341 - I Don’t Want to Be Turned Into the Female Protagonist by the System

Chapter 341: Discipline and Habit "Teacher Su, why didn't you come to class today?" someone asked. It was because she once again experienced what she jokingly referred to as a visit from "auntie," a term she used to describe her period. This marked the third time since becoming a girl that Su Qi faced this situation, though each time the pain seemed to lessen. However, the initial day was always difficult for her to endure. Looking at her somewhat fatigued reflection in the mirror, she couldn't help but notice her emotional state was also a bit unstable lately. Ultimately, Su Qi decided it was best to take a day off. After all, attending class in such a condition could tarnish the dignified image she had worked hard to establish. Moreover, if even the class teacher appeared lethargic, it was akin to a general losing morale on the battlefield—how could soldiers fight effectively under such circumstances? Therefore, Su Qi called her eldest brother, Su Wei, early in the morning to request a day's leave. Su Wei wasn't surprised upon hearing his sister's request. A few days prior, Aunt Lu had specifically informed him about his sister’s health condition. When he learned that just two months ago, his sister had been so affected that she went to their second brother Su Ci Heng's hospital, he had even advised her over the phone to take a 2-3 day rest if necessary and to visit the hospital if the pain became unmanageable. Su Qi, however, declined her brother's suggestion to visit the hospital. After all, she had a mystical jade seal in her dormitory. Under its influence, her stamina consistently remained above 90 points. Despite this, the lingering weakness was something she truly despised. The students of Class 212, accustomed to seeing Teacher Su each morning, glanced at the clock on the wall—time was already passing by—and the seat at the top left corner remained occupied only by Xiao Xiao’s solitary figure. The absence of their familiar teacher left them feeling somewhat empty inside. Inevitably, a few students began worrying about Teacher Su’s safety. Given her striking beauty and seemingly delicate physique, effortlessly toppled with a gentle push, they were highly concerned about any accidents befalling her. However, soon after, the end-of-morning bell chimed, and the appearance of the director in Class 212 provided a sense of relief to the students. "Teacher Su isn’t feeling well today and will take a day off. The physics teacher will substitute during evening self-study," announced the director. Upon hearing this, apart from Xiao Xiao, who was in on the inside information, the rest of the students began inquiring about the details. The director, witnessing their sincere concern and realizing Teacher Su's unexpected popularity, could only respond vaguely since he was merely passing on a message from the principal. "She's just caught a slight cold and will return tomorrow," he assured. With this information, Class 212 students felt reassured yet slightly pained. They reflected on how after a full day of school, they would merely return home for rest, while Teacher Su would still bring home their exam papers to grade and prepare new exams for the following day. Upon realizing the depth of her dedication, nurtured through their own discussions, it dawned on them that despite her frail appearance, Teacher Su had been maintaining such an intense workload. Even their parents' company employees didn't work as hard as she did. Thinking of her daily schedule from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., with only one day off a week, the students couldn't help but feel guilty, realizing her warm smiles hid such exhaustion. Even without Teacher Su in attendance today to accompany Class 212, the learning atmosphere did not diminish in the slightest. Instead, the students' focus was even more intense during the math and science lessons. The teachers, who had anticipated some slacking with Teacher Su’s absence, were surprised to find no deviations from usual. Later, during the third and fourth periods of self-study in the afternoon, a time usually overseen by the class teacher, Class 212 took full charge of their freedom in Teacher Su’s absence. A month prior, such autonomy would likely lead to organizing game sessions or playing mobile games. Yet today, led by study monitors Zhang Yi Shu and Tang Zihan, the students voluntarily revisited previous exam mistakes and collectively worked through them without any objections. This scene, quietly observed by Su Wei through the monitors, made him nod in approval. It seemed his sister truly had a remarkable influence. In just over 20 days, she had instilled in Class 212 a disciplined character and a passion for learning. Back in her dormitory, after enduring a day of her periodic ordeal and under the nurturing effect of the jade seal, Su Qi's complexion gradually regained a hint of redness. Applying the lipstick her mother had bought for her, she immediately felt more spirited. Dressed in her uniform, with exam papers and her stock-trading manual in hand, she set off for Class 212. Though she had technically taken a full day’s leave, her growing fondness for the students over these past 20 days drove her to meet them before evening self-study. Realizing there were only seven days before the final exams, she feared it might be difficult to see them afterward. Feeling her health improve slightly, she resolved to show up and support them. Seeing Teacher Su, with her lipstick and slightly weakened appearance, the students earnestly encouraged her to rest more. Touched by their concern and having heard her brother’s account of the students' performance today, Su Qi was reassured about leaving Class 212 in capable hands next semester. Indeed, with a solid foundation in good study habits, Class 212 was like a fledged eagle ready to soar. Even without her guiding hand, they would undoubtedly fly high on their own. As evening self-study ended and following several days filled with varied, challenging exams, the anticipation built. Class 212, indeed the entire Saide International High School, was poised for the biggest assessment of the year—the final exams were upon them.