister into the sweet trap he’d set. Unaware, Su Qi eagerly agreed, her exhaustion undeniable. Hearing her response, Su Wei Yi smirked. The fish had taken the bait! **Reminder:** Enjoying this book? Add it to your shelf to find it easily next time!