340 - I Don’t Want to Be Turned Into the Female Protagonist by the System

### Chapter 340: Xiao Xiaoxiao's Dream Su Qi was unaware that Xiao Xiaoxiao had already discovered the "souvenirs" left behind by two of her significant others. While grading papers, she noticed the little girl seemed to be taking somewhat longer in the bath than usual. Concerned that Xiao Xiaoxiao might faint in the bathroom, Su Qi called out: "Xiaoxiao, don't fall asleep in the bathtub!" Upon hearing the voice of her beloved Su senior from outside the door, Xiao Xiaoxiao's face blushed as red as a tomato. She hurriedly responded, "I-I'm almost done, Su Su senior." Listening to the slightly flustered voice coming from the bathroom, Su Qi couldn't help but find the little girl incredibly adorable, imagining that she might have bitten her tongue just then. When she could no longer hear Su senior from outside, Xiao Xiaoxiao sighed in relief. She placed her shirt on the clean countertop and couldn't help but glance at that mysterious yellow ball. After contemplating for two seconds, Xiao Xiaoxiao secretly tucked it into the pocket of her skirt. She had her own reasons for this. After all, if her dear Su senior couldn't find it, might she not ask for her help? Hehehe. Su Qi remained oblivious to the "souvenir" that had fallen into the hands of the adorable Xiao Xiaoxiao. She hadn't realized that her two significant others hadn't bothered to tidy up the mess either. During their pre-sleep chats, they merely assumed Su was embarrassed and didn't bring it up. Thus, the "souvenir" quietly changed hands without a sound. At the moment, Xiao Xiaoxiao lay in bed, feeling sleepy. Yet, thinking about Su senior's secret and recalling the image of her using it, her face turned as red as a cooked shrimp. Her slender legs instinctively clamped the blanket, and she shyly rolled back and forth on the bed. After finishing her wash and making a few phone calls, Su Qi came out of the bathroom and noticed Xiao Xiaoxiao's adorable antics. She found the little girl's cuteness deeply ingrained, to the point she wanted to give her a kiss. Xiao Xiaoxiao quickly sensed Su senior's gaze. Realizing her behavior had been noticed, she felt slightly embarrassed. Nonetheless, recalling that she now possessed Su senior's little secret, she didn’t feel as shy. So, she boldly made a request, "Su senior, I need a hug to fall asleep." Her face flushed, she made an embracing gesture. Despite considering the bath-time little girl to be unusually forward—somewhat out of character—Su Qi couldn't resist the lovable aura exuding from Xiaoxiao. She decided to envelop her in a tight hug. Wrapped in Su senior's embrace, Xiao Xiaoxiao naturally hugged back, inhaling the fragrance of Su senior, and basking in the softness. She felt an overwhelming sense of security and comfort. Almost involuntarily, Xiaoxiao nuzzled against Su senior's embrace, finding the most comfortable spot to settle down. Feeling the little head burrowing into her, Su Qi found having such a clingy little sister quite endearing. She turned off the night lamp with her right hand, plunging the room into darkness. Exhausted from the day's activities and with the comfort of a living pillow, Su Qi soon fell asleep, her gentle snores escaping. Xiao Xiaoxiao listened to Su senior's steady breathing and the soft "fufufu" of her snores, feeling curious. It was her first time hearing Su senior snore, finding it adorable yet attributing it to the little yellow ball. After all, the product claimed it would help relax the body and mind, aiding sleep. Remembering the little ball hidden in her skirt, Xiao Xiaoxiao's face flushed anew. Somewhat embarrassed but also intrigued, she considered what Su senior used for such restful slumber. Remembering the seller's description that curiosity was inherent to girls, she was tempted to try it herself. Yet, quickly she felt it was too embarrassing, beyond her capabilities. Nevertheless, her curiosity persisted. As these thoughts swirled in her mind, she savored Su senior's scent. Her eyelids grew heavier as her thoughts wandered, and soon enough, in her musings, she drifted off to sleep. True to the saying, "What you think by day appears in dreams by night," in her dream, Xiao Xiaoxiao found herself linked with the little yellow ball and her cherished Su senior. In the dream, Su senior held the little yellow ball, ready to impart a lesson on the "thief" Xiao Xiaoxiao. The next morning, Su Qi awoke to find Xiao Xiaoxiao nestled against her, dozing with rosy cheeks and murmuring softly, her legs entwined with Su Qi's right leg. Su Qi didn't know what kind of dream the little girl had, but observing her flushed cheeks, she could tell her breathing was irregular. Gently removing Xiao Xiaoxiao's head from her chest, Su Qi watched as her complexion normalized, feeling relieved. Resettling her bangs which concealed her face, Su Qi couldn't resist poking the doll-like cheeks, feeling the springy touch of youth and collagen. It took four or five pokes before Xiao Xiaoxiao slowly opened her bleary eyes and let out a soft, petulant whine that carried a mix of complaint and affection, "Oh, Su sister, you're the worst." With that, Xiao Xiaoxiao realized that the Su senior before her was not the one teasing her in dreams. Quickly, she explained, "Su senior, what I just said wasn't about you—it was the dream-you." Seeing the blushing little girl gesturing to avoid misunderstanding, Su Qi found herself both amused and curious as to what kind of dream Xiao Xiaoxiao had. However, just as she posed the question, Xiao Xiaoxiao darted out of bed and hurried to the bathroom, leaving Su Qi smiling at her ever more adorable "sister." At 7 AM, during the morning reading, Su Qi reviewed the unfinished math exam from the previous day and announced that chemistry would be tested during the evening self-study. Her class, 212, inspired by previous experiences, confidently prepared to redeem themselves. In the evening's test, Su Qi noted significant improvement in her students' performance compared to the previous day's math scores. Seeing them advance, as their teacher and class advisor, Su Qi felt gratified. With a good learning atmosphere and camaraderie, the class gradually adapted to the exam rhythm over the following days, enjoying the sense of leveling up and progress akin to gaming, feeling a sense of fulfillment each day. But on the seventh day before finals, during the morning reading, Su Qi's presence was notably absent.